Revival of the Gods

Chapter 352: End of Yan Fei

"This..." Yan Fei looked at the space of light and mess, and gnashed his teeth. "Today will kill this, otherwise even if the deity comes, it is definitely not his opponent!"

Yan Fei’s wish is beautiful, but his means have been exhausted. Other fairy tales, the fairy is just a trail, and this law does not play any role in the base.

Yan Fei is anxious!

At this time, "咔咔咔" Xiaohua face transient, because he can see clearly, the sound comes from his right hand, the road crack is born from the right hand, along the right arm to the baby body!

"Damn! Damn!!" Xiao Hua roared, this is the shortcoming of no flesh, Xiao Hua's baby body can not withstand the power of the law.

"Peng..." Xiao Hua was just a hesitation, his right hand had burst.

"Haha!" Yan Fei had a feeling of escape from the tiger's mouth. He couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Hua is helpless. If he does not take back the law of space, his right arm will be affected, and the whole body will be destroyed. He can only accept Xianli.

However, it is only between the fingers, Xiao Hua’s left hand is raised, and “嗡” is ruthless, he screams: “There is a law in heaven and earth, I only follow it, if the law is unfair, I will be corrected! There is no way for the law, I will break the sky, open, open, open!"

Xiao Hua screamed and screamed, and a chain of law was broken!

"I... my God!" Yan Fei had the urge to hit the ground with his head. His nephew had almost a hand out of his eyes. "This... What is this fairy? This stick How can the fairy smash the law? Nnd, I know, this... This is not a fairy, this is a device that does not enter the five elements!! My life is rest..."

Seeing the wishful sticks and breaking the lock chain, I will get to the waist card. Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s baby body trembled violently. “Dangdang” sounded like a stick, but it was unable to move, and Xiao Hua’s left hand fell!

"Haha..." Yan Fei couldn't help but laugh. The feeling of the rest of the robbery drowned him like a tide.

"" Xiao Hua’s standing was unstable, his face had an abnormal blush, and he watched Yan Fei shout. “How bad are you?”

"Haha, haha..." Yan Fei stood up and smiled. "To tell the truth, whether it is supernatural power or strength, a certain family can't compare with you, but if you plan, you can't take a horse or you can't go to a certain home. Look at it. That one……"

Yan Fei slightly sold a finger in the distance, the broken case, the messy fairy fruit, the jade pot fell over.

Xiao Hua looked at it, quite puzzled. He was about to ask, and his eyes fell on two jade pots. He said with a bite: "I understand, presumably this space is poison, your antidote will be put In one of the jade pots of the fairy wine!"

"Hey?" Yan Fei was surprised to see Xiao Hua, almost to be in charge, he said, "I can't think of you really can guess! Yes, in order not to attract your attention, in order to be foolproof, a family is not only in space Under the cloth, the law is banned, and in all places that can be contacted, the secrets of my rule of the palace are distributed. This is the most effective effect on Xianying. The antidote of Xiaolingsan itself is highly toxic. Taking it in advance, so a family had to use two jade pots to release the antidote. Someone has been worried about being seen by you, but you actually don’t touch the wine, but it makes a white worry for a long time..."

"What should I do?" Xiao Hua listened, and his mind turned sharply. "There is a dissipated space in the space. Xiaomou can't send more than a hundred scattered babies. Then only Xiaojin can come out. But this law is forbidden..."

Xiao Hua hesitated, and the law chain was formed again. This chain is ten times more powerful than the previous bamboo shadow. It is said that Xiao Huayan is imprisoned, that is, the mind is also beginning to be difficult to get out of the body!

"You have to gamble!" To the end of the mountain, Xiao Hua can only pin his hopes on it! He took the opportunity to send a thing into the left-hand space, and then he could still use his mind and send out a dozen dragons and small gold.

Yan Fei sees that the space for the ban of the law is narrower, and he can kill Xiao Hua with a little more force, but who knows that there are so many dragons in the ban, these dragons are rough. The flesh is thick, and its dragon's body is bound by the law chain, but they are rampant and there will be some clutter in the chain. Yan Fei can't help but lick his chest: "I... I am going... How many means are there? You Don't run!!!"

Yan Fei saw Xiao Hua’s figure falling into a black monster on the body of Xiaolong, knowing that he was going to flee, Yan Fei snorted, and the big hand caught in the air, “呜呜呜” five law chains were out of thin air. Out, will be **** with Xiao Hua!

Looking at Xiao Hua’s panicked struggle, watching Xiao Jin rush to the corner of the law like a headless fly, Yan Fei sneered and disappeared, waiting to appear again, he has already fallen to the top of Xiao Hua, until here, determine Xiao China has no power to fight back, and Yan Fei is so close to Xiao Hua for the first time.

Yan Fei did not fall directly, but the shape of the bamboo knot was hidden in many virtual shadows. Xiao Hua didn't seem to notice it at all. He only tried to break free, and he also madly urged Xiao Jin in his mouth.

"Go to hell!" Yan Fei sighed, as if the heart was heavy, his left hand slammed his fist and suddenly raised it, with the hatred in the ink flying core, slammed to Xiaohua!

At this time, Xiaojin suddenly swept away in the sky, Yan Fei had been prepared, his fists continued, his body was slightly swaying, and he wanted to avoid the small gold attack. However, contrary to Yan Fei’s expectation, Xiao Jin’s tail did not attack him, but picked up Xiao Hua’s body, like a meteor flying to Yan Fei!

Yan Fei is stupid, what do you mean? Take the initiative to send the door to die?

Yan Fei stunned the gods, Xiao Hua's body shape has approached, watching Xiao Hua's face pale, Yan Fei's heart gave birth to a feeling of off, he shouted: "Go to death!"

Yan Fei left fist still slams to Xiaohua top door!

Seeing less than a few feet, life and death will be judged, Xiao Hua suddenly eyes like electricity, looked up to Yan Fei, also shouted: "Go to death!"

"A certain family is not scared..." Yan Fei’s answer revealed his guilty conscience. He hurriedly looked around and prepared for the change.

Sure enough, the change has come, Xiao Hua suddenly stretched out his left arm, cleverly passed through the chain of law that bound him, and his left hand gently patted the front of Yan Fei!

"What do you mean?" Yan Fei has some Nahan, because Xiao Hua has no fairy power in his left hand, no strength, there is no threat at all!

However, Yan Fei did not dare to neglect, his left fist hurriedly changed direction and slammed Xiaohua's left arm.

Still waiting for Yan Fei left fist to touch Xiao Hua's left arm, a biting ice cold came from Xiao Hua's left arm.

"Nnd, a certain family knows!" Yan Fei thought smartly. "This sings the frosted sword to his left arm. He wants to lead a family..."

Yan Fei hurriedly changed his move, and his left fist slammed into Xiaohua’s left body.

At this time, Xiao Hua’s empty left hand suddenly took out a drop of water and took it on the broken baby body of Yan Fei. This water-like thing is not the same as Dan Dameng’s Yuan Jie’s donation to Xiao Hua. Water really thunder?

"Hey... 煞水真雷?!!" Yan Fei saw it, but it was a sneak peek. He was eager to look at it, but he looked at the water from the scorpion. Picking up, a heavy ring of thunder blooms, Yan Fei snorted, not retreating, the baby body with a drowning true thunder to Xiaohua.

Yuan Jie said that this drowning is really a sentiment to him. Even the two celestials are not good enough to resist. How can Yanfei escape? Since he can't escape, Yan Fei is not going to pull Xiaohua back?

When it was said that it was too late, Xiaojin in the distance suddenly extended a tentacle. The tentacles were like a hook to bring Xiaohua along, and followed Xiaojin’s flashing light to the direction of the law. The dozens of dragons had already waited for the cover. Xiao Jin and Xiao Hua broke into a corner.

In the center of the real water mine, a dark water droplet is born. This water droplet is dark in the entire legal space, as if all the light is sucked into the water droplets.

"Boom!" Immediately, the water droplets burst and countless if the watery thunder flew out of the darkness, madly sweeping the entire space.

Yan Fei's face is like earthy color, and the water is really thunder. When the Thunder passes by, he has no resistance at all. The surface of the baby body is flashing silver, the body of the body is torn and shattered, and the crystal clear baby body is also transformed into nothingness in the thunder. !

"Booming and banging..." Thunder is like a tide, but all the law chains are broken, and there are thunders such as swords straight into the sky, hitting the blue light flashing waist!

The "咔咔" waist card was damaged, the law of the seal was forbidden, and the five law chains that bound Xiao Hua were turned into useless. Xiao Hua took off, and the heart sent a dragon and a small gold into the space, and then took out the broken tentacles of Sendai!

The bursting thunder tide is all about destroying the space and sweeping the space. You can touch the tentacles of Sendai and create a vision. The strange thunder of the tentacles turns into a flame. Although the shadow is bleak, the thunderstorm is like a torrent. Falling into the middle, the brighter the fire!

"Good!" Xiao Hua took a long sigh of relief and knew that he was finally out of danger. However, just as he had just slackened, a powerful idea was swept away from the broken ban!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua was shocked. "Yan Fei has a helping hand!"

Finished Xiao Hua heart in the space of a volume, what broke the waist card, what was blown up in a hundred and seven hundred bags, what a wishful bar, what is the Sendai tentacle is his income space His own figure is struggling to fly in the distance, but now he is in the middle of the body, the baby is weak, even if the body is also exhausted, his heart may have inserted wings of horror Declaring the capital of a country, his body is still lying in the air.

"Hey? What's going on?" A slightly old voice sounded, and the sound suddenly showed a surprise. "This...this is a real thunder?? Great!"

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The fairy friends, finally destroyed Yan Fei, it is a sigh of relief... Hey, the flowers can not be relieved, subscribe to the collection clicks are terrible!

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