Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3311: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing


   Tu Shanzi was not surprised, and explained, "Witchcraft is a taboo technique in the Taoist immortal realm, and it is very powerful. Xiao Hua comes from the Taoxian realm, and even the mortal world where he lives has a witch clan. He knows witchcraft is nothing!"

   "No, no~"

   Li He repeatedly shook his head, and then hurriedly waved his hand. A mirror surface appeared in front of Tu Shanzi, which revealed Xiao Hua's witch body.


   Even Tu Shanziyan exclaimed, "This is the Wu clan? Xiao Hua is actually the Wu clan??? Hurry, tell Dan Qing!"

   "Don't worry about the main mistress~"

   Li He laughed and said, "My lord has previously suffered from the Witch Clan’s losses, he must have been alert, oh? You see, my lord’s writing has accelerated..."

   Li He was right. When Xiao Hua showed the witch body, Wu Danqing also gave a thump in his heart, and whispered in secret: "Witch?"

   And Wu Danqing looked at the Yabi in Xiao Hua's hand, and was even more astonished, because he felt the strong vitality from Yabi!

   "No, absolutely can't let him out of the picture confinement~"

   Wu Danqing made a decisive decision, speeding up his writing.

As Li He said, Wu Danqing’s pen strokes look random, but each line carries the complexity of the scroll. The power of the world is not rash. Even the thickness of the lines represents different constraints. Wu Danqing I believe that as long as I draw all the lines in one stroke, the entire world will be confined to a closed loop, no matter how Xiao Hua struggles, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape!

   Wu Danqing has this confidence!

   Wu Danqing has this strength even more, because even if Xiao Hua showed a witch body and was holding a pen, he looked at the confinement like a ring, falling on him one by one, and he hardly knew how to deal with it.

   Xiao Hua eagerly drew some scrolls, but these scrolls were shattered by inexplicable imprisonment before they were completed, and they couldn't be formed at all!

   Looking at the lines around him, and the continuous and even different imprisonment on them, Xiao Hua felt like there was nowhere to do it.

He clearly knows the rhyme of painting, and he clearly has Yabi that is not inferior to Xing Tianding's pen. He even practiced the magical powers of finger painting. In the selection of the Tiandi Pagoda, he has won victory by relying on the rhyme of painting, but these won't work here. NS.

"How to do?"

   Xiao Hua's eyes swept across the lines, and the chaotic handwriting strokes in the Haotian Great Sword Realm appeared in his mind, as well as the eight pieces of "The Poems of the Sword" composed of handwriting and strokes.


Xiao Hua patted himself on the forehead, and said with regret, "Xiao should have thought of it, in the Haotian Great Sword, every word of the sword fu is broken into countless outlines of handwriting, and there is a coherent sword rhyme within these outlines. The outlines of these line segments in front of Xiao Mou seem to be simple line segments, but in fact, they also contain a coherent rhyme. These rhymes are displayed in a complex picture. Wu Danqing just extracted them. This is actually It is similar to the words of the Baojian Fu being disassembled, and the two have the same effect and the same effect..."

The more Xiao Hua thought about it, the more thoughtful he became. He looked at the Xiayun above the line segment, and said whimsically: "Xiao is now trapped within this restriction, the power of heaven and earth confines everything in Xiao, what Xiao drew They will all be destroyed by the power of heaven and earth, but if Xiao Mou draws pictures that are exactly the same as the rhyme of the painting, the force of heaven and earth cannot destroy it? After all, these pictures are the rhyme itself, which is the power of imprisonment. Part!"

   Thinking of this, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, closed his eyes tightly, let out his soul consciousness to perceive the rhyme of the painting, and the sub pen in his hand began to draw on the line~

   Wu Danqing naturally saw Xiao Hua swinging the Yabi, but he didn't disdain him at all. He didn't believe Xiao Hua could find a way to break this imprisonment unless he took out the giant sword again!

   And Wu Danqing didn't dare to be distracted. After all, the beginning is easy, but the ending is difficult. It is still difficult for him to connect the entire picture scroll smoothly and seamlessly!

When Wu Danqing made the last stroke, slowly pulling a thick line to the beginning of the entire line segment, his Xingtiandingjing pen began to flash with bright sunlight, Wu Danqing could almost see the beginning and end of the line. The space between them was distorted, and there were even black and white clouds flickering violently in the space at hand.

Although only the distance of a mung bean, Wu Danqing knew that this was a short distance away. He took a deep breath. On Xing Tianding’s pen began to grow a bunch of flowers, and when the three hundred and sixtieth flowers bloomed, he "brushed." Wu Danqing finally drew the starting point and ending point of the line together.


   did not exceed Wu Danqing's expectation. At the starting point of the line, a painting rhyme turned into a space Hongyun flowing along the line like water, wherever the space Hongyun went, everything was sealed, including Wu Danqing's gaze!


When the space Hongyun was closed, Wu Danqing's eyes swept across Xiao Hua's paintings, and he raised his brows, wondering, "What is Xiao Hua doing? Didn't he reveal the witch body? He didn't use it. The magical powers of the Wu clan, on the contrary, use a pen to paint. This...isn’t the strong man taking the embroidery needle?"

   Wu Danqing's Xing Tianding pen is absolutely powerful. Before he could see clearly, Xiao Hua was sealed in the space Hongyun!

"Ha ha,"

   Li He saw this, and hurriedly brought Tu Shanzi to fly over, and laughed, "My lord is so amazing, what makes you paint a moving world, it's too far away from your seal of Taoism and Hunyuan."

   "Congratulations, Danqing~"

   Tu Shanziyan also pursed his lips and smiled, "But just seal the strong enemy in two rounds!"


   Wu Danqing also smiled, and said, "This is nothing, how can I say it is also Qingcheng Great Emperor!"

   As soon as Wu Danqing raised his hand, he was about to pick up the picture of the seal.

   But when his big hand landed, his face changed slightly, because he actually failed to collect the picture!


   Li He also found something strange, and said, "What's the matter, my lord!"


   Wu Danqing frowned, UU read www.uukā "Why can't I collect the picture scroll?"


   Li He was dumbfounded, and said anxiously, "This is what an adult drew with Xingtianding's pen..."

   At this point, Li He suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "By the way, my lord, I saw Xiao Hua turned into a witch, painting inside!"

   "Even if it's painting~"

   Wu Danqing shook his head and said, "In my picture scroll space, none of his paintings are paintings, unless..."

   Wu Danqing suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

   "Unless what?"

   Tu Shanzi hurriedly asked.


Wu Danqing took a deep breath and said, "The picture scroll he made is exactly the same as mine, or the rhyme is exactly the same. In this way, the picture scroll he made can exist in the Huajiang space, and this picture scroll space does not belong to me. I can't charge it at will!"

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Wuming, Stupid Taoist, Xuanqing, etc.

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