Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3310: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing

It's another stick of incense, but this fight is completely the opposite of what it was before. Xiao Hua, holding a giant sword, like a moth to fight the fire, swinging his sword with all his strength to attack, the sword flower keeps coming and going, and the surrounding space becomes chaotic again. All kinds of hongyun are annihilated, and Wu Danqing's brilliance in the center of the space is constantly improving. The light sword with almost invisible shadow in his hand dances slowly, as if overwhelmed, but it is this kind of extremely clumsy sword dance. What sword light and sword intent, Xiao Hua's huge sword flower will die!

   "This play is moths fighting the fire~"

   "I have to find a way!"

   Seeing the sensation of soft bones and numbness, Xiao Hua's heart suddenly changed.

The giant sword in his hand is extraordinary, and it just resists Wu Danqing's light sword with its great skill and lack of work. This is inferior to the gods and demons killing, the cold moon blade, etc., as for the Kunwu sword, Xuanyuan sword, etc., they are similar. Xiao Hua did not It was necessary to show it off, especially Xuanyuan Sword, Xiao Hua felt unable to gain the upper hand, but was backlashed when he took it out.

   But it is precisely because of the extraordinaryness of the Juque Sword that even with Xiao Hua Dao's immortal Hunyuan's strength, it will inevitably be weak in the future!


Xiao Hua raised his head and screamed again, the giant sword in his hand danced like a dragon, and the mountain-shaped sword shadows gushing out again. The mountain-shaped undulations turned into mountains. Seeing the sword intent condense the mountains, Wu Danqing also opened his mouth and whispered, "Woo~" Then, Wu Danqing raised his hand to see the light sword appearing in his right hand, and as his hands were joined together, the light sword was turned into two, one with crystal clear and bright luster, and the other with black light inwardly shadowing, "Go~" With Wu Danqing's low rebuke, two flying swords flew out at the same time, the left one was like the sun, setting off the light, the right one was like the shadow of the moon, throwing out the shadow, the light and the shadow were rolled together, and all Hongyun was squeezed out!


   Two flying swords stab past, Xiao Hua's mountain-like sword intent was caught in light and shadow, "Boom~" The mountain sword intent was annihilated, and the two flying swords also flew upside down from the burst space!

   "Wu Danqing~"

   Xiao Hua took a deep breath, closed the giant sword, and raised his voice, "Your sword with lights is nothing more than that. Since you can't tell the winner, you and I can change it!"

   "Then hard can't come soft~"

   Wu Danqing smiled coldly, the lightsaber disappeared, and then he took out a seemingly ordinary brush, and immediately said, "You take the move!"

   "Xingtiandingding pen?"

   Standing on the bearing plate, Tu Shanzi's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "Does Danqing still hold this Xingtianding pen?"


   Li He smiled and said, "Adults are nostalgic, usually in Qingcheng, always holding this Xingtianding pen for the portraits of the big mistress and the little mistress..."

   "It's hard to be a Danqing~"

   Tu Shanzi's eye circles are slightly red, "I remember that I only met him because of this Xing Tianding pen!"

   Looking at Wu Danqing, who was holding the pen of Xingtian Dingzheng, Tu Shanziyan seemed to have seen the ordinary young man in the mortal world a long time ago.


   Xiao Hua saw Xing Tianding's pen, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Wu Wenyou's brush has any unique charm?"

Wu Danqing looked at the Xingtian Dingzhe pen in his hand, then looked up at Tu Shanzilan above the bearing plate, and said loudly, "One stroke is red, two strokes of Vientiane wheel. Three strokes open up the world, four strokes control the universe. Five pens are yin and yang, six pens turn life and death. The seven pens are dark, and the dimensionality is also returned to the yuan. Everything in the world is in my pen of Xingtianding."

   "It's so arrogant~"

   Xiao Hua laughed, and the magical power of finger painting was revealed in the raised hand, and said, "But with a small brush, you dare to paint the world?"

   "Then I will let you see~"

   Wu Danqing closed his eyes, squinted at Xiao Hua, and said faintly, "What is real painting skills!"

   After finishing speaking, Wu Danqing held Xing Tianding's pen in his hand and sketched it lightly.

   "This...what is this?"

Xiao Hua originally thought that Wu Danqing would draw a golden horse and iron horse, and the worst is also a literary group, but when he looked at it, Wu Danqing was just drawing some weird lines in mid-air. These lines were of different thickness and could not be seen. What a name.

   Xiao Hua naturally couldn't sit and wait for death. He had to use finger painting to remind the animation rhyme between his hands. The finger painting never made a stroke, and some clouds suddenly appeared around him, and then more and more imprisonment came out of thin air!


   Xiao Hua suddenly realized that Wu Danqing was not painting rhyme, but imprisonment. The lines are all directions, the power of heaven and earth that confines his immortal body, sight, hearing, and even thoughts!

By this time, the finger painting could no longer make merits, and it was embarrassing to show it. Xiao Hua was just about to activate the supernatural powers, but he sensed the continuous force of this imprisonment, which was more powerful than the immortal ropes. His heart moved and lifted. He slapped himself against the door.


   A blue light fell from the top door, and Xiao Hua showed a witch body!

   At the same time, Xiao Hua raised his right hand and took the Wu Dao Ren's Yabi long ago from the Wushan space!

   "Don't you Wu Danqing have Xing Tianding pen?"

   Xiao Hua's faint brilliance flashed around his body, his eyes looked at the endless imprisonment, and he said in his heart, "Xiao also has a pen, I want to see, whose brush is amazing!"

   On the bearing plate far away, Tu Shanzilan was also confused by Wu Danqing's lines. She couldn't help asking: "Li He, is Danqing doing graffiti?"

   "No, no~"

Li He knows Wu Danqing very well. He quickly explained, "Master, this is to simplify the complex, and draw the most critical lines in the complex essay array, and the adults use Xing Tianding pen to draw unique lines on each line. Some Hongyun, these scrolls that look like lines and outlines are actually a huge literary array."

"Mother, I don’t know if you have noticed that these lines do not intersect, you have a beginning, and there is no end. When an adult puts the ending stroke to the beginning, even if this scroll of heaven and earth is complete, even Xiao Hua It's Tianzun, he can't fly out of it with wings!"

   "Danqing is too powerful now~"

After Tu Shanzi listened, she finally understood that she looked at the lines all over the world and said with emotion, "I don't know how he cultivated, how did he extract these lines from so many complicated scrolls! "

   "Mother ~"

   Li He respectfully said, UU reading "Adults often say such a few words, if you have listened, you should be able to understand."

   Tu Shanzi said with great interest: "You said it~"

   "The dust is full, the years are long~"

Li He whispered, "When you reach the end of the sun and the moon, look back and see how many people you remember and how many things you remember? Draw these things, these people...then It's your life picture!"

   "Danqing is great~"

  Tu Shanziyan thinks that Wu Danqing is the number one man in the world!


   While Tu Shanzi was feeling very positive, Li He suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

   "Witch...Witch clan!"

   Li He looked at Xiayun whose lines in the distance had turned into imprisonment, and cried out in fear...

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Wuming, Stupid Taoist, Xuanqing, etc.

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