Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2783: Skynet is back

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Yu Chen smiled and nodded, "You don’t have to say about this. I can see it clearly, and the secret has done a great job. But this friend Chi Xian made it very clear that he is here to seek personal vengeance, not to do with Qingyumen, to follow me. There is nothing to do with Qianji Pavilion..."

"Jing Master~"

Chi Xiaoxia stared at Yu Chenjing, saying every word, "In other words, you can't be fair to Chi?"

"Friend Chi~"

Yu Chenjing said in a serious manner, "If it weren't for Tianji Dongfu, if it weren't for Qianjige, the representative of Jinyuan Japan, accompanied Fairy Qingyumen Qinglan, this seat would be happy to hear what Chi Xianyou said, and what to testify for Chi Xianyou. It’s not a bad idea, but the Chi family’s affairs have been finalized, and the words of this seat are also spilled water and cannot be taken back..."

"Jing Master~"

Behind Chi Xiaoxia, Xiang Rong took a step forward and said with a smile, "Yun Mengze's Jin Mu Lei eyes need not be said, but the head of Jing should know that Tian Ji has hidden five Lei Eyes in Huang Zengtian. Are you interested in listening? Tianwuxianyu Yilum mainland Yulinze Shuimu Leiyan's blood feud?"


Don't say Yu Chenjing and Fairy Qinglan, even if the old man Tianji himself exclaimed, he couldn't think of how anyone would survive in Yulinze? ?

"You...who are you?"

The old man Tianji couldn't help but asked.

"My name is Gangwon~~"

Xiang Rong introduced himself with a smile, "Of course, I have another name. I am called Xiang Rong in the Riding Shooting Mansion in Yunmengze. Tianji, your crimes are so numerous that even King Yama can't stand it anymore. Let me be in Yulin. Reincarnation of the Zejiang family, so that you can expose your evil deeds..."

"And I!"

Hagi also took a step forward at this time, looking at the old man of Tianji and said, "Heavenly secret, did you forget? In the Thunder Jia village of Qingyan Continent in the Purple Profound Immortal Territory, there is also a water, fire and thunder eye. You killed so many people. , I’m afraid I didn’t expect I would survive, right?"

"Skynet is full of sparseness without leaking!!!"

Listening to Hagi's words, Fairy Qinglan suddenly came up with such a sentence, and a trace of cold sweat broke out of her vest.

"How about you?"

The old man Tianji looked at Lu Shu next to Haimo and asked with a sneer.

Lu Shu didn't bother talking to the old man of Tianji. Behind him, Chen Xiaoyun flew out. His voice was different from ordinary people, with a cold meaning: "Tianji, I still remember the golden earth of the dongjiang continent of the Xuanxian domain. Thunder Eye? This is Chen Xiaoyun from the Chen family!!!"

"Haha, haha~"

The old man of Tianji laughed loudly and said, "Chi Xiaoxia, where did you find these celestial beings? If the lie is made up to your level, there is no one. I thought you would make up a fifth one. ..."

"Heavenly secret~"

Chi Xiaoxia interrupted the words of the old man Tianji, and said sarcastically, "Do you know what makes Skynet slender and not leaking? Although no one survives the fifth thunder eye, your sin will not be covered up!"

"What shit!"

The old man Tianji dismissed it and said, "You have made up four thunder eyes, why don't you make the fifth thunder eye?"

Jiang Haochen spoke and said, "In the next place, Jiang Haochen, although in the next place is not the descendant of the Tianwu Xianyu Tianqing Continent who was looking for the Hongshan water and earth mine eye and was attacked by the old man of Tianji to kill the immortal, I will benefit from the water and land mine eye, and I am willing to replace the dead souls. revenge!!"


The old man Tianji seemed to have seen a ghost, he couldn't even think of it. There are still people in the fairy world who know the location of the five thunder eyes, and there are descendants who come to the door in person.

"Jing Master~"

Seeing the expression of the old man Tianji, Fairy Qinglan felt cold in her heart. She didn't want to get up and said, "Thank you for the reception today. It seems that some secret things happened in Guimen. This seat is the Qingyumen. The head is really not suitable to be on the sidelines, let me leave!"

Yu Chenjing hurriedly got up, turned his head to look at the old man Xiaosheng, and said to Fairy Qinglan: "Also, I will send Qinglan to the head!"

Seeing Fairy Qinglan and Yu Chenjing getting up and flying away, Chi Xiaoxia didn't even pay attention. He didn't expect to meet them here, so naturally he wouldn't stop them from leaving. It's just that Chi Xiaoxia was also from them. See the ugliness of human nature.

"Chi Xiaoxia, Yu Chenjing and Old Man Xiaosheng are both Da Luoxian~"

Seeing Fairy Qinglan's figure disappeared, suddenly a thin mosquito and fly sounded in Chi Xiaoxia's ears, "The only thing I can do is this, you... be careful!!!"

"It's okay~"

A warm current rose from the bottom of Chi Xiaoxia's heart. He knew Fairy Qinglan was still good. Although she did not dare to take the murder case of the Chi family, she also led away a powerful Da Luoxian by leaving.

Not to mention whether Fairy Qinglan's behavior is useful, or even if it is based on the situation, but with such a sentence, Chi Xiaoxia is also content.

He squinted at the old man of Tianji, raised his hand with a **** spear, gritted his teeth and said: "Old thief of Tianji, Chi has been stubborn since he was young, and he does not like to practice. Dad and eldest brother have been scolding; The master gave this blood gun, Chi concentrated on practicing, and wanted to live the flesh and blood, and avenge his father, brother, and Uncle Qiu. Now he can finally face him, old thief, take your life!"

After speaking, Chi Xiaoxia rushed to Gaotian and blocked the old man of Tianji.


The old man Tianji laughed. He didn't even put Chi Xiaoxia, the senior of the Jiugong Palace, in his eyes. He didn't even sacrifice the immortal artifacts, and said loudly, "You deserve to be a stubborn child. When the old man of Yuanri is kind, I will spare your life. , You don’t know how to cherish it, but you will avenge your grievances. Even if the old man today killed you, Dao Venerable would not be able to say anything!"

Then, UU reading, the old man from Tianji even glanced over Fairy Xiu Kou and so on, and shouted: "Who else is going to take action?"

"Of course there is Xiangmou!!"

Xiang Rong yelled, flew directly to another place, and shouted.

However, he saw two immortal artifacts with his left and right hands respectively, a bright yellow circle around it was sharp, like the sun, a silver crescent, and a sharp sword.

"Whoever kills my parents will kill me!"

Hagi sneered, spraying black sword air into the sky, and stood on the other side of the old man Tianji.

At first, Hagi was still inconspicuous, and she didn’t look like a golden fairy. The old man Tianji didn’t take her to heart at all, but at this time Hagi released a dark sword light that contained demonic energy, and the momentum of her whole body immediately rose up and went directly to the Nine Palaces. Senior immortal, the eyes of the old man Tianji were about to fall out...

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