Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2782: Don't let others suffer, don't persuade others to be kind, you still

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Before Fairy Qinglan finished speaking, Chi Xiaoxia sneered, took out a Moxian pupil, and said, "The head of Qinglan looks at Chi, and Chi knows a lot more than you, I don’t know the two. Who wants to see it?"

It is a pity that, facing the Mo Xiantong who has recorded the truth about the five Leiyan's, no one is willing to take it, whether it is Fairy Qinglan or Yu Chenjing, because they are so tight in their hearts that this is a hot potato.

The reaction of the two did not exceed Chi Xiaoxia's expectation. He took his hand and said, "The head of Qinglan, the head of Jing, maybe in your eyes, my Chi family is basically a family, Chi Zhongping and Chi Yu The death of Xing and Chi Zhicheng has nothing to do with Chi. Chi is alive now, and there is no need to avenge them, even..."

Speaking of this, Chi Xiaoxia's eyes were a little red, and she sternly said: "Even in your eyes, the hundreds of lives in my Chi family are nothing at all. After all, we are nothing but celestial immortals, but qi immortals, if it weren't your Qingyu. The face of the door, you simply don't bother to investigate it, you don't bother to offend a Nine Palace Immortal for this, and offend a powerful immortal door."

"But the Chi family... For Chi, he is a family. Chi Zhongping is Chi's father, Chi Yuxing is Chi's eldest brother, Chi Zhicheng is also Chi's second brother, and even Uncle Qiu, he is more It's a piece of sky in Chi's heart!"

Fairy Qinglan squinted her eyes. She looked at Chi Xiaoxia and said faintly: "Friend Chi, things are not as simple as you thought. At this time, the murder of the Chi family is still under investigation. Of course, it's not just me. On the face of Qingyumen, there are hundreds of lives in the Chi family, but this seat made it clear that Qingyumen has reached a settlement with Qianji Pavilion, and the murder of the Chi family has already come to fruition, and it is impossible for this seat to turn back."

I have to say that Fairy Qinglan is also a respectable person, and her words are not leaking. She said that she did not give up or forget the murder, and that she also negotiated with Qianji Pavilion several times. This was the result of the old man Tianji apologizing in public. Just because Chi Xiaoxia came late, this result may not satisfy Chi Xiaoxia.

Of course, the extraneous meaning is also very obvious. You Chi Xiaoxia are satisfied or not, I don't care, I am satisfied, and I can't go wrong.

The old man Tianji was in consternation, but after hearing Fairy Qinglan speak, he sneered again.

The old man Tianji thought that Fairy Qinglan and Chi Xiaoxia were working together, but now it seems that it is not. Since Fairy Qinglan can't go back, what kind of waves can one Chi Xiaoxia, and several golden fairies and heavenly fairies?

"That is to say~"

Sure enough, Chi Xiaoxia stared at Fairy Qinglan and said, "Can't the head of Qinglan be the master for Chi?"

"Friend Chi~"

Fairy Qinglan said, "It's not that this seat is not in charge of the Chi family, but that this seat is already in charge of the Chi family. Qianjige Tianji has publicly apologized to my Qingyumen. I repented that I missed my hands on Yuanri, and I also accepted the Qingyumen. Qianji Pavilion Tianji’s apology, this is the end of the matter!"

"Of course~"

After speaking, Fairy Qinglan even added, "If friend Chi feels dissatisfied and seeks revenge from Heavenly Friend Fairy alone, then that’s Chi Xianyou's own business."

"That is to say~"

Chi Xiaoxia smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "If Chi seeks revenge, it is Chi's own business and has nothing to do with Qingyumen?"

Fairy Qinglan spoke more high-soundingly. She didn't answer directly, but smiled: "I'm waiting for the murderous case of Yuanri Day. My Qingyumen received an apology from Qianji Pavilion; Chi Xianyou is now Jiugongxian. , Has long been not a disciple of the Qingyumen outer sect. The weight of the Chi family's murder in the eyes of friend Xianyu may be different from that of my Qingyumen. Now friend Chi's visit to seek revenge is naturally his own business."

"Friend Chi~"

The old man next to Jin Jin took the opportunity to say, "Xianzhu Mountain Jin Jin is in Xianzhu Mountain, and Xia Xia, as a bystander and witness, also said a few words."

"Please tell me the golden fairy friends~"

Chi Xiaoxia nodded slightly.

"The murder of the Chi family has been a long time ago..."

The old man Dianjin said, "It is often said that the deceased is dead. The so-called deceased is dead. The Chi family has disappeared in everyone's memory. Not to mention that the immortal in Helanque is a disciple of Qingyumen. How many can you remember?"

"Looking at Fairy Qinglan’s evidence again, Friends Chi Xian was not unusual at the time... Xian Xian, after so many years, Friends Chi Xian has now cultivated to Nine Palace Immortals. As the so-called living beings are like this, Friends Chi Xian has already done very well. Okay, why bother to investigate the past now?"


The old man Dianjin looked around, and the corners of his mouth had a hint of meaning, and said, "Friend Chi Xian is too stubborn. He seeks revenge for some so-called relatives who have no blood relatives to him. Not only those who have nothing to do with you, Quanxia does not want to see. , Is it not good for Chi Xianyou's own cultivation, right? Can't it be said that these years of cultivation have turned into flowing water?"

The old man Dianjin’s words are not without threats, but they are so grand-sounding. Even Fairy Qinglan nodded secretly after hearing this. After all, he was a Jiu Gongxian. Once injured, it would be difficult to set foot in Da Luo, and even die away. Fallen!

Chi Xiaoxia's face changed slightly. Just as she was about to speak, the old man Dianjin smiled and waved her hand again, and said, "Moreover, before Friends Chi's future, the heads of Jing and Qing Lan personally questioned the friends of the heavens, and the friends of the heavens were also Recognizing the mistakes he made when Yuanri's carelessness, he has sincerely apologized in public!

"Friend Chi, as a Jiugongxian, you should look farther and have a broader mind..."

"Haha, haha~"

Chi Xiaoxia seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world. Before UU read, he burst into laughter, but he smiled, tears streaming down.

Chi Xiaoxia raised her hand and pointed to the old man Jin and said: "The fairy friend said so well, it's really literal. Chi really can't think of any reason to refute. But what Chi is puzzled is that for the so-called vision, for The so-called broad-mindedness, is Chi going to give up his blood feud? Fairy friend, you said that lightly, have you experienced the tragedy of being destroyed? As the saying goes, don’t let others suffer and don’t persuade others to be kind, you still give Ji Mou shut up!!"

The old man Dianjin's face changed drastically, and he said coldly: "Friend Chi, the old man tried his best to dissuade him, but he was treated like a donkey liver and lungs, and he still said insultingly..."


The old man Xiaosheng who has not spoken sneered now, "You have seen that Tianji not only apologized to Qingyumen in public for the Qianji Pavilion, but also apologized to Qingyumen in public, but also faced an inexplicable accusation from an immortal who had caught up with the door. He believes that we are here, you are the head, and I am the teacher."

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