Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2751: Even so, Xiao challenged all the students present! ! !



Xiao Hua gave a compliment, raised his right hand, held out the Flying Star Sword, and exclaimed, "Such magical powers, worthy of Xiao a certain sword!"

I don’t know, just when Xiao Hua was about to activate the Feixing Sword, Qingxue took the sword, and looked at Xiao Hua coldly and said, "Xiao Wenheng, although she is a female fairy in Xia, and she ranks second, could it not be a Wenheng sacrifice Don’t you think Wen Heng can use Huang Cong for blessing if you are out of flower?"

"This one?"

Xiao Hua hesitated. He knew his own affairs. His human flower was well controlled before. Now human flower is condensed on time. He has to use time to show human flower. He doesn’t know that Huang Cong has been blessed. How would Hongyun react to the forbidden land!

Qingxue looked at Xiao Hua hesitantly and frowned: "Your Excellency is certainly the only Wen Heng in the Heavenly Court, but if you give up the name of Wen Zong and want to fight with you, can it be that Xia is so unbearable that you can't afford Wen Heng to go all out? "


Xiao Hua laughed and stroked her palm. "The literary friend said it well. The literary friend abandoned the name of Wenzong to fight against Xiao Mou. If Xiao Mou did not try his best, I am really sorry for the literary friend, but..."

Xiao Hua hit his top door with a backhand, "Boom boom boom~" The flower was also released, that bronze color was as bright as the sun!

At the same time, Xiao Hua also had two Jia inscriptions "Feng Wo" rushing out. These two Jia inscriptions were similar to the word "Guang Li". Entering Xiao Hua's door to the door of the flower, the flower "clicks" loudly, and there are three yellow congs spinning out from the inside between the blooms.

On the three yellow congs, there are light-colored sword shadows falling down like a jade ribbon, protecting Xiao Hua


Qingxue smiled and said, "Thank you so much..."

However, before Qingxue's words fell, "boom boom", "boom boom", "boom boom"...the endless roar sounded from the words "rich" in the hole!

"Wh...what's the matter?"

Everyone was stunned, and hurriedly looked at the altar at Xiao Hua's feet.


Unexpectedly, the word "Fengwo" suddenly burst, and the entire altar was divided into two, "Woo woo woo~" As the wind roared, one after another Hong Yun rushed out like a dragon and poured into Xiao Hua's top door!

The artificial flowers are "Kacha", "Kacha", "Kacha", "Kacha"...

With endless resounding, countless Huang Cong whirled out from within, like the sea of ​​stars hanging over Xiao Hua's head!

"I...I'll go~~~"

Jing Lihe in the Xuhuang Tower screamed, "Xiao...Xiao Wenheng, many petals does your flower have...?"

Qingxue’s smile stagnated, and her face instantly paled. She thought it was commendable that she could evoke three complete blessings of white amber. How did she know that Xiao Hua revealed that the human flower actually evokes thousands of...,

No, Qingxue's eyes have seen more than one million Huang Cong blessing Xiao Hua, and judging from the splitting of the altar, the Hong Yun blessing for Xiao Hua by Huang Cong forbidden land is far more than that! !

Qingxue regretfully wanted to slap herself!

She was really not convinced that Xiao Huaji Kao had three hundred and sixty-one super-satisfactory credits. She really wanted to see the mystery of Xiao Hua's flower, but now it is good, this is the real move and smash her own foot!

Regardless of Qingxue's regrets, everyone was stunned. They never dreamed that there were human flowers that could condense millions of petals!

It's a pity that their imagination can't catch up with Xiao Hua's cultivation with wings, and it takes only half an hour to condense more than 70 million Huang Cong!

More than 70 million Huang Cong gathered at Xiao Hua’s top gate. Because of the space and charm, it looked like a crown. Coupled with countless jade ribbons flying, Xiao Hua simply released Qingyun to cover all the visions around Qingyun. within.

Finally, Xiao Hua glanced at Qingxue, changed the front of the conversation, and said faintly: "But if you take advantage of Huang Cong's forbidden land Hongyun blessing, how can you be the enemy in the next battle?"

As he said, Xiao Hua turned his eyes, looked at the 1,800 students around, and said in a loud voice, "In this case, Xiao challenges all the students present!!!"


Everyone was amazed. Such challenges have never been encountered before in the British election. One person fought one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine people?

Isn't this crazy and what is it?

However, everyone looked at the 70 million Huang Cong above Xiao Hua's head, and they knew in their hearts that this is not a dream, nor is it crazy, this is reality! ! !

"This guy is really pretending!!"

In a corner of the sky in the distance, the armillary sphere of the same realm couldn't help sighing, "I have never seen a Taiqing person with such a high level of force!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu smiled bitterly, and he couldn't help it. This is the rule of the Five Forbidden Lands for hegemony. With Xiao Hua's strength, he cannot challenge 1,799 students at the same time. But Qingxue used this rule, so he can't blame Xiao Hua for using this rule to challenge all the students!


Heicheng Zengxinglou Zhang Zhengzi narrowed his eyes. He turned his head to look at the crowds of students. He took the ink pen with his left hand and patted his top door with his right hand. He said, "Since Xiao Wenheng has such confidence, I will accompany Xiao Wenheng crazy. , To see if it can create the only Wenzong in the Heavenly Court, and also a British election that has never been seen before!"

With the appearance of the perfect three flowers above Zhang Zhengzi's human flower, the word "Chengzhen" appeared in the true north. The two characters opened in the hole, and there are two heavens and earth where yin and yang remain consistent and unbiased, and everything is solid and durable. Hong Yun rushed out and fell to Zhang Zhengzi's door to condense three Xuanhuang!

"Since Zhang Wenyou has the heart to fulfill it~"

Chicheng Xiaoxialou Xibo also laughed loudly, "I am also willing to have a fight with Xiao Wenheng!"

Said that Xibo raised his hand and tweeted the to release the artificial flower. After Xibo, the word "Zhaoheng" appeared in the south direction of the altar, and the same, the two words were wide open, yes The lush and prosperous heaven and earth Hongyun burst out of the sky, and fell on top of Xibo's head to make three red Zhangs.

"I'm coming too~"

Qingyun Tower in Qingcheng doesn’t speak much in Su Lian, holding a spear flying out, where the artificial flower is revealed, and the altar is east of the altar, and there is also the word “Tai Yuan” opening, and even the unbiased Hong Yun of the beginning of life has fallen to Su Lian. Among the flowers, three Qinggui condensed!

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Before the Xuhuanglou Jing left the crane to speak, the Jing of Huangcheng Academy came out more and more, and the judge said, "At the next Huangcheng Academy, the gambling agreement between Huangcheng Academy and Tianshu Academy will be known early next. Previously at Kuixingtai. Before, I hesitated again and again, I don’t know if I should challenge Xiao Wenkui. At this time, Xie Wenheng gave me the opportunity to not only make up for my previous regrets, but also to maintain the reputation of the Academy, I would like to challenge Xiao Wenkui in the name of Huangcheng Academy. Xiao Wenheng!"

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