Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2750: I wait for only Xiao Hua to fight!


I don't know if it was Zhaoming Qitianlu intentionally or unintentionally. On the altar, a tower-shaped temple shook upside down, and the Yingxuan Wanxiong Pu appeared in front of everyone!

At this time, Wanxiong's score is different from the previous one. Except for the slightly flickering 1,800 names in front of the head, and the brave test has not yet scored, all the other names have been condensed into bronze!

Xiao Hua saw that he was among the top, and he already understood the purpose of these Confucian immortals. He touched his nose, and the more people came out, smiling and saying: "Under Xiao Hua, I don't know what advice?"

"I am Baiyujing Baicheng Academy Qingxue~"

The picturesque Qingxue was the first to bear the brunt. She raised her hand to Wanxiong Pu and said, "Now ranked second in Wanxiong Pu, I want to challenge you!!"

"I am Zhang Zhengzi from the Black City Star-picking Tower, now ranked third in Wanxiong's spectrum, I want to challenge you!"

"I am Xiaoxialou Xibo in Chicheng. Now I am ranked fourth in Wanxiong's spectrum. I want to challenge you!"

"I am Su Lian, Qingyun Tower, Qingcheng. Now I am ranked fifth in Wanxiong's spectrum. I want to challenge you!"


"It won't happen~"

Xiao Hua looked at the Sifang Sicheng Confucian immortals, each of them looked at him without fear, challenged them, and said with a wry smile, "You will challenge Xiao as soon as you come up, aren't you afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty?"

"What's the point of challenging others?"

Qingxue looked at Xiao Hua and said word by word, "Facing Wanxiong's first score, if you pass by, it will be a pity!"

"Not bad!"

Zhang Zhengyi also exclaimed, "If you can't fight Xiao Wenheng, Zhang will regret it for life!"

Seeing the imposing spirits of the Confucian scholars and immortals around him, Xiao Hua couldn't help but sigh, and said in his heart: "This is the true elite of the human race. In comparison, the previous Huangcheng students were inferior."

Facing the challenges of the four cities, Huangcheng Academy Jing was ashamed.

Just as Xiao Hua thought, Jing already had the same plan. He wanted to challenge the lower-ranked students. He could get one token and count one. If by chance, he could get three dollars, he would immediately leave the five forbidden lands to fight for hegemony. , To preserve the reputation.

Jing was ranked eleventh in Wanxiong's spectrum at this time, which was considered high, but he knew better that the reason he was ahead was that he had taken some advantage in the long exam, and his brave exam results were not bad for the time being.

However, the reason why brave exams are called courageous risk lies in the risk of brave exam results in addition to life and death. Once there is something wrong in the three rounds or even the five-city hegemony, it will immediately fall a lot, so it is the habit of many students to accept when they meet.

This is also the reason why Jing has not dared to challenge Xiao Hua in front of the Kuixing Platform.

However, even if there is no sharp edge in the five cities, as Zhang Zhengyi said, he must regret his life, so Jing has flew out with a sword, standing next to Xiao Hua, and said faintly: "I am Jing already in Huangcheng Academy. , Now ranked 11th in Wanxiong's spectrum, I will challenge Akagi literati!"

"I am Huangcheng Xuhuanglou Jinglihe. Now I am ranked sixth in Wanxiong's spectrum. I will challenge Baicheng literary friends!"

"I am Chaishang in the Yulou of Huangcheng Group. Now I am ranked tenth in Wanxiong's spectrum. I will challenge the literati in Heicheng!"

"I am Leng Xian of Qiyun Tower in Huangcheng, and now I am ranked sixteenth in Wanxiong's spectrum. I will challenge the literati in Qingcheng!"


After Jing had passed, the students flew out one after another, standing around Xiao Hua, glaring at the students in Sicheng.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hua smiled, the human blood is still there, and the inheritance of the human race is immortal.

"Don't worry~"

Qingxue looked at Jing Lihe disdainfully, and said faintly, "What you have is the opportunity to challenge, but the challenge now does not belong to you!"

Afterwards, Qingxue looked at Zhang Zhengzi at the Star Tower and said: "I am ranked second, and the right to fight Xiao Wenheng in the first battle is in my hands!"


Zhang Zhengzi nodded and said, "I should follow soon!"

After Zhang Zhengzi waved his hand, Heicheng's three hundred and sixty students followed him and flew one hundred thousand meters behind.

"Zhang Wenyou~"

Xuhuanglou Jinglihe was anxious, chasing after him and shouted: "Jingmou challenges you!"


Zhang Zhengyi looked at Jing Lihe, and said coldly, "If it is normal, Zhang will naturally respond, but at this time Zhang will only fight Xiao Wenheng, and everyone else should not fight!"

"Waiting for this is a wheel fight!!"

Jing Lihe shouted, "This is unfair to Xiao Wenheng."

"Don't worry~"

Zhang Zheng glanced at the other three-city students and said, "Zhang has patience. As long as Xiao Wenheng is undefeated, Zhang will wait!!!"

While talking, in addition to the Huangcheng students, the other students have already flown upside down.

Qingxue clasped her fists in her hands and said respectfully to Xiao Hua: "Under Qingxue, challenge Xiao Wenheng!"

"Good to say~"

Xiao Hua clasped his fists in return and replied, "Under Xiao Hua, challenge!!!"


Qingxue raised her right hand and looked at Xiao Hua with wonderful eyes.


Xiao Hua squinted his right hand and struck Qingxue with his right hand.


With a crisp sound, the Huang Cong and Bai Hu totems on Xiao Hua and Qingxue's chests flashed at the same time, and two circles of Xia Cai gushed out, and after working together, they condensed into a clear platform of yellow and white.

The place where Xiao Hua stood was the earthy yellow place, and the place where Qingxue stood was the silvery white place.


Qingxue glanced at Xiao Hua, raised her hand extremely solemnly, and patted a bronze artificial flower pouring out of her head.

Among the three-petal intact human flower, countless inscriptions gush out like a fountain, making a "boom boom boom" trembling sound, and with the trembling sound, the surrounding is even more like fish scales. The end is dazzling!


Xiao Hua was a little surprised, and said secretly, "What kind of secret technique is this?"

Just in the midst of Xiao Hua’s doubts, in the west direction, the place where the word "Li" burst broke out and the two inscriptions of "Guang Li" appeared. These two characters are a bit weird. Although they are not "yin and yang", they can be like "Guang Li". In the opening of the portal hole, two different grand rhymes flooded like the sky and the yin and yang. In this grand rhyme, there are red dust and all things thriving, and each has its own suit!

"what 's wrong?"

Xiao Hua perceives the strange emergence of Hongyun in the closed world, making Monk Zhang Er even more confused.

However, the ensuing scene brightened his eyes.

But see those two rosy rhymes rushed into Qingxuedingmen flowers like Tianhe, the flowers "click" resoundingly, and there are three white ambers whirling out from the inside in the bloom.

On the three white ambers, a light-colored sword shadow pours down like a waterfall, protecting Qingxue.

Looking at the light-colored sword shadow falling into the air, it seemed as if the water dripping from the front of the eaves was constantly flowing, and it was actually a third of Qingyun!

"This...this is the blessing of Hongyun from Bai Hu's Forbidden Land?"

Xiao Hua suddenly woke up.

Sure enough, Qingxue lifted a mouthful of the ice and snow blade with his right hand, and the glamour of the ice and snow blade seemed to be more than three points stronger than the ordinary sword spirit!

Goddess Day, all goddesses are happy and happy.

Qingxue...a proper goddess.

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