Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2688: plot


Qi Yan also smiled and said, "Could it be that you have gotten more accurate news?"

"There is no more precise news~"

Jiang Yuanming smiled mysteriously, "But before the academy was closed, I got the last news..."

Qi Yan couldn't wait any longer, and urged: "Say it~"

"There were 3,140 students who signed up for the selection this time~"

Jiang Yuanming sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "Before the Tianshu Academy was closed, none of the students came out. What does this mean?"


Qi Yan caresss his palm, "This shows that Gu Li has no intention of selecting. He has put all the students into the college, and wants to pray for luck, and see if there are outstanding disciples coming out!"

"Haha, yes, the original poster Qi is too right!"

Jiang Yuanming also laughed and said, "This shows how urgent Gu Li's desire for talents is!"

"It's a pity~"

Qi Yan changed his words, "Even if he is thirsty for seeking talents, the more than 3,000 students are all the remaining people from Huangcheng Academy or even my Xuhuang Building. How can they emerge in the British election?"

"So you don't have to worry about anything~"

Jiang Yuanming said, "After the Tianshu Academy is closed, I will write to Huangcheng Academy and ask for it to be taken over. By that time, the heavenly books in the Academy will belong to the original master Qi?"

"No, no~"

Qi Yan heard it and waved his hand immediately, "It's ours!"

"Lord Qi, I have self-knowledge here~"

Jiang Yuanming laughed and said, "If the Tianshu Academy were not closed, my Huangcheng Academy could take over, and the host Qi would never come to find cooperation with him, so he dare not covet any heavenly books. As long as the host Qi can read the books, Just borrow it for the next view!"

Qi Yan was very satisfied. He patted his chest and said, "Jiang Yuanzheng is relieved. What Qi has said can't not count. As long as Qi gets the heavenly book, he will give it to Jiang Yuanzheng if he gets the book!"

"Thank you, hostess Qi!"

Jiang Yuanming was even more happy, but after he finished speaking, he tentatively said, "Actually, I have always had a question in the next. I didn't dare to ask more before. Now that the Yingxuan is about to open, I have reported the battle between Huangcheng Academy and Tianshu Academy..."

Before Jiang Yuanming finished speaking, Qi Yan said with a smile: "Jiang Yuanzheng has anything to say, don't have any scruples!"

"The next thing I want to ask is~"

Jiang Yuanming cautiously said, "With the power of the original poster, even if the book of the Tianshu Academy is not mentioned, even if it is Gu Li's life, it is just a task for you. Why do you have to spend so much time?"


Qi Yan smiled slightly and said, "Qi must answer this question truthfully, but after Qi has finished speaking, can Jiang Yuanzheng also answer Qi's question?"

Jiang Yuanming was taken aback for a moment, then nodded hurriedly and said, "Naturally!"

"It's actually very simple~"

Qi Yan said, "The Tianshu Academy has hidden the location of the Tianshu, and it is not possible for disciples of the Gu family to open it. If it is not for the real takeover of the Tianshu Academy, Qi is unlikely to see the Tianshu.

"Furthermore, let’s not hide the truth from Jiang Yuanzheng, Qi once went to the Tianshu Academy privately. In addition to the mystery of the Tianshu, there is a very strange aura. Warning, warn outsiders not to break in easily!"

"Qi hesitated for a long time, after all, he didn't dare to enter!"


Jiang Yuanming sucked in a cold air and said, "Even the original poster Qi doesn't dare to go in?"


Qi Yan nodded and said, "Presumably there are many people with the same purpose as Qi, who were also scared away by the breath, otherwise how could the heavenly book of the Tianshu Academy be kept?"


Jiang Yuanming stopped talking again.

"Don't worry~"

Qi Yan understood what Jiang Yuanming meant, and smiled, "You control the Tianshu Academy, so you can naturally know what that breath is. As the director of the Tianshu Academy, you should open the Tianshu...that's natural!"


Jiang Yuanming replied, "I understand."

"Then Qi must ask you~"

Qi Yan looked at Jiang Yuanming and said, "Huangcheng Academy is one of the five cities academy. It’s a suspicion of bullying the small by a big fight with the Tianshu Academy. Jiang Yuanzheng is unlikely to bet on his own Qingshu. Yu, is this behind..."

Speaking of this, Qi Yan didn't say any further, but even so, Jiang Yuanming's face changed slightly, he opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

"Haha, haha~"

Qi Yan laughed and said, "Does Jiang Yuan have a relationship with others?"


Jiang Yuanming nodded honestly.


Qi Yan asked again, "Is it related to...Nangong Shiru back then?"

When Jiang Yuanming heard that it had nothing to do with Wennuo, he smiled and nodded, but still did not speak.


Qi Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "Sure enough, it looks like Qi is betting right!"

"What... what do you mean?"

Jiang Yuanming was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Lord Qi...have...had you already known it?"

"Of course~"

Qi Yan said with confidence, "Do you think that the secrets of the heavenly book, Qi can casually find someone to cooperate? If Qi didn't know that the family would report it, he would definitely retaliate against the Tianshu Academy for Nangong Shiru, and the family was reprimanded by the emperor , They will definitely find someone to pick things up, otherwise how could Qi find you and let Huangcheng Academy fight with Tianshu Academy?"

Jiang Yuanming was stupid. He really couldn't think Qi Yan's words were true or false. After all, his cooperation with the Nangong family was extremely secretive, and it was accidental. How could Qi Yan know?

Even if Qi Yan understood the technique of divination, wouldn't the Nangong family reverse yin and yang?


Jiang Yuanming was in shock, when a breeze suddenly blew up, and the messenger in his sleeve moved.

"Lord Qi, wait a minute~"

Jiang Yuanming looked at the messenger and hurriedly got up and said apologetically.

"No problem~"

Qi Yan smiled, knowing that his words had calmed Jiang Yuanming.

Jiang Yuanming had just walked to the corner of the main hall and suddenly exclaimed: "What? Xiao...Xiao Wenheng was fighting on behalf of the Tianshu Academy..."

Qi Yan was also stunned, his smile condensed on his face, and he hurriedly got up and shouted: "Jian Yuanzheng, what's the matter? Which Xiao Wenheng?"

"Siu Hua!!"

Jiang Yuanming received the messenger and stopped going outside the hall. He turned around and gritted his teeth and said, "He is in the Tianshu Academy, and now the Tianshu Academy is open, he will follow Gu Li to the Xuhuangcheng to participate in the British election!!"

"Damn it!"

Qi Yan cursed lowly, UU reading www. "How come a Xiao Wenheng suddenly appeared?"

"I suspect he has always been in the Tianshu Academy!"

Jiang Yuanming squinted his eyes and said, "The Tianshu Academy has been closed for a thousand years just to block his news and prepare to catch us by surprise!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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