Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2687: Liu Yan? Control the floating map


A beam of light shot out of thin air, and suddenly beat Liu Yanyi into the air.

"What is fierce~"

Liu Yanyi stood still in the air, pinching his waist and saying, "When I find Xiao Da Xianying, I will beat you all over to find your teeth, eh??"

At this point, Liu Yanyi suddenly discovered that the place where he had just been injured by the Seamless Tower was recovering quickly in the light.

It turns out that this light is not malicious at all.


Liu Yanyi laughed loudly, raised his hand, took the seamless tower that had fallen in the air in his hand, and said to Xi Mujing, "Xi Mujing, are you going to die or want to float?"

"How fateful, what about floating pictures?"

Xi Mujing was imprisoned by Li He and was unable to break free. She looked at Yin Dong beside her and asked with a sigh in her heart.

"If you want to die, hand in the floating picture!"

Liu Yanyi smiled and said, "If you want a floating picture, then hand over your life!"

"Brother Dong~"

The stupid Taoist flew over, looked at Yin Dong, and said word by word, "With what Xi Mujing did before, a hundred deaths are not enough to atone for his sins."

"But judging from the love of fellow disciples of the ancient family, my Liu family is willing to keep Xi Mujing alive!"

"Of course, the price is the floating picture that Yier said!"

Liu Zhifei also flew over, glanced at the pale-faced Xi Mujing and Yin Dong, and persuaded him: "Xi Mujing, Yin Dong, I didn't know what happened to you before, but now I want to come, you may fall into someone else's. Calculate."

"But in any case, your husband and wife are currently in harmony with He Meimei. Not only do you have your own team in Jiechong, Feng Rong'er is now under your knees. Isn't this happiness enough?"

"Let's think about it later, if the person just started doing something, or if Yi'er said, all these happiness will turn into running water, don't you think it is a pity to wait?"

Liu Yanyi looked at Xi Mujing and Yin Dong and looked at each other, knowing that they were moving, and simply said: "The floating picture was created by you, but it has not been carried forward in your hands. Since you have no control, even if you give it to Rong. Sister, that also hurt her!"

"In the future, you will let go, but you will still be the person of Float. The effect of Float on you will not decrease, but will increase. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

"Fine, nothing~"

Yin Dong listened and sighed, "Since I let go, I won't stay again, but I hope Rong'er will still stay in Futu..."


Liu Yanyi smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Dong rest assured that Feng Rong'er will still be the nominal master of Futu in the future, and her power and status will not change."


Xi Mujing finally nodded and said, "I will hand over the floating map!"

"Please also Uncle Dong and Aunt Jing send a promise~"

Liu Yanyi said with a smile.

After the two gave a promise, Liu Yanyi waved his hand to help them release their imprisonment. How did you know where Yingluo fell, and Li He's imprisonment didn't move.

"No need~"

Xi Mujing said, "Wait a few more days, the transmission spiral will take shape, we will be transported back to the immortal realm to rush, and this imprisonment will naturally be released!"

Liu Yanyi heard this and hurriedly looked under her body. Sure enough, another spiral outline was slowly condensing, but the direction of rotation was exactly the opposite of that of the fairy world...

Xiao Hua didn't know that Liu Yanyi was so powerful now. He also wanted to quickly finish the Star Rainbow Sacrifice, and he had time to send it back to the Dao Immortal Realm to find Liu Yanyi!

As for Liu Yanyi, she had mentioned to Liu Zhifei and others before that she wanted to find Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu through the Luoyi Business League, but considering that the Luoyi Business League is too close to Yuxian, Liu Zhifei could not believe it, so Liu Yanyi didn't go to the Luoyi Business League, she took the floating picture in her hand, and perhaps one of the purposes was to find Xiao Daxianying!

There are many things Xiao Hua didn't know, such as the scene in Huangcheng!

The Yellow City in the Heavenly Court has two meanings. Broadly speaking, the entire Emperor Hong Tianyu is the Yellow City, and the four immortal gates, Wuyun Tower, Xuhuang Tower, Qunyu Tower, and Qiyun Tower, are all in Huangcheng.

In a narrow sense, the Yellow City is the space where the central emperor Tianhuang's imperial palace is located. This space is where the nine dragons gather, and it is a huge yellow color with a natural yellow color!

This Xia Cai sometimes looks like a five-element primordial kylin, sometimes like a five-color flower, and sometimes even looks better like a kylin with five-color flowers piled up in the big week.

In the center of the space, there is a magnificent palace that is as stable as a mountain, with power overwhelming the world, and the powerful atmosphere condenses into a dragon that can be seen by the naked eye. Naturally, this is the imperial palace where the emperor rules the Yellow City.

There are countless petals swaying and even Xia Cai entangled in the four directions of Huangcheng. Huangcheng Academy is between these petals.

Huangcheng Academy is different from Tianshu Academy in that it is shaped like a jade cong, with a cylindrical shape inside and outside.

Seen from a distance, a layer of pavilions flashed dimly among the lingering clouds of Xia Yun, and the sound of neat reading was heard.

In the De Academy, the circle is divided into thirty-six levels of space, and each level of space has different levels of Confucianism or recitation or cultivation.

In the highest-level space of the academy, inside a huge mysterious yellow hall, the director of the Huangcheng Academy, Jiang Yuanming, was speaking with Qi Yan, the deputy host of the Xuhuang Building.

Jiang Yuanming is a middle-aged man with a round face, with a good appearance and a kind face, while Qi Yan has a long face, thin, with a hint of pride on his face.

"Jiang Yuanzheng~"

Qi Yan drank a sip of fairy tea, looked outside the window and heard the sun setting in the distance, and asked faintly, "The British election will be in a few months, Gu Li, do you have a quasi-trust?"

"Good to teach the original poster to know~"

Jiang Yuanming laughed and said, "A thousand years ago, Gu Li sent someone to send a challenge paper, and promised me Huangcheng Academy’s invitation to fight, and agreed with me Huangcheng Academy, as long as one of their Tianshu Academy has a disciple’s grade ranking to my Huangcheng Academy. In the middle of the academy, their Tianshu Academy will win, otherwise my Huangcheng Academy will win."

"Qi knows this~"

Qi Yan said with a smile, "You deliberately let it go. It's a violent tactic. I don't think that Gu Li was really fooled!"

"As far as I know~"

Jiang Yuanming went on to say, "The Tianshu Academy held a selection a thousand years ago, and then closed the Academy, no one knows the specific situation in the Academy!"


Qi Yan raised his eyebrows, and UU Read said, "Is Gu Li going to die and live?"

"No, no~"

Jiang Yuanming smiled and said, "It should be called a dying struggle!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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