Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2624: Jin Zhaoyu

  "The text~"

  Xiao Hua Chong Fu Zhiwen and Ming Long waved, "You send Lan Zhan and Yue Yichun back to Xuanpu!"

   "Yes, Master!"

   Fu Zhiwen hurriedly agreed.

   "Master Xiao, what about Sister Chang~"

   Tsukiichi purely said, "Why don't you let her come out?"

   "Let's go, let's go~"

   Looking at Yue Yichun’s eyes, Xiao Hua knew that although this girl was carefree, but in fact, she was also very emotional. He waved his hand and sent Chang Yuan and You Zhongquan out, and said, "Let her take you for a ride."

   Yueyichun was overjoyed, holding Chang Yuan's hand without letting go.

   Yue Yichun has practiced in Linquan Gaoyitu for thousands of years, and it was Chang Yuan who pointed her to her. This is the true sympathy and apprenticeship!

   Seeing that the disciples were all gone, Xiao Hua looked at Yu Ju Weng and Qing Lian Jian Xian and said, "If you find a place, you can get drunk and get rid of it?"

   "Just what I want!"

   Yuju Weng and Qinglian Jianxian said in unison.


   Jade Bureau Weng laughed, released the jade cart and the nine-headed Pegasus, and invited Xiao Hua and Qinglian Jianxian to board the car, and then slapped the back of the Pegasus, and Ren Tianma flew away from the rein!

   Seeing the jade cart flying into the sky, Qinglian Jianxian looked at Xiao Hua, and asked, "Daoyou Xiao, a certain family took the liberty to ask, Yue Yichun's sword technique is a secret sword-making technique?"

   "Not bad~"

   Xiao Hua glanced at Yu Ju Weng, then nodded, "It is the "Xiao Lian Xian Jing Zhang" taught by Xiao. Could it be that Taoist friends have also practiced it?"


Qinglian Sword Immortal shook his head and said, "When a certain family experienced kendo at the ruins of the ancient battlefield of Jiaqiu, sword seal stele, etc., they encountered similar secret techniques. Unfortunately, a certain family kendo has never been successful and failed to truly acquire the essence. I saw Yue Yichun's display today and felt the sword intent of forging a sword. That's why I asked!"

   "Oh oh~"

Xiao Hua understood, and immediately took out two Xiayun Festivals and handed them to Qinglian Sword Immortal and said, "This is the sword-making secret technique "Evening Practicing Xianzhang" in the Thousands of Hardening Techniques and the Fanou Close Techniques. It is Xiao's own experience. If fellow Taoists don’t give up, they can use them for enlightenment!"

   "Haha, thank you so much!"

Qinglian Sword Fairy was never a hypocritical person. He laughed and took it, then took out two Xiayun Festivals and handed them to Xiao Hua and Yuju Weng respectively, "This is a quintessential technique of a certain scholar. It should also be part of the "Xia Lian Xia Jing Zhang". In addition, the Xia Yun Festival also recorded the location of a certain sword-making secret technique. If two Taoists have time, they can go and see it!"


   Xiao Hua took a look at the Xiayun Festival, and said, "This is the secret technique of sword-making, and it is also the third part of the "Xiao Lian Xie Jing Zhang"!"

  Jade Bureau Weng received the Xiayun Festival, but said: "The old man is still comprehending the Fan Ou Jinqi Jue, so I won't look at these for now."

   Qinglian Jianxian was a little disappointed. He wanted to use Jin Zhaoyu's singular arts as a guide, so he could ask the Jade Bureau Weng about the dome of the soil. Since the Jade Bureau Weng did not look at it, he was too embarrassed to ask more for a while.

On the contrary, Jade Bureau Weng, saw Qinglian Sword Immortal hesitate to say something, and looked at Xiao Hua, who was exploring Jin Zhaoyu's quintessence with joy on his face, and said to Qinglian Sword Immortal, "Does the literary friend have anything to say? "

   Yuju Weng Chuanyin showed his calmness, and took care of Qinglian Jianxian's face.

   Sword Fairy Qinglian replied with some shame: "A certain family wants to ask you something~"

   "It's okay~"

   Jade Bureau Weng laughed and said, "Under the knowledge, there is no limit to words!"

   "Do you know the dome of earth?"

   Qinglian Jianxian said, staring at Yu Juweng for fear of missing any details.

   "Domestic soil?"

   Yuju Weng was taken aback, he thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know where I am!"

   "The dome soil is also called Yimaru mud~"

   Sword Immortal Qinglian was a little anxious, and hurriedly explained through the voice transmission, and finally said, "This thing is very important to the next. If you have seen it, you will even be grateful for some news."


   Yu Ju Weng shook his head, "I really haven't heard of it, let alone seen this so-called dome!"


   Qinglian Jianxian sighed and said nothing.

   Xiao Hua naturally perceives the sound transmission of the two, but he doesn't care about it. After all, they are all heavenly sword immortals, so there can be no important things!

   Jade Bureau Weng Jian Qinglian Jianxian is disappointed, knowing this is quite important, the problem is that he really doesn't know Qiong Yang, and he is powerless to help.

   As for Xiao Hua, Yu Juweng didn't even think about asking, because he mistakenly believed that Qinglian Jianxian had known Xiao Hua a long time ago, and he must have asked about it.


   While the jade car was flying, the surrounding sky was actually windy, the sky was like a bead, and the thunder was like water, and it began to raging around.


   Nine-headed Tianma raised his head and roared, ready to change direction!


I don't know, Qinglian Jianxian laughed at this time, flew out from the jade cart, pointed at the world, and proudly said, "Jade Bureau Weng, Xiao Xianren, this world is so big, where is there a place for comfortable drinking? "

   "Why don't you be here, drink here, and have fun here!"

   "I want to see a certain house, the majesty of the world, the fury of the world, what can I do!"

Xiao Hua was bloody. He had heard Qinglian Jianxian's verses very early. He had only met in a hurry before, so he could finally drink freely, and Qinglian Jianxian was worthy of "killing one person in ten steps, and never staying for a thousand miles." The master infected Xiao Hua in just a few words.

   "Great goodness!"

  Xiao Hua stroked his palm, stepped on the thunder light from the jade cart, and said, "This is the heaven and the earth to beat the drum, this is the heaven and the earth to cheer, you and I should drink here!"


   Jade Bureau Weng received the jade cart and the Tianma flew off, he looked at Xiao Hua somewhat unexpectedly, and laughed, "Didn't Xiao Xian always stop drinking? Why did he suddenly come here today?"

   "It's not that I don't drink alcohol~"

 Xiao Hua waved his sleeves, UU reading, the fairy fruit jade liquid flew out like water, and said meaningfully, "It should be in the right place, at the right time, and drinking with the right people!"

   "Haha, haha, I understand!"

   Jade Bureau Weng also laughed, but no, the last time I saw the six addicted idlers, I gave Xiao Hua a braised pork as soon as I came up, arousing people's homesickness, who is still interested in drinking?

   However, Jade Bureau Weng looked at Xiao Hua’s jade liquid and asked Qinglian Sword Fairy: "Qinglian Sword Fairy, I heard you have Yaokun jade brew, I don’t know whether it’s true or not?"

   "Natural, natural~"

Qinglian Jianxian raised his hand and pointed, and a mouthful of the jade sword flew out. The jade sword fell in the air, turning into a pot-holding fairy and standing with a smile, saying, "This is the Yaomeng Yaokun jade red grass combined with the peculiar green grass of Sangziqian Mountain. Brewed from grass."

   "Please, please, please~"

   Sword Immortal Qinglian laughed and raised his hand to signal.

   "Thanks, thanks, thanks~~"

   Xiao Hua couldn't help but raise his glass and shout.

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