Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2623: Kill Jiang Jianming

   "Kill, kill, kill~~"

   Jiang Jianming and Myolie saw this, knowing that they were in desperate situation, they gritted their teeth, roared together, their spears danced, and the shadows of the guns came up like a mountain.

   Jiang Jianming clearly made perfect preparations. He has seen Lan Zhan's sword intent. This time he deliberately abandoned Yu Ruyi in the gambling fight. He directly used the spear to prepare for a head-to-head confrontation with Myolie’s strength.

   I don’t know, they shot themselves in the foot this time.

   Two spears pierced out. Because of the combined attack secret technique, the shadows of the spears were condensed in one place, and the armor inscriptions poured out from the spears, turning into dragon scales!

   And waiting for the gun shadow to solidify, a two-headed dragon appeared!

   Above the two heads, the two-headed and four-armed bodies did not hold weapons, but grabbed them with four hands. The four treasures of pen, ink, paper and ink were revealed, and one of them was covered with ink in the air.

   "The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying..."

As the armor inscriptions fell in the air, a violent wind suddenly rose, and within the violent wind, another sub-body unfolded a picture scroll, and fragments of gun shadows flew out, stabbing Lan Zhan and Yue like a gun array. Yichun's body!


   Yue Yichun laughed, and she found that she now felt a little bit of a small view of the mountains, this long spear, this spear formation is really vulnerable!


   Lan Zhan’s crimson sword came first, piercing directly into the shadow of the gun.

   Lan Zhan felt a huge force burst out, the flames on the scarlet sword shattered, and the sword could not be held steady!

   However, his sword had just been unstable, and the "brushing" of it was as gentle as water, and it was like a well-tempered sword intent to moisturize things silently from the side, and suddenly seeped into his sword.

   On the sword, the broken flames froze instantly and turned into slices of ice flowers. At the same time, the ice blade flashed past like a cold night moonlight, swiftly carrying Lan Zhan's sword into the shadow of the gun again.


There seemed to be a sound of dragon roar. The shadow of the twin-headed dragon's spear shattered like paper and silk, exposing two spears; and the two spears were like dead wood. There was no way to resist Lan Zhan's sword. Be cut off!

"not good!"

   Jiang Jianming and his wife were shocked. They never thought that they were not the enemy of Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan!

   "Puff puff puff~"

Before Jiang Jianming and his wife would retreat, there was another explosion in mid-air, and the moon white sword shadow and the scarlet sword shadow passed by, splitting the spear formation that had turned into a spear shadow long ago, and even the sword shadow remained undiminished. The pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the hands of the two-headed four-armed body were split in half!

   "Three Grandpa~"

   Myolie screamed, "Help!!!"

  According to the previous arrangement, the youth should fly out at this time, righteously stop gambling and fight, and even educate them to respect life.

It's a pity that the young man opened his mouth at this time and didn't dare to say a word, because Xiao Hua's eyes swept over, and the young man felt that his eyes could penetrate his flesh and see clearly what he wanted, even his eyes were the power of heaven and earth, suppressing him. Out of breath!

   This is the case for the boy, where did the other disciples dare to come forward, shrinking their necks one by one, doing quail-like shapes!

   Myolie's call for help is extremely unwise. Not only did she fail to summon the boy's shot, but instead made her own defense flawed!

  Yue Yichun practiced the sword with Chang Yuan in the Linquan Gao Yitu. She had long understood the true meaning of sword intent. Seeing Xing'er's distraction appeared flaws, she didn't have to deliberately. The ice blade in her hand spontaneously waved and pierced like lightning!

   At the same time, the long sword in Lan Zhan's hand was also attracted by the ice blade and directly stabbed Jiang Jianming!


   In the blink of an eye, the ice blade pierced directly into Xing'er's towering chest. The coldness of the ice blade destroyed Xing'er's proud body, killing all vitality!


   Lan Zhan's strength was much stronger than Jiang Jianming, who had sealed Wen Li, and his crimson long sword did not have any accidents. It also pierced Jiang Jianming's throat, hot like magma poured in, and directly destroyed Jiang Jian's inscription!


   Jiang Jianming and Xing'er screamed in unison. Above their heads, both bodies collapsed at the same time.

  Unfortunately, facing the Yuebai Feijian in the hands of Yueyi Junzi's body, the collapsing child body could not escape the end of being strangled, but it was seen that Yuebai Feijian pierced into the child's body.

   "click 嚓嚓~"

   A burst of icy voices came from the body, and the body was frozen into ice!

   Looking at the double-headed and four-armed ice sculpture, Yue Yichun's body gently drew out the flying sword. At the same time, the mandarin duck totem in the center of the body's eyebrows gave out a ray of fire and disappeared.

   The invitation paper turned into light smoke in the fire.

   Lan Zhan's body was a little stunned, he looked at Yueyichun's body and seemed to fall into the top door of Lan Zhan reluctantly!

  The feeling of the sub-body, Lan Zhan was naturally clear, he was extremely embarrassed, he quickly coughed twice, and respectfully said to Xiao Hua: "Thank you again, Master Xiao!"


   Xiao Hua curled his lips and said, "It is Yue Yichun who is in the same boat with you, what are you thanking me for?"


   Yue Yichun also took the body, and said very unhappy, "I saved you, why are you thanking Master Xiao?"

   Lan Zhanfu is very heart-warming, and he hurriedly laughed and said, "I am grateful to Master Xiao for teaching you, otherwise you can't save me, right?"


   Yueyichun opened his eyebrows and smiled, and Lan Zhan gave a white look, and said, "You know what you know!"

   Then, Yue Yichun even said to Myolie’s third grandfather: "Master, stop standing, come and collect the corpse!"

   As for Lan Zhan, he solemnly said: "This battle has been agreed between Lan and Jiang Jianming thousands of years ago. It doesn't matter whether you live or die. You literary friends are watching and have witnessed the whole process. Please tell your teacher."

The young man's face was blue, but he was even more disturbed. He looked at Xiao Hua and others and said: "The details of the gambling battle here are recorded in his own invitation. The old man will also report to the teacher according to the facts. UU read www. farewell!"

   After finishing speaking, the young man waved at the others and hurriedly left Zhuyin Pavilion with the corpses of Myolie and Jiang Jianming.

Watching the crowd leave, Qinglian Sword Immortal said to Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, you and I are all destined. I hope you can keep in mind the gains from these ten thousand years of travel, and cultivate your sword soul well, and strive to become a qualified sword fairy. !"


   Lan Zhan knelt down on his knees and said, "Junior Xie Qinglian, senior!"

   "Go, go~"

   Qinglian Sword Fairy waved his hand and said, "It's a good idea!"

   "Master Xiao~"

   Yue Yichun walked up to Xiao Hua, rather reluctant to give up, and said, "I can't bear you too!"

   "You can't bear my elixir!!"

   Xiao Hua said sharply, "Chang Yuan didn't give you less food, right?"

   "Haha, haha~"

   Yue Yichun laughed and touched his nose and said, "You still see through it!"

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