Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2597: Fall one after another


Not long after, the voices of Min Hong and Ye Yukeng came: "I have asked 320 Taiqing celestial beings in private. They are all inexplicable. They only said that they realized the cultivation in this small red cliff, and they were caught by the dragon spirit. I rushed out and can't enter again."

"That means~"

Dongfang Jiyu turned his head to look behind him, and said worriedly, "Red Cliff Little Heaven is closed, we have no way out?"

Ye Yukeng replied: "We have sent someone to investigate, and there is no response for the time being!"

Min Hong said: "Although there is no reply, but after listening to a few Taiqing gods, these eighty dragon wells have completely covered the entire Red Cliff small heaven, and we have no way out!"


Dongfang Jiyu sighed and said, "Ye Yukeng, sorry, if I hadn't ordered you, you wouldn't have fallen into this way..."

"What nonsense?"

Ye Yukeng said lightly, "As a war fighter, I naturally have the responsibility to protect the heavenly immortals. Even if I die, I must die before these heavenly immortals!"


Min Hong said, "It's not the time to regret at this time. First resist the Dragon Race's attack, and then talk about how to get out of trouble!!"


Ye Yukeng's voice was still faint. He had already asked his subordinates to call for help, but the dragon gas covered the surroundings, and the messaging device could not be used at all.

He knew in his heart that there would be no more reinforcements!


Shuyi's voice was not inferior to that of Ye Yukeng. She shouted and raised the machete with both hands, and in accordance with the formation of a warlord, with two Taiqing celestial immortals in horns, she rushed towards a dragon.

This dragon is not one of the 80 dragons led by Longjing, but it is also Zi Yao Luo.

It's just that the strength of this dragon race is only one grade!

If it were before, Shuyi would not even bother to start with such a dragon, after all, she was a second-grade scholar of Taiqing, and she still wanted her face.

However, the battle commander of Team Jianglong just made it clear that it is not a time to be concerned about the face, if you want to rush out alive, if you want to protect the lives of tens of thousands of philosophers behind you, you must start!


The eyes of the Zi Yao Luo dragon clan have turned red. In its eyes, there is only blood food, and there is no heavenly immortal. It roars and spouts the breath of the dragon, and the dragon claws tear the space and grab Shuyi!

"Not good~"

Shuyi's machete slashed out, and she felt her body suddenly heavy. She glanced at the space around her. The golden dragon energy had condensed into silk, and her heart sank.

"In fact, the top priority should be to block the Longjing and break the root of the dragon's energy~"

"Otherwise, I will wait in this dragon spirit and ask for Jackie Chan's rations sooner or later!"

"It's a pity, without the strength of the Third Stage Taiqing, there is no way to get close..."

After a few moments, Shuyi could only sigh, and the machete still claws Zi Yaoluo's claws!


There was thunder surging on the machete, "Oh~" This purple dragon screamed finally!


Another Taiqing Tianxian turned into a shadow, silently bullying Zi Yao Luolong's back, raised his hand, and held a short blade in his hand.


The short blade pierced into the dragon's spine of the Zi Yao Luolong, and then, this Taiqing Tianxian pulled the short blade with both hands, his body shape moved, and his life flew downward! !



Zi Yao Luolong roared with pain, its dragon spine was cut open, and dragon blood was spilled in the air!

The matter is not only that, the third Taiqing Tianxian has been hidden by the side, and only then flew out suddenly.

He rushed directly to the dragon head of Zi Yao Luolong. A long sword that was as thin as a hairspring looked almost invisible, but it was this long sword that pierced into Zi Yao Luolong's eyebrows with incomparable precision!

The roaring Zi Yao Luolong suddenly disappeared, and the huge dragon body slowly fell!


Shuyi let out a long sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the second Taiqing Tianxian exclaimed at Shuyi, "Quick flash!"


Shuyi was a little stunned, because she didn't notice the abnormality at all.

Of course, it was just a moment of shock, Shu Yi didn't even want to soar into the sky!

It's a pity that Shuyi was too late. A **** purple dragon flew out of the oblique thorn, and the dragon's horns slammed into Shuyi's heart!

How could there be no means of life-saving in the Taiqing Tianxian?

Let's not talk about the body, nor the Sanhua, even the fairy clothes of the body guard are definitely not normal and can be broken.

But unfortunately, this is where the Dragon Qi reigns, and Dragon Horn is the existence of breaking ten thousand laws. Shuyi has no time to scream, her vitality has been stifled!


The other two Taiqing immortals were furious, roared in unison, and rushed towards the purple dragon. However, before the two of them killed the purple dragon, "Om", another giant dragon Fly, take Shuyi's body away early...




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The Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm had become a purgatory at this time, with screams everywhere, blood and corpses scattered.

Seeing Taiqing gods like Yao Yu and Shuyi fell one after another, the other Taiqing gods could no longer calm down, but the fairy soldiers of the Jianglong team, although they suffered heavy losses, they still faced off in an orderly manner, and did not collapse!

Dongfang Jiyu and others also wanted to participate in the war, but they knew that their role was to line up troops, so while listening to the damage everywhere, Dongfang Jiyu eagerly asked: "Can I find breakthroughs all around?"


A vague voice came from the messaging device, "Dragon Qi is too strong, I can't detect it clearly, ah..."

Before finishing talking, it was just a scream, presumably this warlord also died.


Dongfang Jiyu cursed in a low voice. She didn't remember exactly how many screams it was. It had been half an hour since the battle with the Dragon Clan. The team suffered too much damage and bad news came from everywhere. It seemed that it could not last long.


Suddenly, Min Hong's faint voice rang from the messaging device.

"what happened??"

Dongfang Jiyu was shocked and hurriedly exclaimed.

"I'm sorry~"

Min Hong replied, "My line of defense has been breached, I'm going to fight, goodbye!"

"Min Hong, Min Hong~~"

Dongfang Jiyu’s heart was broken, and the two of them managed to confess their hearts in the Seven Love Nightmare Tower. How long has this been?

Nangong Shiru saw that the defense line of the Confucian immortals in Hongya Xiaotian had been breached, but he still hadn't seen Yuanya and his team appear, he was a little worried.

He also knew that Dragon Jiong would never find Yuanya and Yinghuo first, they would definitely eat the Dragon Dragon team first.

But he can't wait. It's not his goal to kill the Dragon Dragon Clan. What he has to do is to let them die with Yuanya and the Yuanya team before the power of the 80 dragon races is exhausted!


The colorful dragon roared from above the sky, and shouted, "Yuan Ya, Li Nianxiao, are you the turtles with heads down?"

"I haven't seen so many immortal soldiers, and so many Taiqing immortals, are they all dying for you?"

"Don't you stand up quickly?"

"Yuan Ya?"

"Li Nianxiao?"

Dongfang Jiyu understood when she heard it, she patted her forehead a little regretfully, and whispered, "Damn, what they are looking for is not too clear!"

"Quick, quick, go find Yuanya and Li Nianxiao!!!"

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