Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2596: 4 inspections


Although Dongfang Jiyu didn't want to admit it, she could only nod her head. After all, this was a fact.

Then, she looked at Gu Chi and said, "You are masters. If you can cooperate with my team in battle, you may not have the strength to fight!"

"It's choking~"

Shuyi shook her head and said, "This is the eighty second-tier Zi Yao Luo dragon clan of the eighty heavenly immortals..."


Dongfang Jiyu exclaimed, "Eight...80 Purple Yaoluo Dragons? Why are there so many!!"

And after Gu Chi and Shuyi finished talking about the cause of the matter, Dongfang Jiyu keenly looked at the dragon and said, "In this way, these Zi Yao Luo dragons were released!"

"Furthermore, the purpose of this person to release the dragon clan... is the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, and it is more likely to be a fairy who came to Hongya Little Heaven Realm!!!"

"So, have you ever asked someone to ask, who knows the real cause of the matter? Or, who is related to this matter??"

Gu Chi, Shuyi and other Taiqing Tianxian looked at each other.

Strength does not mean everything, just like the third grade of Taiqing Tianxian may not have the ability of the newly promoted Taiqing Tianxian to command troops.

And Gu Chi and others didn't think about the depths of the matter at all.


Seeing that everyone was silent, the Eastern Monsoon said, "The end of Eastern Monsoon, now that this is the case, as a second-rank general of the Dragon Dragon team, I will never stand idly by. Please also join my team and follow the end. Arrange, arrange troops first..."

There may be some disdain among the hundreds of Taiqing immortals, but most of them are still willing to cooperate. Therefore, the Oriental Rainy season is a little bit more thoughtful. After discussing with Ye Yukeng and Min Hong, he immediately divided these Taiqing immortals into three places and led them. The immortals above the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm Shangqing Dixian were added to the team.

As for Yuqing people and non-Sanqing Confucian cultivators, Dongfang Jiyu did not consider them at all.

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"This is hundreds of Taiqing gods~"

Dongfang Jiyu watched the Taiqing gods disperse, unconsciously pinched his chin, and thought to himself, "Who is the source of this matter? If they don't tell me, who can know?"

Dongfang Jiyu thought that Nangong Shiru's goal was Taiqing Tianxian. How did she know that the "culprit" was nothing but Songxian?

And Li Nianxiao looked at the formation of the battle team, and was anxious, but he also knew in his heart that Yinghuo was right. Nangong Shiru's purpose was to kill the big brother Yuanya and find face for himself, not just for Yinghuo to go back. It's a hundred.

Not to mention that Li Nianxiao could not invite Yuanya out. Even if Yuanya came out, Li Nianxiao could not let Yuanya pass. They also had a battle with Nangong Shiru and the Dragon Clan, so Li Nianxiao did not urge Yinghuo again.

High above the sky, Nangong Zixu stood aside respectfully, Nangong Shiru frowned slightly, and pointed his finger at the center of a fairy soldier's brow.

But for a moment, Nangong Shiru raised her brows and said with a smile: "Haha, I was shocked. It turns out that these three warlords are just passing by~"

"And it's because I won the ranking in Jie Chong Shenglin, so I can reuse it!"

"In that case, it's just a lackey of my heavenly guardian, it's nothing!"

"Kill and kill!"

"My lord~"

Nangong Zixu reminded hurriedly, "One of them is a disciple of the Eastern family~"


Nangong Shiru coldly snorted, "What about the disciples of the Eastern family? They were all demoted to the realm of Dao Immortal Realm. She must be a disciple on the edge of the Eastern family and cannot be reused. Can she compare to me??"


As he said, Nangong Shiru smiled again, "It turns out that this Eastern Season Rain has just set foot on the Taiqing Heavenly Immortal Grade I, um, I must have gotten a chance in Shenglinzhong. That Ye Yukeng and Min Hong are not the Shangqing Heavenly Immortal Grade 3, this kind of strength Dare to come forward? I really don’t know how to write dead words!!"


Nangong Zixu sighed, let alone Nangong Shiru, even he did not see Ye Yukeng, Min Hong and others in his eyes, it seemed that they were just here to die!

"The arrival of the Eastern monsoon is also a good thing~"

Nangong Shiru had a hideous face on her face and said coldly, "On the one hand, they can be used to comfort the dragons who came out of Longjing. On the other hand, they also reminded me that there are many nights and dreams. The dragon is so strong here that it will inevitably attract other uninvited guests! "


Nangong Shiru tapped his eyebrows, and the colorful dragon cruising in the air spoke. Nangong Shiru was arrogant and bloodthirsty, but after all, he was a disciple of the aristocracy, and he would never reveal his shadow when he was not sure.

"Can you believe me?"

When Nangong Shiru inspected the situation of the Jianglong team, the giant dragon Jiong also told the situation of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm to the other 79 Zi Yao Luolong clan.

When those giant dragons first heard about hundreds of Taiqing celestial beings and tens of thousands of ordinary celestial beings, they were a little lacking in interest. They looked at the heavenly court one by one. They only came to the sense of interest when they heard that there were three teams coming and millions of soldiers. , Are roaring, ready to rush out.

Hearing Nangong Shiru's question at this time, Dragon Jiong did not answer, but raised his voice and asked, "What do you want us to do?"

"Kill a person named Yuanya and send his head over; send a female fairy named Yinghuo unharmed..."


Dragon Jiong refused unceremoniously, "We don't know who is Yinghuo, how could it be delivered unharmed?"

"Don't worry~"

Nangong Shiru smiled confidently, and said, "Among so many immortals, there is such a female fairy who is not the strength of the Weixuanlong can't hurt you, you know at a glance, you just don't kill it deliberately! "

"Roar, roar~"

The dragon tribes listened and immediately ordered to go down, and hundreds of thousands of dragon tribes began to roar eagerly.

The giant dragon Jiong looked at the dragon clan with satisfaction, and then at the Longjing that was still exhaling dragon gas, and shouted at Nangong Shiru, "Is it all right?"


Nangong Shiru smiled slightly and said, "Other human races do whatever you want..."

After speaking, UU Reading Nangong Shiru once again lightly touched his brow, Ruoyoruowu's blood fell in the air.


The dragons could not wait long ago, seeing the blood disappearing, they rushed out immediately!

"Face the enemy, meet the enemy!!"

"Hurry up and meet the enemy!!"

Dongfang Jiyu and others never expected that Dragon Jiong had just returned, and immediately rushed out again. Although she was confused, she still gave orders.

The hundreds of heavenly immortals of Taiqing are no longer like the previous scattered sand, the soldiers of the Jianglong team assisted in the execution and began to launch effective defenses!

Dongfang Jiyu didn't immediately join the battle group. She pulled away and retreated, took out the courier and asked, "Is it clear?"

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