Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2582: Yuanya vs. Nangong Shiru


As for the man, there is a beautiful woman who exudes holy light and shadow all over her body. This woman is dressed in palace clothes and has a luxurious temperament, which is rare in Yinghuo's life!

A man and a woman are naturally Yuan Ya and Dai'er couple!

Xiao Hua disdain to take action against Nangong Shiru, and Yuanya is the second-generation great disciple of Good Fortune Sect. Although his strength is not better than that of Qiao Samsara and others, he is also Taiyi intermediate strength.

Moreover, he is a magic cultivator, and can restrain Nangong Shiru more than Joe Samsara in the heavenly court.

"Damn it!"

Upon seeing this, Nangong Shiru roared, "Li Nianxiao, it turns out that you are in collusion with the demons. You are planning to kill your Majesty!"

"Meet the brothers and sisters~"

Li Nianxiao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said respectfully, "Thank you, brother!"

Yingluo was at a loss, she looked at Yuanya with some puzzlement, then at Dai'er, and finally looked at Xiao Hua, who was standing quietly by the side, looking very innocent.

"Go away~"

Yuan Ya nodded at Li Nianxiao, then looked at Nangong Shiru like electricity, and reprimanded, "Tell the little things, don't let me see you again!"


Nangong Shiru laughed, his figure flew upside down, and said, "When did my heaven become a place where demons can be arrogant?"


Yuan Ya took a long breath, and the surrounding black air swept into his body, and the demon flames soaring into the sky also quickly retracted, but for a moment, a simple young man appeared!

Yuan Ya watched Nangong Shiru fall onto the chariot, but did not chase.

"That one……"

Li Nianxiao hurriedly explained to Yinghuo in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, this is Master Shu's big disciple Yuan Ya!"


Yinghuo jumped up in surprise, and said, "His eldest disciple is actually a magic repair?"

"What's wrong with magic repair?"

Dai'er said faintly, "If Heavenly Book Immortal has a vicious heart, I am afraid it will be more terrifying than Demon Cultivation!"

"Book fairy?"

Yingluo was stunned for a moment, and obviously didn't understand why Deloitte was referring to Shuxian in particular. Isn't Songxian, Yaxian and Sanqingxian among them?

Li Nianxiao hurriedly explained again: "Heavenly Court regards Confucianism as the majority, but there are also immortals of other systems. Other interfaces often call Tianting Confucian immortals as book immortals!"

Yinghuo nodded, just about to question Dai'er again, Dai'er said to Gong Shiru, "Like him!"


Yinghuo looked up and saw that her eyebrows were upside down.

But seeing that Nangong Shiru was already standing on the chariot, the chariot had flaming clouds rushing out, and teams of soldiers flew out!

"Nangong Shiru~"

Yinghuo shouted angrily, "What are you doing?"

"If you can't beat it, do you have to fight?"

"Dao Xian and Mo Xiu joined forces to covet my heavenly emperor clan nobles!"

Nangong Shiru grinned and said, "My Nangong family naturally wants the safety of the heavens to be paramount!"

"Nangong Shiru~"

Ying Hu stomped her feet, "You are really mean, this is the big brother of Nian Xiao, Yuan Ya, not..."

"Nan Xiao! Read Xiao!!!"

Nangong Shiru cried frantically, "Yinghuo, you have been blinded by the demon clan's methods, you wait, I will save you!"




As the generals roared, millions of generals gathered around!

"It's really funny!"

Dai'er looked at the enclosed space, murderously soaring, the corners of her mouth scorned, and sneered, "There are really immortals in this world who are blinded by jealousy, and if these immortals are in power, that would be truly terrifying!"

With that said, Dai'er pretended to sacrifice the Kunlun Mirror, and also raised her hand to a point.


The Kunlun mirror shook, and the Xingchentian team rushed out again like water!


Nangong Shiru was dumbfounded. He looked at the Xingchentian team, which was several times stronger than his own team, and didn't know what to say!

"Wu Na boy~"

With a swing of Yuanya's spear, the dragon head on it roared and shouted at Nangong Shiru, "Your opponent is me, don't run away!"

With that, Yuan Ya gave birth to black flames, and rushed towards Nangong Shiru!

"I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

Nangong Shiru knew that today's affairs would not end well, so he grinned and urged the chariot to pass!

Nangong Shiru intended to suppress Yuanya with the help of the chariot Qilong's might, but she didn't know that the dragon might be more sturdy on the Yuanya spear. The Qilong just flew up and wailed and wailed and dared not approach!

Nangong Shiru had no choice but to abandon the chariot and fly out, dancing the golden halberd to stand with Yuanya!

"Xiao Wenheng, Xiao Wenheng~"

Seeing the countless teams in the Kunlun mirror pouring out, Yingluo was dumbfounded, and hurriedly flew to Xiao Hua, whispering, "Although Nangong Shiru is reckless, but...but..."

Speaking of this, Yinghuo can't go on, because Nangong Shiru just wanted to kill Li Nianxiao, how could Xiao Hua let him go?

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua said calmly, "If it is not necessary, Xiao's team will never swing a butcher knife against the human race! And Nangong Shiru is your future husband, Xiao will not make you too embarrassed!"

"Thanks...Xie Xiao Wenheng~"

Yinghuo's lips were bitten white before she said such a sentence. At this moment, she suddenly felt that she did not dare to look at Li Nianxiao.

This is a strange feeling that Yinghuo has lived for so long that he has never had it.

After Xiao Hua finished speaking, he took out a messenger fairy and said in a low voice: "Send my order and immediately explore the edge of Xuhuang City, a small town called Lingxu City, and see how Gu Yanshi is doing?"

Li Nianxiao listened by the side and frowned, "Master, do you think..."


Xiao Hua looked at Nangong Shiru, who had been defeated by Yuanya, nodded and said, "Nangong Shiru came too in time, indicating that he must have received definite news."

"And nine out of ten, this news comes from Lingxu City."

"So I'm a little worried about Gu Yanshi's safety!"

"It's ~"

Li Nianxiao also didn't dare to look at Yinghuo, he whispered, "This Nangong Shiru is too arrogant and cruel, and it might be detrimental to Gu Yanshi!"

"Kill, kill, kill~"

The method of shouting and killing just lasted for a meal gradually could the family of the Nangong family be worthy of the tiger and wolf master of the stars?

As for Nangong Shiru, Yuan Ya was also completely suppressed.

The innate qi of Confucianism is certainly the nemesis of the demon clan's devil qi, but once the strength of the demon clan surpasses that of Confucianism, the devil qi also firmly restrains the innate qi!

"Teach him a lesson, let him go!"

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Xiao Hua watched Yuan Ya keep his hand, and he couldn't get the news of Lingxu City in a short time, so he simply transmitted the voice to Yuan Ya and ordered.

Yuan Ya got Xiao Hua's order, although his expression remained unchanged, the breath of the Dragon Spear suddenly soared!

Without waiting for Nangong Shiru to resist any more, the magic dragon spear pierced into Nangong Shiru's shoulder with a "puff"!

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