Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2581: Nangong Shiru is here

, "Ah~"

Yinghuo murmured, and then covered her mouth with her hands, her face pale even more!

"what happened?"

Li Nianxiao asked hurriedly.

"No... it's okay~"

Yinghu hurriedly shook her head and turned to Xiao Hua, with pleading in her eyes.

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua said lightly, "What Xiao promised will definitely be done!"

With that said, Xiao Hua patted jiyán (jiyán), and jiyán (jiyán) stopped.

Not long after, a clear-eyed light swept from a distance, and after falling on Yinghuo, it quickly swept across Xiao Hua and Li Nianxiao.

Xiao Hua obviously felt that his gaze stayed on Li Nianxiao too much longer than himself.

Afterwards, Nangong Shiru's chariot ran over the fire and rushed over.


The fire dragon pulling the cart roared and rushed towards Xiao Hua and Li Nianxiao. On the chariot, Nangong Shiru's face was blue!

"Damn it!"

Li Nianxiao didn't know, so he hurriedly stood in front of Yinghuo.

As everyone knows, this action is more like a flying sword piercing Nangong Shiru's heart.

Shen Zhong's words are like poison, which has penetrated into Nangong Shiru's heart early. Over the years, he has chased after him frantically, imagining the scene of seeing Yinghuo over and over again.

Li Nianxiao's actions are his worst plan. How can a person who can kill a city casually let his rival live in the world?


Nangong Shiru raised his head and screamed, his voice was even more earth-shaking than Long Xiao, he roared, "Damn gangsters, dare to kidnap the nobles of the emperor, it's really a sin!"

With that said, he galloped through the dragon, raised a golden halberd, and stab Li Nianxiao first!

This is the reason why Shen Zhong, the head of the Shen family, laughed at the corners of his mouth before he died. When he first reported the report, he didn't mention the strength of Xiao Hua in the transmission at all. He only said that Li Nianxiao had the strength of the first grade of the Qing Dynasty. To create an illusion to Nangong Shiru, it was Li Nianxiao who robbed Xiao Hua and Yingdou!

Li Nianxiao's purpose... is Yingluo!

Look at Li Nianxiao's actions to protect Yinghuo, even more so that Nangong Shiru was jealous. He immediately attacked Li Nianxiao without asking a word!

The golden halberd was more dazzling than the sun, and the space collapsed and Hong Yun shattered where the tip of the halberd passed.


Faced with such a rival, Li Nianxiao's hairs on his body stood up, and Xianli couldn't help but urge him.

However, Xianli was immediately excited, and the rule of thunder was born around "Kachacha", suppressing Li Nian Xiaoxianli!

When Yinghuo saw this, she was very anxious. She didn't even want to call Xiao Hua, but took advantage of Li Nianxiao's resistance to the restriction of the world, and stood in front of Li Nianxiao for a moment, and whispered: "Li Nianxiao, no matter where Is it you? What can you do! I won't protect myself anymore?"

"Nangong Shiru!!"

Facing Nangong Shiru's golden war halberd, Yinghuo shouted loudly, "You have something wrong! Why do you have to do it as soon as you meet?"

Seeing Yinghuo actually guarding Li Nianxiao, Nangong Shiru's eyes spit fire, and he coldly said: "Yinghuo, get out of here!"

"He is a Taoist immortal, I suspect he is not good for Heaven!"

"I want to capture him and offer it to your majesty!"

Yinghuo also sneered, and said: "Don't use your Majesty to scare me, whether he is a Confucianist or a Taoist immortal, it's all my... friends!"

"Friend? Hey..."

The golden war halberd in Nangong Shiru's hand stopped in front of Yinghuo, and the fiery filaments on the tip of the halberd wandered like a dragon. He squinted at Yinghuo and said, "I seem to have heard you say that there is no one in this world. Qualified to be your friend!"


Yinghuo took a deep breath and said, "That was before, now there are two!"

"One is Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenheng~"

Nangong Shiru looked at Li Nianxiao and asked word by word, "What's his name?"

"My name is Li Nianxiao!"

Li Nianxiao didn't wait for Yinghuo to speak, introduced himself first, and asked, "Who are you again?"

"Haha, who am I??"

Nangong Shiru laughed loudly and said, "You and my unmarried lady have become good friends, so you don't know who I am?"


Li Nianxiao was taken aback and looked down at Yinghuo.

Yinghuo bit her lip, her face pale.

Without her speaking at all, Nangong Shiru has keenly sensed Li Nianxiao's position in Yinghuo's heart.

"He... he is my unmarried husband Nangong Shiru!"

Yinghuo gritted her teeth and said, "This...this is the marriage of His Majesty the Red Emperor himself..."

Poor Yingluo was a bit stubborn and arrogant, but she had exhausted all her strength when facing her fiance, whom she disliked, and telling the cruel facts about her already favorite lover!


Yinghuo shouted at Nangong Shiru, "You go now, I...I just go to Hongya to have a look. This is my lifelong wish."

"When I finish watching Red Cliff, I will go back and get married with you!"

"Don't worry, after I am your majesty, it is impossible to violate your majesty's decree, I will definitely go back!"

Nangong Shiru closed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and said with a smile on her face: "Yinghuo, since I'm here, I won't leave."

"I can also accompany you to Red Cliff..."

"Do not!!"

Yinghuo didn't even think about it, and said, "I can't go with you!"


Nangong Shiru couldn't control the anger in her heart, and shouted, "I have already arrived here. Either you go back with me, or I will accompany you to Hongya, you choose!"

"I will not choose either!"

Yinghuo shook her head and said, "I will let Li Nianxiao accompany me!"


Nangong Shiru laughed loudly and said, "Well said, you don't want either option. Great, then I will give you the third choice!"

With that, Nangong Shiru's golden halberd advanced again!

Yingluo was anxious, and quickly raised her arms to protect Li Nianxiao.

It is a pity that her strength is too poor, Nangong Shiru has a grin on her face, and the golden war halberd has crossed the Yingzhu and stabs Li Nianxiao's face!


She was so confused that she was about to speak when she suddenly thought of something. She raised her hand and patted her forehead vigorously, regretting her face.

Xiao Hua could resist even the Red Emperor's will, so how could he be afraid of this Nangong poetry?

At the same time as Yingluo awakened, her face was a little hot at the same time, and she secretly spit out her tongue.

However, what puzzled Ying was that an unfamiliar voice rang out from behind her head: "Bold!"


Then there was a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling, Nangong Shiru exclaimed: "Ma...Magic repair?!!!"

Yinghu hurriedly turned her head, but saw a black man standing in the air. The man's eyes were red, and the soaring magic flame rushed around like a volcano. The man was holding a gun with the pitch-black tip of the gun blocking Nangong Shiru. On the golden halberd!

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