Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2514: Fierce knife

Xiao Hua always watched for the rebirth of the storm, while flying and looking around.

Fortunately, there was only half an hour, the surroundings were calm and there was no change.

Xiao Hua was finally relieved.

However, when he stood still in a place where the space was almost collapsed, and waited and watched, he felt a breath of cold air.


Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and sighed, "No wonder, this fragment of the spirit world happens to be inlaid in a space break."

"And there are traces of primordial energy and awe-inspiring aura at this break. If nothing happens, it should be the foundation of Qun Jade City. If the emperor forcibly takes this spiritual world fragment, it will definitely cause Qun Jade City's collapse."

"Previously, Xiao thought that there were fragments of the spirit world, followed by the jade, and then the jade city. In fact, Xiao was still wrong. There should be a jade city at the earliest, but the jade city at that time was not based on the jade city. That's it! Otherwise, the Emperor doesn't have to be so shy!

Seeing this, Xiao Hua also knew that the Emperor could not take fragments of the spirit world, and of course he could not.

There are more Confucianists and immortals in Qun Jade City now, and taking away the fragments of the spirit world will cause greater damage!

In that case, you can only find the source of the storm!

After flying for a while, Xiao Hua was suddenly stunned, because under the space where the original energy was, there were many mountains.

This mountain is equally strange, but it is knife-shaped, exactly the same as the knife that struck Qun Yuanling Mountain before!

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Hua's figure fell on the top of the mountains, looking at the endless existence, and whispered, "This is clearly the void, where the primitive energy gathers, how can there be earthly laws?"

Xiao Hua tried Tu Dun and Jin Dun.

Tu Dun is okay, ordinary Jin Dun can't move.

In other words, this is a mountain condensed by pure earth laws, and there are no other five elements!

However, Xiao Hua felt the blade like ice from the mountains!


Just as Xiao Hua was about to investigate carefully, a slight tremor began to sound deep in the mountains.

"not good!"

Xiao Hua whispered, and without thinking about urging the light escape technique, he rushed directly into the depths of the mountains.

"Swish swish~"

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to escape from the light, the surrounding light and shadow have been blocked by an existence like dust, and in this dust, there is a sharp blade!

The blade split the light and shadow, Xiao Hua reluctantly escaped.

There was a chaos in front of him, as if dust was all over the sky, but unfortunately, the shadow of a knife was mixed in the dust, and the knife was deadly.

If Xiao Hua were not physically strong, he would have died hundreds of millions of times!

This is also the fundamental reason why the emperor and spirit ancestors were distracted and could not come over!

Guan Lin has no way to display, the dust and knife shadow are too fierce, and even Xiao Hua's spirit can block and split.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and could only pat his brows, and opened his eyes!

Looking at it, the whole space was covered with earthy yellow light, and within the light there was a shadow like a round knife.

Where the broken light came from was an extremely brilliant spot of light. The size of this spot was unknown, and its color was earthy yellow.


Seeing the yellowish yellow, Xiao Hua was a little surprised, this yellowish yellow was somewhat similar to the "breath" in his space!

Looking around, even the condensed soil on his body, Xiao Hua thought in his heart.

Immediately, Xiao Hua urged his figure to face the dust and the blade's edge to fly to that bit of brown.

It is said that Xiao Hua has been mixed up, and this world is so big, where can't go?

What about the dust and the blade?

On the contrary, this seemingly ordinary dust caused Xiao Hua a great obstacle.

Xiao Hua can naturally turn the surrounding dust into nothing, but there is so much dust that it is impossible to get rid of it!

Xiao Hua almost had an illusion that the ten continents of the four major continents were completely shattered, turning into dust and instantly clogging the space of millions of miles!

There is also the blade. Although the blade is driven by the shadow of the blade, the sharpness of the blade is also rare in the world. In Xiao Hua's impression, he is afraid that only his own gods and demons can compare with it, even Pangu axe!

When Xiao Hua was the most shocked, in the end, although the dust in front of his eyes was scarce, the space was blocked, and he could not fly in half a meter!

With the power of Hunyuan, he can certainly tear everything and advance, but the power of the law can't do anything in the end!

"What kind of weird existence is this!"

Xiao Hua was shocked!

At this time, Xiao Hua could no longer perceive how far the earth was, because everything was buried in dust!

It's as if memory is drowned in time.

Even if he glanced deep into the space, Xiao Hua felt heavy.

"How to do??"

Xiao Hua thought about his supernatural powers, and he was unable to do anything.


A moon-like shadow of a knife shook in front of the head, and the clogged dust around the world was immediately disturbed!

"Xiao understands!"

Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and said in secret, "Dust is certainly the basis for blocking, but the culprit is Blade Shadow, and Blade Shadow swept up the storm..."

In secret, Xiao Hua actually felt that he could not stand in the dust, and his figure flew backwards with the storm!

Seeing where the storm had rolled up, Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and whispered: "Fight!"

With that said, Xiao Hua once again urged the technique of light escape, as close as possible!

When he escaped from the light, he suddenly discovered that his own space was looming, Xiao Hua did not dare to delay, and took a look with his right hand to take out the Pangu axe.

Turn your right arm into a dragon and "swipe" the Pangu axe!


A light and shadow split the sky and the earth, and at the end of the light and shadow, a bit of soil and a shadow of a knife stood alone!


Xiao Hua hurriedly shook his figure, UU reading followed the splitting light and shadow and threw in!

Seeing Xiao Hua approaching, "Keng~" The shadow of the knife, like the moon, let out a panic and screamed at Xiao Hua!

"My goodness!"

Xiao Hua was shocked. He was also a sword-making person. He could sense a sharpness that the human race could not match from the sound of this sword!

This sharpness makes people unable to stand up straight, Xiao Hua can only retreat!

When he retreated, Xiao Hua waved his left hand and demonic energy poured out from within, Xiao Hua wanted to sacrifice the gods and demons!

When Xiao Hua was surprised, he was now close to the center of the storm, and he could barely sense his own space just now. By this time, he could not take the gods and demons out of the space.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Hua was shocked, and he retreated sharply.

At this time, the murderous knife had already slashed in front of Xiao Hua.

The fierceness of this knife was only seen in Xiao Hua's life!

"God kills!"

"God Killed!!"

Xiao Hua thought silently in her heart, she must prepare to use other magical powers.

Just at such a critical moment.


His left hand turned into a state of slaughter!

When Xiao Hua’s left hand was in the Holy Water Palace of the Mortal Realm, he was injured by the magic knife slaughter. The magic knife slaughter was also temporarily stored in Xiao Hua’s left arm. During this time, Xiao Hua's left arm suddenly turned into a sword!

This is not the weirdest thing. What puzzled Xiao Hua the most was that the magic knife was killed.


The knife light wailed and stopped in front of Xiao Hua~

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