Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2513: Spirit Clan Chuzong

Xiao Hua deliberately entered the space and looked at the spirit ancestors, but at this time the surrounding storm was still rampant, he did not dare to be careless, so he stood in the center of the star demon array and looked around at will.


It's okay not to look at it. At this look, Xiao Hua couldn't help being surprised again.

This book of stars is different from other scrolls. The page numbers on the scrolls are random and not adjacent to each other; and when Xiao Hua looked through it, he couldn't find which was the first page, let alone which was the last page.

After looking at it for a moment, Xiao Hua was a little startled.

"This is a book with no beginning and no end!"

"The content of the scroll is vast and endless. I am afraid that only such a book of stars can contain the consciousness of the spirit ancestors?"

After another half an hour, the storm began to weaken, and Chen and other demonic stars also increased by more than 30%.

Chen hiccups repeatedly, as if he was too full.

Xiao Hua confiscated them immediately, and after alerting them, he entered the space in his own mind.

Sure enough, the ancestor of the spirit had turned into a huge starry sky, melted into the space of the spirit world, and countless filaments that only the jade carving Xiao Hua could see clearly were drawn out of the space of the spirit world, and slowly fell into his body!


Seeing Xiao Hua coming in, Lingzu transformed into a handsome man who flew down from the starry sky, raising his hand to salute, "I was a bit reckless just now!"

"No problem!"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled bitterly, "You are not the only one who entered without notice."

"And you are in a critical situation just now, if you don't come in quickly, I'm afraid you will be annihilated at any time!"

"This junior can understand!"

Lingzu smiled and said, "That's good!"

But Xiao Hua immediately asked: "However, should you explain to the younger generation the identity of your spiritual ancestor?"


Lingzu smiled and said, "You are right, I am a little concealed from the Emperor, but it is not a deception."

"Although I am a distraction from the first sect of the Spirit Race, it's okay to say that I am the Spirit Ancestor!"

"Didn't he say that you are his son-in-law?"

"His old man must think this is your true appearance~"

Xiao Hua raised his hand and took out the Book of Stars, saying meaningfully, "That's why I invite you to Qunyu..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly flashed a flash of light in his mind, and said, "Oh, I understand, there is not a group of jade first, but the fragments of the spirit world of the predecessors, and then the group jade!"

"What a smart human race!"

Lingzu smiled and nodded, "You’re right, the emperor boy met me first, and I was living in this unknown book at the time. He built the jade here to protect me and wanted to use it. The innate aura of the fairy reading nourishes the fragments of the spiritual world and helps me recover!"

Xiao Hua listened to the jade, waved his hand, Qunyu Lingshan's many images of book spirits were born, he looked at the spirit ancestor, and said meaningfully: "The original intentions of the two seniors should have been different by this time?"

"Oh, yes!"

Lingzu looked at a group of book spirits, then looked at the book of stars in Xiao Hua’s hand, and sighed, “I don’t know if it’s the cause of the Qunyu collection, or the cause of this unknown book, or the cause of the fragments of the spirit world. It is used to nourish my spiritual energy, and it actually condenses into a living book spirit; this Lingshan fragment has also become a vibrant Lingshan space, this is the unintentional insertion of willows and willows!"

"The question now is~"

A little starry sky emerged from the space of Jade Mountain, Xiao Hua said, "Senior can hide in the fairy space of juniors. Your majesty is distracted. Without the joint resistance of the two seniors, the next storm will hit the Jade Mountain. The entire Lingshan will be destroyed!"

"Didn't you already have some book spirits coming in here?"

Lingzu looked down and saw Shu Ling strayed in the mountains, and suggested, "You might as well send them all here!"

"Where is Qunyu?"

Xiao Hua asked, "Although Qunyu was built for the predecessors, the predecessors are gone, its mission has been completed."

"Ke Qunyu has now become a part of Qunyu Tower, I cannot watch Qunyu disappear!"

"Even if the jade disappears, the storm will still cause great harm to the jade city!"

"This is the home of billions of immortals!"

"Xiao Hua~"

Lingzu felt a little helpless, and said, "What you think is actually the same as that of the Emperor. He also wants to block the storm and save the Yuling Mountains."

"The problem is, he can't do it, can you do it?"

"The current plan, you should return to Qunyu as soon as possible, notify the Emperor of this matter, let him come to deal with it!"

"Senior said so!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua nodded and said, "However, if the senior can tell the ins and outs of this storm, it is better for the junior to tell your majesty!"

"You are blind when you ask!"

Ling Ancestor shook his head and said, "This storm suddenly appeared one day, and there is no sign at all. And the distraction between me and the Emperor boy can't get close, so I can't tell you anything except the danger of the storm!"

"The two seniors don't have physical bodies, so it's not easy to look at them!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua understood, and said, "The younger generation will go and see first!"

Xiao Hua got out of space and wanted to send his disciples to inform the Emperor, but his presence in Qunyu Lingshan gave him bad news.

Because there was no resistance from the emperor and the spirit ancestors, the storm that rushed into the fragments of the spirit world was twice as powerful as before, and many parts of Qunyu Lingshan were destroyed!

Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and frowned when he looked at the source of the previous knife storm.

He understood that the matter was urgent at this time, and he could no longer notify the Emperor, and even if he notified the Emperor, he would definitely not be there in a short time.

Qunyuling Mountain cannot withstand two attacks by knife storms!

In other words, Xiao Hua must find the source of the sword storm before the next attack, otherwise the fragments of the spirit world will be destroyed!

"Quickly notify Qunyuan Lingshan Shuling of this critical situation~"

Xiao Hua promptly ordered the Shadows to say, "Let them immediately organize Shu Ling to withdraw into the spiritual realm space, and Xiang Dao go to the depths of the storm to see if the source of the storm can be found!"

Having said that, Xiao Hua didn't think he was better than the Emperor and Spirit Ancestor. They couldn't find the root cause, and he was also in vain in all likelihood.

The shadow body sent forty-nine Yuan Ying out, and passed Xiao Hua's words to Xiao Yin and the others, and the whole group of Jade Lingshan became a mess.

At the moment of life and death, even Shu Ling must be crazy!

Xiao Hua didn't care about this, he urged his figure to go deep into the space.

At the beginning, the demon stars such as Chen were still guarding Xiao Hua, but as they deepened, the twisted laws of space seemed to be piled up with rocks, and the demon stars such as Chen could not easily pass.

Moreover, every time it barely passes, it will cause the space to break or even collapse, and some earthquake-like fluctuations will spread far away from time to time, so Xiao Hua thought about it for a while and still put them in Zijinling.

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