Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2510: Easy, cause and effect


The Book of Rites, which has not spoken all the time, started speaking slowly and coughed slightly. She coughed and said, "Didn’t Chun Qiu say it? We have two ways to go. Now with the spiritual world that Xiao Hua said, we already have After the most basic bottom line, why don’t you think about the first way?"

   "Not bad!"

  Fairy Feng's eyes lit up again and said, "We are limited by the spirit mountain and cannot go deep into the source of the sword storm. Xiao Hua is a human race and has the light of civilization. He should be able to go deep into it and explore the cause!"


   Chunqiu shook his head, and said, "It all depends on Xiao Hua whether we can go to the spirit world; and the place where the sword storm comes is too dangerous, how can he be allowed to take risks?"

   The three-character scripture boy tilted his head and said: "We can go in without Xiao Hua! There is the lovely little silver brother, and the majestic King Kong general!!"

"How about this!"

   Yi said indifferently, "We are divided into two groups. I will take Xiao Hua to explore the sword storm, and you will discuss who to send to the spiritual realm."

   After finishing speaking, Yi didn't care about Feng Fairy and the others' answers, waved at Xiao Hua, and flew towards the depths of Feng Chan Terrace!


   Xiao Hua followed closely, watching Fengchantai getting bigger and bigger, and finally becoming a vast and deserted land, he couldn't help but whispered, "The root of the sword storm is in Fengchantai?"


  Yi's answer is simple and clear, "I have something to tell you."

   Xiao Hua looked at Yi's back, the gossip in the thunder light continued to rise and die, and the inexplicable fluctuations diverged with Yi flying around.

   When he reached a place, Yi looked around. Sixty-four hexagrams flew out between his hands, covering the space near to the left.

   "Xiao Hua~"

   Yi turned his head to look at Xiao Hua, and said, "I feel like you are destined, but I don't know why."

   Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "Then I don't even know."

   Yi smiled and gave birth to his right hand.

   Xiao Hua's heart moved, and his mind escaped, turned into a Confucian image, and also gave birth to his right hand!

   Holding both hands in one place, the weird halo of "Om" came out, and the sentiment of the unnumbered sentence fell into Xiao Hua's heart.


   Yi's face was shocked, and he whispered, " can you have cause and effect with him?"

   Xiao Hua ignored it, but instead fully accepted the insights from Yi. These insights belonged to all the heavenly scholars who came to the group of jade. For Xiao Hua, the stone of the mountain can attack jade, which is rare.

   Yi was also surprised. He wanted to fulfill his induction, but he didn't expect the result of the induction to escape his expectations, and Xiao Hua could actually copy the words from his body, it was just another self!

   Yi was shocked in his heart, he thought about it and wanted to withdraw his right hand, but he moved, his eyes rolled, and his right hand remained unchanged.

   Within half an hour, Xiao Hua took his hand and respectfully said: "Thank you, senior!"


   Yi laughed and said, "So I was still wrong!"

   "You and I are destined for this preaching, not the destiny I just saw!"

   "Senior, wait a minute~"

With that said, Xiao Hua’s mind fell into the flesh, "Boom boom boom~" In the space, both the Heavenly Dao Xiao Hua and the Karma Xiao Hua were moving, with indescribable fluctuations, the brilliance rushed out of the heavenly stars and the hands of Karma. !

   Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and the secret path was worthwhile.

   After Hunyuan, the path of cause and effect is the same as the realm. It is extremely difficult to move forward!

   "Senior just said..."

   Xiao Hua asked tentatively.

   "Do you know this person?"

   Yi smiled slightly, his body changed, and he turned into a blue rain!


   Xiao Hua was shocked and whispered, "He has been here too?"

   "That's right!"

   Yi smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have cause and effect with him!"

   "No, no~"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand, "I have no cause and effect with him, it is my disciple who has cause and effect with him!"

   While talking, Xiao Hua sent Zhou Xiaoming out!


  Yi saw Zhou Xiaoming's eyes in surprise and said, "Why is his cause and effect so important to him?"


   Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Senior is afraid that I may miss it. My disciple is his reincarnation!"

"is it?"

   Yi was thoughtful, raised his hand and brushed Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows.

   "click 嚓嚓~"

   Yi's palm actually gave birth to a thin lightning and thunder. Yi's face was shocked again. He looked up at Xiao Hua and said, "I...I can't see their cause and effect!!"

   Xiao Hua was puzzled. He was unable to perform causal art in the Wuming Yuanyu, perhaps because his Taoist cultivation method was restricted by the heavens; Yi but Shuling, he was restricted for no reason?

   "Could it be the limit of this spirit mountain?"

   Xiao Hua looked around.

   Yi seemed to understand what Xiao Hua was thinking, patted his forehead and said, "Yes, this may be the only reason."

Just when Xiao Hua wanted to speak, Yi looked at Zhou Xiaoming again and said, "The problem is, if he is his reincarnation, this kind of cause and effect... should be obvious! Whether there is a Lingshan limit, you should see it. Come out!"


   Yi's words were like thunder hitting Xiao Hua. He woke up like a dream and said in surprise, " mean, Zhou Xiaoming is not Lan Yu's reincarnation?"

   "That's not right~"

   Yi shook his head decisively.


   Xiao Hua took a breath, sweating in his vest. He always thought that Zhou Xiaoming was the reincarnation of Lan Yu, but now...

   "Oh oh~"

  Yi Shao Shao waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood!"

   "I'm not saying that Zhou Xiaoming is not the reincarnation of Lan Yu!"

   "I mean, he is not called Lan Yu!"

"Ha ha!"

   Xiao Hua breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "So that's it, then what is his name?"

   "I don't know what his name is!"

   Yi explained with a smile, "But I can be sure, he is not called Lan Yu!"

   "Also, besides you and the Lord of the Jade, he is the third physical body entered by UU Reading www.uukā!"

The more   yi said, the more shocking Xiao Hua was!

   This is the way to hold the gourd and lift it up.

   Xiao Hua asked: "Can't Lingshan contain a physical body?"

   "How strong is that person?"

   In the face of Xiao Hua's successive inquiries, Yi is still not rushing, his whole body overflows with gossip, and wisps of flames are born in the gossip impact.

   "First of all, Lingshan is protected by the master of jade, and non-spiritual bodies cannot enter!"

   "Secondly, since that person can break the literary ban of the Lord of Jade, is his strength extraordinary?"

   Xiao Hua suddenly became calm!

   Who is the lord of the jade?

  The Emperor!

   This person who looks exactly like Lan Yu can actually break the emperor's literary prohibition. Of course, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary scholars!

   No, it should be better than Xiao Hua?

   "That's right~"

   Xiao Hua's heart moved, and then he thought of himself, "How can Xiao enter physically?"

   recalled a bit, Xiao Hua somewhat understood.

  When he entered Qunyuling Mountain, he used the art of light escape for a period, and there was also a storm of swords in that period. It must be so, he came in accidentally, right?

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