Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2509: Negotiate

Just as the university was about to speak, "Om~" There was thunder in the sky in the distance, and a middle-aged man in gossip clothes stepped on thunder!

   "This is easy~"

   The spring and autumn old man curled his mouth and said, "He is so arrogant everywhere, I'm afraid he doesn't know that he understands thunder."

   Then, Chun Qiu took Xiao Hua to the Fengchantai and stood at random.

   After a short while, Feng Chan Terrace was already full, and Xiao Hua looked around curiously. He really didn't expect that the four books and five classics he had read before, and even the six arts, turned into human figures and stood beside the world.

  The four books are all old men, with a steady manner;

   The Five Classics have their own characteristics. Shang Shu is dressed in an official uniform, has a square face, and speaks well. However, the Book of Rites is a woman who looks ordinary and speaks mildly.

   In fact, Xiao Hua still doesn't understand.

   Fengya Song is supposed to be part of the Book of Songs, but they each become spirits and show female faces; the Book of Songs is a handsome and elegant middle-aged man!

   Xiao Hua was looking at the world, and Fairy Feng said: "Everyone, I am all Qunyulingshan Shuling. Now Qunyulingshan is in trouble. If I don't want to make up for it, I am afraid that it will be a disaster!"

   "Wind Fairy~"

   Yi Yi frowned, "I didn't have to investigate the knife-like storm. The problem is that I can't go deep, let alone leave Lingshan. Even if I have the means, how can I make up for it?"

Fairy    Song said: "It is because I don't know that I personally come to work together."

   Chun Qiu said with a smile: "This matter is nothing more than two solutions. The one-time solution is to find the source of the knife storm as I said before, and find a way to eliminate it!"


   Fairy Ya wondered: "Spring and Autumn, do you have a second way?"

   "Of course~"

   Chunqiu nodded, "There is another way to cure the symptoms but not the root cause, I will wait to leave Qunyuling Mountain!"

"how is this possible?"

   There is no need for Fairy Ya to speak, so Shu Ling frowned and said?   "Chun Qiu?   Did you forget your roots?"

"who are you?"

   "You are the Shuling of Qunyuling Mountain, you can't leave at all!"

   Chunqiu said with confidence: "Maybe there was no way before?  I have it now!"

   Then?   He even pointed to Xiao Hua and introduced: "He is Xiao Hua of the human race?   He came from outside the Qunyu Lingshan. I have heard the Three Character Classic say his character and supernatural power..."


  Won't wait for the Spring and Autumn to finish?  Everyone exclaimed?  "How come there are people outside of Lingshan? And they are real people?"

   All the Shu Ling's eyes fell on Xiao Hua, and the three fairies Feng Yasong looked at each other, and their faces were full of thought.

   "I understand~"

   Fairy Song nodded, "The sword storm not only destroyed part of our Lingshan?   It also broke through the boundary between Lingshan and the earth?  This is what makes people have a gap!"

   Chun Qiu looked at Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao Hua, have you explained the ins and outs of the matter?"

Xiao Hua walked out, read the books in the Qunyu Expo, and then fell into the knife-like outline. Finally, he said: "There is indeed a place to go under?  Similar to Qunyu Lingshan, and that place is than here. ."

   "What do you mean?"

  Even Spring and Autumn?   his expression changed slightly, and he asked in a low voice.

   "It's easy~"

   Hsiao Hua said very meaningfully?   "At that location, there is no suppression by the jade outside of Lingshan?   You are truly independent."

   "You... how do you know?"

   University surprised.

   Xiao Hua didn’t answer the university’s words?  Continue to finish?   "And that place is a real spiritual world, the domain is almost infinite, it is not comparable to a hill like Lingshan!"

   "The real spirit world?"

  Fairy Feng had ecstasy in his eyes and exclaimed, "Just...just like the vastness of the heaven outside Qunyu??"

   "That's natural!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "Otherwise, why would Xiao let the Three Character Classic and Thousand Character Classic go there to see?"

   "Quickly, let them two, no, let the scholars who are not wise to come around Fengchantai..."

   Zhongyong hurriedly urged.

   Hearing this, Xiao Huacai said to the university: "If Xiao had expected it well, the range of activities for the seniors is fixed, and you can't travel far, and this Feng Chan platform should be accessible to everyone!"

   "Yes, that's right!"

   The university nodded without hesitation.

   "Born in Si and grow in Si!"

   Xiao Hua said, "The group of jade outside of Lingshan is the foundation of you, and you are only the book of the group of jade. So you still hold the group of jade books to contain you, you can’t be free!"

   "Even, even if there is no sword storm, if the heavenly court wants to burn a book, don't you lose the foundation of your footing?"

   When the books were heard, they realized that everyone was in danger. They looked at each other and whispered to each other. Obviously, they had never thought about this situation before.

   "Your words are too alarmist!"

   Shang Shu shook his head and said, "I don't believe you!"

   "I feel so too~"

   Another middle-aged book spirit also echoed the Tao.

"I believe!"

   At this time, Yi suddenly said, "I have already calculated it, Xiao Hua should be our savior."

   "Yes, I believe it too!"

   Chun Qiu smiled and said, "Just when I saw Xiao Hua's light of civilization!"


  Don’t talk about the three sisters Feng Yasong, but they didn’t believe Xiao Hua’s Shang Shu and others also exclaimed, “How can he have the light of civilization? Then...isn’t that the emperor has it?”

   "Siu Hua, are you the Emperor?"

   "No, no~"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand, "I am not the emperor, let alone the emperor. UU reading"

   "I only had the light of civilization because I drank the text #乳#!"

"how is this possible?"

All the book spirits are puzzled again, "Wen##乳# is precious, but many book spirits have been drunk. According to the literature, Emperor Emperor also took it out, and no human race gave birth to the light of civilization after taking it! "

   Yi laughed loudly and said, "This doesn't mean that Xiao Hua can save us?"

   Three-character Classic and Thousand-Character Wen came over, and they cautiously bowed.

"No way?"

   Fairy Ya looked at the boy and the boy, and whispered, "Last time I saw you, you haven't been so mature yet. It's only a few days now. Why is the difference so big?"

   "Good to teach my sister to know!"

   The thousand-character youth replied, "This is all thanks to Xiao Hua!"

"Yeah yeah!"

   The three-character classic boy also said happily, "Xiao Hua said that the place is so beautiful, I don't want to come back!"

   After that, the two book spirits met Xiao Hua and talked about the process of coexisting with Xiao Hua.

   Hearing that Xiao Hua's cultivation actually gave birth to three flowers, the Shulings were so shocked that their eyes were about to fall.

   Even these visions are not recorded in Qunyu's books!

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