Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2500: See also Shushan Wenhai

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (

"Oh, it turns out that Yuan Geng has passed the message before!"

After the fairy talked to himself, he took out a goose book, and after a few words, he raised his hand and drew the text in midair. The text fell on the goose book, and the goose book turned into form with a clear sound of "Ga". , Rushed straight into the air and disappeared.


As soon as the fairy was about to turn around, a red color rushed out between his eyebrows again. The fairy was stunned on the spot, frowning, "Why did Song Feng and Xu Suiran also pass similar messages? This Xiao there any secret in him?"

After speaking, the fairy's sleeves flicked, and a chain flew out, directly breaking through the air and disappearing.

"It's not right!"

After a while, watching the chains slowly fly back, the fairy smiled bitterly, "This is a real book fairy, not even Song Xian, what does Song Feng want to do?"

Despite this, the fairy released two goose books separately and then entered the pavilion.

However, after just a few breaths, a ray of light thinner than hair rushed out from the sound of "hum" right in front of the pavilion, and the light fell into the air.

"Boom Rumble"

Amid the thunderous sound, huge stones condense, and in a blink of an eye, the stones are piled up like a mountain, filling up the world!

"Damn it!"

The immortal flew out helplessly, watching the rapid spread of the stone mountain and murmured, "This Shiliu Mountain erupts more and more frequently. If you don't find the reason, the jade will become a barren mountain sooner or later!"

After speaking, the immortal offered a jade pen, and the jade pen was swiped, and there was a lot of text.

To the immortal's expectation, the text was falling, and the stones that should have melted were still strong, and the text was falling like snowflakes!

"Oh, trouble!"

The immortal sighed for a moment, took the jade pen, and slapped the door, and a tripod-shaped object flew out.

As the immortal spouted in with a breath of immortality, fires gushed out of the cauldron.

Seeing the flames trapping the stone mountain and slowly burning it to ashes, the immortal smiled bitterly on his face, not half relaxed, and whispered, "Fuck!"

The flame burned for several hours before burning the stone mountain that was condensed by clouds thinner than hair.

Seeing a knife-like shape remaining in the space, the immortal was already familiar with it, and flew back to the pavilion after receiving the cultural instruments.

Besides Xiao Hua, following Gao Ming flew to the nine-color pavilion, but before he could fly closer, a chain turned out of the sky and fell directly on Xiao Hua and Gao Ming.


Gao Ming was shocked, and just about to resist, there was already a literary ban in the chain that would suppress him.

Xiao Hua was equally obsessed, because Wen Ban ignored Xiao Hua's body and directly attacked his language, and the meaning of exploration in Wen Ban was more than imprisonment.

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, thought a little, and gave up resistance.

This ban can certainly suppress Gao Ming, but in Xiao Hua's eyes it is like a child's play.

"Om~" At the place where Wen Jin fell, Xiao Hua's figure also rolled like Gao Ming, but after a few breaths, Wen Jin pulled out of the two immortal bodies, and the chains condensed again and disappeared into the void.

"Is this probing?"

Xiao Hua asked Gaoming.

Gao Ming was at a loss, looked at where the chains had disappeared, and shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't heard that there is an exploration in the jade!"

"I only know that with the family's tokens, I can browse group books in Qunyu..."

Xiao Hua's heart shuddered, and he was alert. He squinted his eyes to look in the distance, and then flew forward with Gao Ming.

Close to the pavilion, nine-colored steps emerge within the nine-colored clouds, and there are ribbon-shaped air filaments tumbling around, like dragons and snakes.

Gao Ming greeted Xiao Hua to fall, and the "Ka Ka Ka" step vibrated, dividing ninety-nine eighty-one roads, leading to different places.

"Brother Xiao~"

Gao Ming said with a smile, "Qunyu is all dependent on fate, you and I will break up?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Could Qunyu be different from the academy?"

"Haha~ of course!"

Gao Ming laughed loudly and said, "How can the academy compare with Qunyu? If Qunyu is a charming beauty, the academy is a vulgar fan!"

"Brother Xiao should understand what's the specific advantage!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Ming turned around, "Kaka" a series of steps stretched towards the distance, and Gao Ming strode over.

Seeing that Gao Ming didn't ask himself to plant the jade technique, Xiao Hua was a little helpless. He knew that Gao Ming would not practice in advance before meeting Gao Ming's parents in Wuyun City.

So Xiao Hua looked around and picked up a light purple step.

In the same way, light purple steps emerged one after another, and a simple gate appeared at the end!

The gate looked no more than a few meters away, but when you stepped closer, a majestic breath came from the gate. The gate was like a continent, with flowers, birds, insects, fish, mountains and rivers appearing on it!

Xiao Hua stretched out his hand, and his big hand fell on the mainland, turning into an optimistic pillar.

Without stopping Xiao Hua's effort, "Boom boom boom~" The whole continent shook, birds and beasts wailed, seeing the whole continent shattered, and a vast world appeared in front of Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua stepped in, and the steps still came out, a strong book fragrance filled the whole world!

"Shushan Wenhai?"

Xiao Hua looked around, UU reading laughed, "Isn't this the old fashioned?"

However, before Xiao Hua's laughter fell, the situation around "Swiss~" changed again.

It seems to be windy, and as Xiao Hua's gaze flickers, wherever the wind blows, whether it is a mountain or a river, there are pages turning.

Smoke gushes out of the pages of the book, and houses of gold are looming in the smoke.

"Needless to say~"

Xiao Hua pouted, "There will be a pretty lady in every golden house!"

"As the saying goes, the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu!"

It is a pity that Xiao Hua was still wrong. He fell into the smoky golden house. There were no beauties, only some antique bookshelves on which many books were placed.

Xiao Hua raised his hand and wanted to pick up a book.

I don't know that the book is motionless, Xiao Hua's law is like a clay cow into the sea.


Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows, and just wanted to move the rules again, after a turn of his mind, with the immortal power, like ordinary people, he raised his hand to get the book.

Sure enough, the book was taken down where the hand was.

Looking through it a bit, Xiao Hua already understood in his heart that the books stored here are not the same as the academy.

Most of the books in the academy are chosen for the apocalypse, and the books here are for browsing and research.

Then Xiao Hua flipped through some books to confirm his thoughts, and then released the shadows so that they could copy the books into the space as before.

Unexpectedly, there is no way to take out the scroll where the shadow body stumbles!

"Little family mad!!"

"Don't you know if you can't read the book if you borrow it?"

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