Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2499: Qunyu

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (


Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, "Don't you believe me? You still want your Gao family to see if I am the real product?"

"No, no~"

Gao Ming hurriedly waved his hand, "Brother Xiao has thought about it a lot. This is definitely not what the younger brother meant. The younger brother hasn't returned for a long time. The father sent a message last time, and the younger brother promised to go back and have a look after he planted the jade competition."

"Second, the younger brother has to rebuild after all. This... don't tell your parents, for fear that they are worried."

Wuyun City is the hometown of Gao Jidi, and Gao Jidi is the father of Jiu Xia. When Xiao Hua arrives in Heaven, he will naturally go to Wuyun City, so Xiao Hua is not opposed to accompany Gao Ming on a trip.

However, Xiao Hua tentatively asked: "Where is Maoxuan in the jade city?"


Gao Ming was surprised, "Brother Xiao doesn't want to participate in Maoxuan?"

"No way, the plan can't keep up with the changes!"

Xiao Hua was really helpless, "Don't you want to participate in Maoxuan?"

"Haha, there is also Maoxuan in Five Cloud City?"

Gao Ming smiled, "Brother Xiao can go to Wuyun City as much as possible."

Xiao Hua thought for a while. He couldn't guarantee that the Five Phoenix Pavilion in Five Clouds City would be the same as Qun Jade City, so he said, "It's better to be in Qun Jade City!"

"Listen to you~"

Gao Ming said, "I won't participate anymore."

"Why don't you participate again?"

Xiao Hua really couldn't laugh or cry.

Gao Ming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter whether I participate or not. I also wait for the left and right. I will accompany you to participate once!"

Qunyu City naturally also has a college, which is much larger than the academy in Fuyu City.

But when Xiao Hua asked, he almost cried.

The Maoxuan in Qunyu City just started last month. The Maoxuan in Heavenly Court is held every ten years, and each time it takes five years, which means he has to wait for ten years to participate!

"Brother Xiao~"

Even Gao Ming was a little impatient, and said, "Let's go to Wuyun City to participate in Maoxuan!"

"Not going~"

Xiao Hua categorically cut the railway.


"Why did you plan to go to Xuhuangcheng to participate in Maoxuan instead of Wuyun City?"


Gao Ming said shyly, "Aren't you afraid of embarrassment?"

"Oh, oh~"

Xiao Hua curled his lips and said, "You are afraid of being ashamed. I will accompany you to Wuyun City. If I fail, I will not be ashamed?"

"that's true!"

Gao Ming stretched his waist and said, "If you have a problem with Maoxuan, I will not be able to convince your parents, then participate in Maoxuan in Qunyu City!"

Xiao Hua suggested: "In this case, let's read the book in this academy, and I will also teach you the method of planting jade first."


Gao Ming looked around and frowned. He thought for a while and said, "Go, I'll take you to a place."

Gao Ming's flight was another ten or so days. Xiao Hua saw that he was going to stay in Qunyu City for another ten years, so he took advantage of this time to send out the Luoyi Business League disciples so that they could continue to build the Luoyi Business League in Qunyu City.

On this day, seeing that there were fewer people, a jade-colored cloud appeared in front of him, and a pavilion carved with jade and stone was looming within the cloud.

Waiting closer, the pavilions are divided into nine colors, and each color is connected by a different style of pavilion.

The pavilions of various colors cast shadows in the sun, with the outlines of overlapping scrolls in the shadows; even, the scent of ink floating in the wind.

"This must be where the emperor's book collection is!"

Seeing Shushan's vision, Xiao Hua was already a little surprised.

"Brother Xiao~"

Gao Ming smiled, "Do you know where this is?"

"I don't know~"

Xiao Hua looked at Gao Ming, satisfied his showy, and replied.

"This is the real Qunyu Tower!"


Shaw was surprised, "If this is a group of jade buildings, what are those groups of jade buildings?"


Gao Ming said, "This is where the emperor's book is located, and it is called Qunyu."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ming pointed to the neighborhood and explained: "It is said that there was no Qunyu City here earlier, but the term Qunyulou's ancestors stealing the Qunyu Tower. First, the Qunyu Tower was built, and then Yuancheng was built to achieve the present momentum!"

Seeing Gao Ming's face of disdain, Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Well, on the twelfth floor of the Fifth City, are their ancestors ordinary people?"

"Without the approval of the Emperor, how dare they use the name of Qunyu?"

Gao Ming shrugged, he naturally knew it, but there was a slight grievance in his heart.


Xiao Hua smiled slightly and said, "Why the emperor's collection is placed here instead of Huangcheng? This is intriguing."


Just as he said, thunder light and shadow appeared in the sky, chain after chain spreading teeth and claws like a dragon, a fairy wearing silver armor stepped on the thunder light.

"Who came from?"

"Don't know this is forbidden land?"

Scolded among the immortal population, his figure swayed, and it looked more than ten thousand feet in size.

Gao Ming was not nervous at all. He stood respectfully in the air, bowing generously and said: "The disciple Gao Ming of the Five Clouds City, with his righteous brother Xiao Hua, come to find the jade beads and bathe the emperor's grace."

The immortal was selfless, not just because of his clever respect, and he was amiable. He still scolded, "Where is the token?"

"Lord, please see!"

Gao Ming took out a jade ruyi from his sleeve and offered it carefully.

Scarlet light came out of the fairy's eyes, falling on the jade ruyi, which melted like an ice cube, and UU reading revealed a torn page inside.


The fairy nodded and said, "This is the credibility of the Gao family. It's just that your Gao family only has two chances to enter Qunyu, do you confirm?"

Xiao Hua's heart was about to stop it. After all, it didn't matter whether he came or not. His purpose was Maoxuan, which was Zhou Xiaoming's memory.


I don't know that Zhou Xiaoming nodded and answered without hesitation.

Following Zhou Xiaoming's answer, a cloud of silk that resembled a group of jade pavilions flew out of the fairy's eyes, and the silk fell into the jade ruyi. The jade pavilion collapsed and disappeared in a moment.

The fairy looked at Jade Ruyi in his hand and said, "This thing is useless, do you still have to?"

"Do not……"

Gao Ming was about to wave his hand, Xiao Hua said, "Yes!"

"Well, yes!"

Gao Ming changed his words immediately, and the fairy returned Yu Ruyi to Gao Ming and disappeared.

"This thing is useless, what do you want it to do?"

Gao Ming looked at Yu Ruyi with a smile and handed it to Xiao Hua.

"Be a memorial!"

Xiao Hua took over Yu Ruyi and said, "After all, it is because of Xiao, who has consumed one of your Gao family's quota!"


Gao Ming smiled, and flew up and said, "No matter how precious this thing is, it is not as important as Brother Xiao giving the younger brother the opportunity to practice again."

The immortal figure drifted through the heavy bans like a cloud of smoke, and he waited until he fell into a pavilion. He just condensed, suddenly raised his brows, and said secretly: "No, why is Xiao Hua's name so familiar?"

Then the fairy backhanded his eyebrows, "brushing" a red color like a flower, and all kinds of words poured out!

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