Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2483: Flower-shaped heaven


   Wen Zhong also hesitated, but he believed in Xiao Hua's character, after all, Xiao Hua promised to let him go, and did not negotiate any terms at all.

   But according to the information about Xiao Hua's growth from Dao Xianjie, this guy is a disaster star. When people go on an expedition, it will be annihilation at best, but Xiao Hua is good, and it is directly annihilated.

   The forbidden places of immortals such as sparse golden dead sky and You Ji are no exception. Wen Zhongzhen dare not let Xiao Hua go to bury the immortal void.

However, what Wen Qing said is also extremely reasonable. The body Xiao Hua gave himself is indeed extremely good, and his cultivation is far beyond ordinary people, but it is not time to decide to cultivate to the realm of Primordial Golden Fairy. It depends on chance. , And this opportunity... isn't it exactly what I was looking for in the celestial burial void?

   So, poor Wen Zhong was about to face the question of whether the chicken or the egg came first.

   Xiao Hua naturally didn't know this. After he looked at the scenery within Bizhu to no avail, he returned to the pavilion to continue his practice. Time is precious and cannot be wasted in the jade belt.

   There are no years of practice, and I don’t know how long it has passed. A brilliant voice came from outside the pavilion.

   Xiao Hua still flew out like Confucianism.

   "Brother Xiao~"

   Gao Ming waited outside. Seeing Xiao Hua coming out, he immediately squeezed his eyebrows and came over. There was a pile of smiles on his face!

   Xiao Hua felt goosebumps on her body, and hurriedly waved her hand: "Just call Brother Wen, don't you need to be so close?"


   Gao Ming replied, "In the past ten years or so, after thinking about it, Xiaosheng felt that if he took a literary friend to the past, Yuju Weng might not buy it. If that is the case, I would say you are my brother!"

   "You have so many thoughts, why don't you need to cultivate?"

   Xiao Hua said irritably.

   "Isn't this cultivation practice?"

   Gaoming pretended to be puzzled, and asked: "Everything in the world is learned, and human feelings are learned?"

   "Go ahead, go ahead!"

   Xiao Hua was helpless, waved his hand and said, "You can say what you say!"

   Then Xiao Hua looked out of the jade car.

Gao Ming hurriedly explained: "Brother Xiao, Qunyu City is about to arrive. There will be some investigations before entering the city. These investigations are very annoying and will affect cultivation, so the younger brother awakens Brother Xiao, just to take a look at the grand scenery of Qunyu City! "


   Xiao Hua was a little depressed. Although he had seen some Xiayun Festivals that recorded the common sense of the heavens, from time to time he would always encounter some common sense that could not even be recorded.

   Gaoming is not surprised, he has already sensed from Xiao Hua's speech and behavior, Xiao Hua has been practicing in Xuanpu, this is the first time he has been to Qunyu City.

   just cared about Xiao Hua's face, Gao Ming didn't ask carefully.

So Gao Ming explained: "Although the Qun Jade City is not comparable to the Yellow City, it is an infinite universe. It is also the foundation of the Qun Jade Building, so there are countless attached cities and sub-cities around it. Each of these cities has a space. These spaces Connected together is naturally the city area of ​​Qunyu City."

   Xiao Hua smiled and nodded, this is actually similar to the city of Mortal Realm.


   Just as he said, there was a sound like firecrackers outside the speeding car.

   Gao Ming raised his brows and said with a smile: "I'm afraid there will be Jixia, Brother Xiao, please see!"

   Talking, Gao Ming raised his hand lightly, a cloud appeared out of nowhere, and when the cloud drifted away, the jade car gradually became transparent!


   Looking at the strange scenery outside the jade car, even Xiao Hua couldn't help being surprised.

   But beyond the jade cart, there are clouds thin like a thumb. These clouds are like bells covering the jade cart. The jade cart flew, rushing into the bell cloud, the cloud is not the birth and death, the clear and explosive sound is endless.

  Besides the clouds, there are thousands of colorful liucai, and I don’t know how long the liucai is winding!

   In addition to the flow of color, there are more clouds of clouds, heavy with light and shadow, with Xiao Hua's eyes, you can't see the bottom at a glance!

   Countless distorted and gorgeous splendor reflected in everyone's eyes, and a little bit of light was even more dazzling. Within that brilliance, another fairyland blessed was vaguely born. These fairyland is obviously different from the scenery within the surrounding clouds!


   Xiao Hua couldn't help but whispered, "Is it possible that the fairyland that is in my eyes is not within the city of Qunyu City?"

"Not bad!"

Gao Ming's eyes were surprised, and he touched his palms, "Brother Xiao's vision is really extraordinary! You can see the key to this extreme haze at a glance. It is said that the fairyland reflected in these extreme hazes is the scenery of other big cities in the sky, as to where and who I don’t know!"

   "Furthermore, every time a polar cloud appears, the fairyland that flashes is different!"


   Xiao Hua nodded, but his eyes fell on the bell-shaped clouds around the jade cart.

   Compared with the splendor and weirdness of Jixia, Xiao Hua pays more attention to the breath of these clouds when they disappear, which is exactly the same as the breath of the nameless Yuanyu.

   It's just, but after a stick of incense, the extremely hazy clouds disappeared, and those clouds also appeared as a flash in the pan, and the breath of the nameless elementary domain disappeared without a trace, replaced by a strong aura.

   At the same time, an aura that resembled the will of heaven and earth swept across, directly impacting the spirits of Xiao Hua and others.

   "It should be the ban on the city area!"

   Xiao Hua was a little surprised, "This handwriting, I am afraid that one or two Taiqing gods will not be able to arrange it?"

   explored only half a cup of tea, and passed quickly.

   "Brother Xiao~"

Watching Jixia disappear, Gao Ming originally wanted to accept the text, but watching Xiao Huayi still looking outside the jade car, he simply smiled, "It's coming soon, brother go and clean up, so I won't disturb Brother Xiao enjoying the scenery. Up."

Gao Ming left. Xiao Hua squinted his eyes to look at the scenery outside, and thought to himself: "Qunyu City must have been an unnamed Yuancheng like the Floating Jade City at first, and with the development of Qunyu Tower, UU Reading gradually Become a big city with metropolitan areas!"

   "So, how did these cities develop? Are they arranged randomly or arranged like a demon city?"

   Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's heart moved, and he waited and watched.

   "I'll go~~"

   This doesn't matter, Xiao Hua almost whispered.

   But after seeing and watching, flower-like outlines are all around, and within each flower there is still a set of flowers, and even Xiao Hua feels that these countless flower outlines are actually just one flower!

   Xiao Hua woke up, he patted his forehead and chuckled: "Pan Dao understands, Five Cities may be five heavenly fields that look like flowers, and even the whole heaven is like a flower."

   "Five cities are the five petals of a flower, and within each petal there are countless flower-like cities gathering together!"

   "As for the flowers, it is the boundless meta domain, the place where the Confucianists of Heaven have not yet set foot!"

   "If so, I can explain Jixia!"

   "The five petals are hidden from each other, and the wonderland of different heavens has its own projection on the edge!"

   "As for the Xuanpu, it is on the edge of the petals. The Yuanyu between it and Fuyu City has that... primitive atmosphere!"

   Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was puzzled again.

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