Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2482: Wen Zhong's purpose

Xiao Hua was afraid that even if he wanted to break his head, Wen Zhong actually came to the heavenly court!

   And Xiao Hua actually couldn't notice the breath of this fairy baby's body!

   Wen Zhong looked at the green bamboo dripping in the rain, and took a long breath, "That's weird!"


   Wen Zhong was behind a disciple in Tsing Yi, he wondered, "Could it be that the disciple made a mistake?"

   "There should be no errors in the probe, but there is a doubt that I can't explain."

   "If it is possible, the ancestor will talk about it, the disciple can help the ancestor think about it?"

   Wen Zhong did not look back, still watching the drizzle, and said leisurely: "Wen Qing, do you remember the previous news of the temperature rise in Fuyu City?"

"Oh, remember!" Wen Qing thought about it, and hurriedly replied, "That is, decades ago, when the temperature rise far away in Fuyu City suddenly sent a message, is it the jade variety of Qunyulou? The disciple didn't look closely, after all, the disciple was not responsible for that."

   Wen Zhong said: "Xia Yun Festival is on the book case, you can see for yourself!"

   There are two Xiayun Festivals on the book case, Wen Qing hesitated for a while, not knowing which one to take.

   "All you can watch!"

   Wen Zhong said lightly.

   Wen Qing picked up one casually, looked at it, frowned and said, "Is this the literary track inscribed on the Five Phoenix Pavilion?"

   "Yes," Wen Zhong nodded, "Central, there hasn't been one in many years, this time there are four!"

   "Hey, yes!" Wen Qing put down the Xiayun Festival and said with a smile, "The cultural track is too difficult! A perfect pregnancy is comparable to reaching the sky, and the disciples of the left and right can't even think about it."


   Wen Qing picked up another Xiayun Festival, but he glanced at it and whispered, "This Xiao Hua who grows jade from this group of jade towers is Xiao Hua from Fuyu City, right?"

   "The jade variety of the Qunyu Tower is of course covering many jade veins, but the floating jade city naturally has it. This is a person!"

   Wen Qing suddenly woke up, and asked in a low voice, "Then...the ancestor meant that he suspected that this Hunyuan Xiao Zhenren and this elegant Xiao Hua...are the same person?"


   Wenzhong nodded.

   "Impossible!" Wen Qing shook his head without thinking, and said, "The Apocalypse Bo selection was selected by the immortal imperial instrument Zhaoming Qitianlu. It is impossible for a Taoist immortal to mix in! And, how can a Hunyuan become pregnant?"

   "Yes!" Wen Zhong also turned around, walked back to the book case, sat down, and smiled bitterly, "Even if the Taoist immortal realm Hunyuan cultivates Confucianism, it starts with Sanhua, it is impossible to conceive!"

   "Especially the pregnant species Dzogchen!!"

   Wen Qing emphasized, "The ancestor may not have paid attention to it, but the disciple knows the difficulty, let alone a Taoist immortal, it is impossible for my heavenly Confucian to conceive since childhood!"

   "But~" Wen Zhong still shook his head, "Others can't do it, he... must be possible!"

   "That~" Wen Qing could only agree, "Then this real Xiao Huaxiao... is too powerful!"

   "He is more than amazing!" Wen Zhongyou said, "I thought he is now a ninth house at best, but I don't know that he is already a master!"

   "The ancestor knew this real person Xiao?" Wen Qing finally threw out the doubt in his heart.

   Wenzhong did not answer, but raised his hand to look at the palm of his right hand. On the palm, a mark like a unicorn appeared from time to time.

   Upon hearing this, he hurriedly bowed his head, not daring to say more.

   At this time, Wen Zhong suddenly spoke: "I not only know him, but I have a deep cause and effect with him."

   "No wonder the ancestors would be suspicious of this!"

   Wen Qing felt relieved and said with a smile.

   "It's a pity~" Wen Zhong squeezed his right hand, looked up in one direction, and said faintly, "Wen Quan is too underestimated and power is overwhelming. If it were not for the fear of my Wen family's power falling apart, I would have removed this son!"

   Wen Qing's face suddenly changed, and he said carefully: "The disciple dare not ask more about Quan Zu's and ancestor's affairs, but as long as it is my Wenjia matter, the disciple should listen to the ancestor's instructions!"

   Wen Zhong left Xiao Hua Space, naturally energetic, ready to capture Wen Jia's strength and regroup.

   It is a pity that the immortal world at this time is not the Primordial Immortal World, who would believe that Wen Zhong is Wen Zhong?

   Besides, Wen Zhong is also an old fox for years, and it is impossible for him to pose as an ancestor as soon as he comes up.

   Sure enough, after entering Wen's family by means, Wen Zhong found that the Patriarch Wen Quan was not a good companion at this time. He not only valued his power extremely, but also stood still.

   This is nothing. What makes Wen Zhong helpless the most is that Wen Quan has a cruel heart. How can Wen Zhong dare to expose his identity?

   Wen Zhong who is not a low-level fairy, except for some secret techniques that can contain Wen Quan, Wen Quan's heart can kill Wen Zhong.

   Fortunately, Wen Zhong gave himself a very high identity, not to mention his blood, so Wen Zhong gradually gained a certain status in Wen's family.

   Seeing that Wen Zhong was beginning to affect his status, Wen Quan began to care about it.

   So Wen Zhong asked Ying to come to the heaven without hesitation.

   There are many disciples of the Wen Family in the Heavenly Court, but their power is limited. For the disciples of the Wen Family in the Taoist Immortal Realm, coming to the Heavenly Court is no more than a haircut.

   Wen Quan thought that Wen Zhong came to the Heavenly Court to be intriguing, but he never thought that Wen Zhong had any other purpose.

  Wen Zhong also never expected that an order issued on a whim after he came to Heaven actually made him see Xiao Hua's whereabouts.

   Wen Zhong smiled slightly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com asked, "What happened to the void of the buried immortal?"

   "It's good to teach the ancestors to know~" Wen Qing said with a wry smile on his face, and said in a low voice, "The burial of the immortal void is not the third stage of the Taiqing Tianxian, and my disciple of the Wen family has no ability to approach..."

"Oh, that's true!" Wen Zhong rubbed his temples in distress, and sighed, "The mound is broken and turned into a celestial burial void. If I didn't know some secrets, you wouldn't even know the names of these places! If you want to explore It’s hidden inside, revitalizing my Wenjia, I really have more than enough energy but not enough energy!"


   Wenqing's eyes lit up suddenly, and he suggested in a low voice, "Didn't you always know the real person Xiao? He is Hun Yuan..."


   Wenzhong took a breath and waved his hand very decisively, "Remember, you must not disclose this matter. If the real person Xiao knows, I am afraid I can't even drink more soup!"

   "Yes, I got it!"

Wen Qing shook his head, and hurriedly answered, but after a while, he still cautiously said, "Ancestor, my disciple doesn't know the character of this real person, but if I rely solely on the strength of my Wen family, unless the ancestor informs Quan Zu, no , No, with the current information about the emptiness of burying immortals, no one in my Wen family can go deep into the emptiness of burying immortals. And when my family has the ability to explore the void of burying immortals, then... I don’t know how many years later. what!"

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