Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2465: Smart plan


   "I should understand Brother Gao Wen's distress~" Xiao Hua asked, "Is don't want to be a jade master?"

"No, no~" Gao Ming shook his head, "I don't want to be a jade cultivator. I like to grow jade very much. Watching jade seeds sprout, sprout, and finally condense into jade, I think you are the same as me. If you don’t have this kind of heartfelt love, you wouldn’t be able to grow the King of Jade!"

   Xiao Hua was ashamed. He knew that he absolutely didn't like the kind that Gao Ming said, and Gao Ming really liked to grow jade.

   "But~" Gao Ming continued, "Presumably you also know that a jade planter is nothing but a jade planter. A jade planter may be respected by others, but the jade planter often cannot control his own destiny!"

   "When I was choosing a jade master, my father resolutely prevented it, but I insisted on going my own way, even at the cost of traveling far away to realize my dream."

"But when I reached the peak, I found out that my father was right. The stage of the jade master was too small, and the world was too narrow. I was just a Songxian, and I saw the bottleneck or reached the end of the road. "

"I admit that I am inferior to Xiao Wenyou, and I also know that I want to plant the king of beautiful jade. There is absolutely no way to succeed without tens of thousands of years of penance; moreover, even if I spend hundreds of thousands of years of penance, I It may not be able to grow the king of beautiful jade."

   "And even if I, like Xiao Wenyou, planted the King of Jade, what can I do?"

   "Hey~" Xiao Hua smiled, and said, "Is this just not listening to the old man's words?"

   Gao Ming was taken aback, nodded and said: "Well, yes!"

   "Then Gao Wenyou regrets it?"

Gao Ming hesitated for a moment, and even after drinking a glass of fairy wine, he said: "I have been asking myself this question since I planted the jade competition. I want to say that I regret it, but the emotions and sorrows over the years have told me that I Shouldn't regret it."

Xiao Hua tentatively said, "Brother Gao Wen’s jade planting technique has reached its peak. How about putting the jade planting technique aside and practicing for a period of time? Maybe in 10,000 years, Gao Wen’s jade planting technique has reached its peak. The mystery of jade, will he embark on the road of planting jade again?"

   "Oh~" Gao Ming sighed again, and said, "That's what my father said back then. He asked me to use jade as an assistant, majoring in finger painting of my Gao family. Now if I look back, how could it be possible?"

   "It is indeed a shame not to inherit the ancestral industry," said Xiao Hua, "but there are countless exercises in the heavenly court. Gao Wenyou chooses one at random. Can you practice?"

   "Yes~" Gao Ming nodded, "I also have this idea, so I want to hear Xiao Wenyou's opinion."

   "Of course you can!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I have the same idea..."

   "Haha, great!" Gao Ming stroked his hand, "I knew that Xiao Wenyou must have encountered the same problems as me, so let's go to the contest together, how about?"


   Hsiao Hua was taken aback, and wondered, "What does participating in the exam have to do with cultivation?"

   "If Xiao Wenyou wants to stay in the Lan family forever, naturally you don't have to participate in any contest~" Gao Ming laughed, "but if Xiao Wenyou wants to make progress, he can only participate in the contest!"


   Xiao Huaqi said, "You can find a sect, such as the Qunyu Tower, and worship it. Can’t it? The worst, practice by yourself!"

   "Random repair is too difficult!"

Gao Ming explained, "If you worship the Qun Yulou, hehe, my parents won't agree, and they don't necessarily want me! Even if they want me, they will love my jade master. Identity, I went to the Qunyu Tower, shouldn't I still grow jade for others?"

   "Then I don't understand~" Xiao Hua shook his head, "You are now back to the Gao family..."

   Speaking of this, Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, gave Gao Ming a meaningful look, and a little awakened: "Are you not a disciple of the Qunyucheng Gao family?"

   "Hey~" Gao Ming said with a smile, "I'm a disciple of the Gao family in Five Clouds City, but I just ran out of my house. Qunyulou Gao family is a branch of my Gao family, they are good at growing jade."

   Gao Jidi!

   Xiao Hua immediately thought of Jiu Xia's father, isn't Gao Jidi a disciple of the Gao family in Heavenly Five Clouds City?

   "So, I'm unlikely to worship Qunyulou!" Gao Ming said, "And when I return to Wuyun City at this time, don't I slap myself in the face?"

   "So, you want to find a suitable academy after you have made your mark through the anthology?"

   "Yes!" Gao Ming stroked his palm. "There is no need to go to the academies in Wuyun City and Qunyu City. If you want to go, go to Huangcheng Academy in Huangcheng! But if you want to enter Huangcheng Academy, you must participate in the contest!"

   "The worst~" Xiao Hua smiled, "If Gao Wenyou passes the contest and gets a good ranking, he can also explain to his parents, so I can find a step down?"

   "Hee hee~" Gao Ming smiled and said, "I dare not think of the cultural track that inspired the colorful birds of Wufeng Pavilion to fly, as long as I can leave my name, the road will be wider in the future! Xiao Wenyou, together??"

   "I can't participate!" Xiao Hua waved his hand, "The Lan family sent three disciples to participate in the contest a thousand years ago..."

"Look ~" Before Xiao Hua finished speaking, Gao Ming took out two jade pendants with his hands. The jade pendant was like fire in color, but it was like a bird. It was exactly the same as the Firebird fairy that Xiao Hua saw when he entered Fuyu City earlier. The birds are exactly the same.

   looked at Yupei Xiao Hua and smiled: "Gao Wenyou is well prepared!"

"Yes!" Gao Ming nodded, "I've been hesitating. The last time I asked for one was useless. This time I saw that there was something extra, so I took another one. Now it is right for Xiao Xuan Shouldn't it be below Yaxian?" Xiao Hua stretched out his hand to take the jade pendant, felt the surging firepower within, and asked faintly, "You and I are both Shuxian and Songxian, isn't it appropriate?"

   Gaoming shrugged and said, "I really want to participate in Maoxuan, but I don't pass the Boxuan. I don't have a name on Wufeng Pavilion, so I can't participate in Maoxuan!"

   "What about the quota for Maoxuan?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile, "It seems that the more you go later, the fewer the quota, and no family will give such a quota to the victim, right?"

   "Hee hee," Gao Ming also smiled, "Xiao Wenyou rest assured, if you can participate in the British election, you will leave it to me!"

   Xiao Hua raised his hand and tapped a few times on the jade table, secretly calculating that he was going to arrange for the disciples of the business alliance to participate in the contest.

   But the disciples went to participate. After all, they were not as good as participating. If you encounter the blue rain, you can collect it immediately to wake Zhou Xiaoming.

  The question is, is there really any trace of Blue Rain's participation in the selection at the place of the contest?

   This is the time of three lives!

   "There is no other way, I can only try!"

   Xiao Hua thought about it and made a decision.

   "Great!" Gao Ming was overjoyed, raising his glass and saying, "With Xiao Wenyou accompanied, Xiaosheng will definitely stay in Wufeng Pavilion in this contest! Please~"

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