Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2464: Smart distress

Speaking of this, Liu Yanyu rolled his eyes and said strangely: "Hey, it's not right. I have simply used this hydrangea before. The red thread of some disciples is breathtaking!"

   Xiao Hua understands that the red line of marriage is related to reincarnation. The red line of Zhou Xiaoming and Yue Yichun certainly has no breath in the immortal realm space. Only when you get out of the space and reach the heaven, can you have the breath of the reincarnation of the heaven and the immortal realm.

   Xiao Hua couldn't explain this to Liu Yanyu, so she shrugged and said, "It looks like Yuer has to keep working hard to control this hydrangea completely."

   After that, Xiao Hua, Yu Di talked to Liu Yanyu for a while, raised his hand to seal Zhou Xiaoming, and brought them out with Chang Yuan and Yue Yichun, and sent them to the third floor of Linquan Gaoyitu.

Although Yue Yichun is not a reincarnated lover of Zhou Xiaoming, she is the same as Yao Xuan, and she has some cause and effect with Xiao Hua. Yao Xuan's qualifications are limited and Xiao Hua cannot give too much. Yue Yichun can be more good fortune, never nine thousand years. Later, when Lan Zhan came back, his cultivation base was much higher than Yue Yi's pure cultivation base, so Xiao Hua himself had no face?

When everything was arranged properly, Xiao Hua began to ponder again. Just now when Liu Yanyu sacrificed the hydrangea, Xiao Hua could also see clearly that the power of reincarnation and the power of marriage had some signs of separation above Zhou Xiaoming’s soul. In an accident, it should be the function of the stone gap space, so Xiao Hua still needs to find the light and shadow of the pavilion according to Zhou Xiaoming's memory.

   As for Qinglian Jianxian's saying that the light and shadow pavilion is a selection of Maoxuan or Junxuan, Xiao Hua thinks it is very possible.

  Because Yuanyu is too dangerous, Lan Yu and Du Xin may not be able to stay long, and Lan Yu wants to protect Du Xin, and taking the Apocalyptic Choice is the safest way.

   As for the choice of the Apocalypse, Xiao Hua had already heard Lan Ying talk about it in the Huaijiang realm of the Demon League that day, and Lan Ying also attacked and killed Lan Yu in order to get the Lan family's quota.

   Now that he has a new direction, Xiao Hua ordered the Luoyi Business League to take the information of the Apocalypse Choice to investigate carefully.

After reading it, Xiao Hua frowned, because the scope of Apocalypse's election involves the entire heaven. It is divided into six rounds: Bo Xuan, Mao Xuan, Jun Xuan, Ying Xuan, Xian Xuan, and Wise Xuan. The first four rounds are in Wucheng Tianyu. The final two rounds were selected in the five cities. Xiao Hua did not take a closer look at the specific rules, because he felt that this was similar to the mortal world Tibetan Immortal Continent, no, it should be a scientific examination for ordinary students.

   Xiao Hua is a literary avatar, and he also reads many books, but he does not need to participate in such a meaningless selection!

"Nothing, no more~" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and said, "Don't choose a few disciples from the good luck sect, oh, even the heavenly court disciples, let them participate in the election of the apocalypse, if nothing else, Lan Yu is in this floating jade city Those who participated inside, let them see if there is a similar view, and Xiao took the time to check and see if he could find the traces left by the blue rain."

   "It's this six idlers~" Xiao Hua took out a human-like jasper, his eyes revealed a meaningful expression, and said secretly, "Xiao must go and meet."

The    Biyu figure is an old man in a brocade robe. The old man has a lovely smile on his face. He is wearing a pu fan, and a small official hat looks a little ridiculous.

I don’t know if it was deliberate, or Qunyulou didn’t know how to find Six Freedomers. Shen Sheng only gave the token to Xiao Hua, but didn’t say how to find it, or where to find it, so Xiao Hua ordered the Shang League disciples to help. Look at how to use the tokens, and put the tokens into space.

   Seeing that the time is almost up, Xiao Hua got up and out of the pavilion.

   Wangjiang Pavilion is a restaurant. As soon as Xiao Hua stepped into the pavilion, he heard a brilliant voice in his ear: "Xiao Wenyou, go up to the second floor."

   On the second floor by the window, Gao Ming was sitting beside the jade table with a smile, and there was a jade pot on it, and some delicacies.

   Xiao Hua sat down, the two exchanged a few words, Xiao Hua asked: "Why is Brother Gao Wen looking for a niche?"

   "Don't worry!" Gao Ming picked up the jade pot and poured Xiao Hua wine, and said, "It's not a token of your turbid old man, but there is another thing I want to discuss with you."

   "Treasure hunting?"

Xiao Hua became wary as soon as he heard it. He was very sensitive to treasure hunting now, and there was a shadow in his heart. The Demon League’s Huaijiang Heavenly Realm broke Xiao Hua’s heart completely. He didn’t know how much time it took him to get from that time and space. There is still time to fly out of the valley of dreams!

   "Treasure hunting?"

   Gaoming was also taken aback, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he raised his glass and said, "Xiao Wenyou, I want to go to treasure hunting, but... But where can I go to find treasures for my cultivation base?"

   "Oh, that's true!"

   Xiao Hua scratched his head and said, "I forget that we are Shuxian and Songxian."

  Said, Xiao Hua also raised his glass.

   "It seems that Xiao Wenyou has high ambitions?" Gao Ming smiled, touched Xiao Hua, and said, "For our ambitions and the distance, do it!"

   "Fuck!" Although Xiao Hua didn't like wine, in front of a low-level scholar such as Gao Ming, he didn't want to put on a stand, and also toasted.

   The wine in the Heavenly Court is a little different from the wine in the Dao Xian Realm. It is very sweet. After Xiao Hua drank it, her mouth was full of fluid, and she felt that there was no essential difference from the fairy tea.

"Actually~" Gao Ming put down his wine glass and looked out the window. There was a river like a belt between the pavilions in the distance, wandering between the heavens and the earth, he said leisurely, "I am looking for Xiao Wenyou to come over, but I saw Xiao Wenyou kind When the sun came out, I knew that Xiao Wenyou should have the same distress as me, so I had the idea of ​​seeing Xiao Wenyou. UU Reading"

   "What trouble?"

   Xiao Hua heard that Monk Zhang Er was puzzled. He tentatively asked, "Why don't I know?"

   "When Xu Suiran asked you for a token of the old man, were you afraid?"


   Xiao Hua answered honestly, but he was a Yuqing immortal, what was he afraid of!

"I know~" Gao Ming said with a smile, "It was in the Jingyu Pavilion. In front of millions of jade masters, Xu Suiran did not dare to do anything; and he was a disciple of a group of jade buildings. If he doesn't agree, he may not have any ideas."

   "But if it's not in Jingyu Pavilion, what about Xu Suengran?"

   "That~" Xiao Hua already understood what Gao Ming was going to say, and nodded, "It is natural to be afraid! After all, he is a Yuqing immortal, and I am just a book immortal!"

"Yeah!" Gao Ming slapped Yuji and exclaimed, "Do you know? When I was in front of you, I was shocked. After all, they have three flowers. The power of the three flowers made me feel a little bit angry. gosh!"

   "Thank Gao Wenyou!" Xiao Hua raised the wine glass and said sincerely, "I will offer you a glass of respect to the Buddha!"

   "You're welcome!" Gao Ming touched Xiao Hua and said.

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