Revival of the Gods

Chapter 188: Bidding 5 lines of spirits

Xiao Hua didn't feel it after he saw it. He said: "nnd, Ichi is the 580,000 years of the world. In the fairy world, where the spirits are rich, what is the nearly 600,000 years of fairy grass? There is also! There are also a lot of fairy grasses in Xiao’s fairy space. However, these three kinds of grasses are not. I want to come to Dandao League for this task.

About a few hours, the "bang" sounded loudly, and the sun hanging in the high sky suddenly became dark, and then a female fairy dressed in a colorful sky flew out from the inside.

Seeing the female fairy appear, although I have never seen the female fairy, Xiao Hua’s heart is “squeaky” and said: “No, how can I care about it? Since it is concealed, it may be the fairy controlled by Yuxian. Hey, I have tried every means to hide the female fairy of the fairy, how can I still vote for it now?"

In the dark, Xiao Hua hurriedly cast a secret to change his appearance.

Fortunately, the female fairy was standing in a colorful cloud in midair, and the silver light gradually converges. The appearance is not the green wing.

"You are a fairy friend..." The female repairs look around and look forward to a fascinating glamorous ecstasy like a sunny day, but she listens to her lips and says, "Let's be a colorful fairy, welcome everyone to participate." Lingyun pool's concealment..."

The voice of Cairong Fairy is not as crisp as the ordinary female fairy, but it is somewhat hoarse, but there is a kind of laziness in the hoarseness. Hearing Xiaohua’s heart is itchy, Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly urged Qingqiu Mountain. Secret technique. However, the secret technique has passed, and the temptation has not been reduced. Xiao Hua is even more shocked. However, after a while, except that the sound was not properly heard, Xiao Hua did not notice other abnormalities. Xiao Hua understood this and secretly said, "This voice... Is this the talent of the female fairy?"

"...Since it is concealed, then there should be hidden concealment..." Cairong Fairy still said, "No matter what you are hiding in the competition, no one else will know the identity of the fairy friend, even if it is 妾I can't see the appearance of the fairy friend..."

"...and concealing what you are bidding on is also different from fairy tales. Don't be surprised if you want to be present, no matter what strange things you see, don't divulge what happens inside the concealment. Go out..."

"...but the rules for concealing the internal bidding are the same as those of the immortal, and the price is higher. However, the whole body also declares that if any of the fairy friends' things are in the eyes of the whole body, they have the power of preference. ......"

After listening to Cai Rongxian, he said the rules of concealment, Xiao Hua understands that this concealment is the same as what he thinks, that is, the secret competition of the fairy world!

"Cough..." A sound similar to Jiang Muqing's light cough sounded. Although the sound is small, Xiao Hua can hear it clearly. "Fairy, the rules don't have to be said. Let's get started, I don't wait twice. Come to the concealment of Lingyunchi."

"Oh, the fairy friend is anxious." Cai Rong fairy said with a smile, "Xianyou can not come to hide every time, and conceal every time will come to a new fairy, so the rules of concealment, still need to Speaking of course! Fairy and please rest assured that the location of the fairy friend, if there is something to bid, the priority of the fairy friend is very high."

The light cough no longer speaks, the color fairy is also speeding up, and simply said something, clapping: "Well, my Lingyun pool concealed the rules are these, if the fairy friends have no objections, they are prepared it has started……"

"Hey? Not right!" Xiao Hua did not care. I heard some doubts here. "This Cairong fairy said so much, did not say her identity, she is feather fairy? Or Lingyun pool or other forces?"

"Fairy..." Not far from Xiaohua, a sound sounded, and with the sound of a huge flower shadow rushing over a hundred feet, "In the next time I participated in the concealment of Lingyunchi, there is a question I want to ask..."

"Welcome Xianyou to Lingyunchi, please tell us..." Cairong fairy said with a smile.

The immortal apparently did not expect that the flower shadow he was in was suddenly rushed up, and he did not speak again at that time, and even the human figure in the shadow was a little scared.

After waiting for a moment, Cai Rong Fairy frowned: "What is the problem with Xianyou?"

"That... that..." said the human figure, "If you want to leave the concealment, can you leave at any time?"

"Sorry, fairy friend..." Cai Rongxian smiled and said, "No one can leave until the end of concealment. Only when the concealment is over, you can leave the fairy friends. Of course, please also ask the fairy friend, who is the fairy What did the friends buy, what they sold, no one could know, and after leaving, no one knew that Xianyou had participated in the concealment."

"That... then I am relieved!" The human form sighed.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua looked at the light and shadow around him, and his heart was cold. "So what is the saying, can you really have a wall that is impenetrable?"

"Well, let's wait for so long, it's really embarrassing to be covered, and hide it now..." The color fairy fairy looks like a three-headed six-arm. Suddenly, the three voices are simultaneously toward the four sides. Throwing bricks to attract jade, take out the first thing to be sold this time!"

After that, Cai Rongxian raised his hand and explored a sun-shaping hand to catch the sky at high altitude. After the whistling sound of "呜", a light and shadow of a gourd flew out of the sun. Waiting for the light shadow to fall in front of Cairong Fairy, Cairong Fairy raises his hand again, "嗡嗡" light and shadow rotates at a rapid speed, and a light spot falls like a drop of water, seeing a green hoist with a size of more than 100 feet There are five colored spots in the center like starlight, the light and shadow are falling out, and five spots fly out from the inside, falling slowly in the air.

Xiao Hua sees clearly that the five spots are turned into five pure spirits. The five spirits are different in color. The fire red body has a spark in the body, and the water blue body is like a drop of water. Crystal, silver-white spirit body, a silver wire, such as a needle, a yellow-colored body in the body of a soil such as rock, a new green leaf in the body of the wood-green spirit, such as buds, is not the five elements of the spirit?

The color fairy fairy smiled slightly and said: "This is 10,000 of the five elements of the spirit, two pheasants in each spirit, and the price is two hundred and seventy, and which one is interested?"

"Fairy..." The words of Cairong Fairy just finished, and a voice immediately sounded. "I remember that the five elements of the spirit are just a citrine. Why is it so expensive this time?"

"Xianyou said it well!" Cairong fairy looked at a flower and rushed, smiled and said, "This is the so-called accompanying city, put a word here, if Xianyou can find 50,000 such a pure spirit, I will give these 50,000 spirits to the fairy!"

"Oh..." Another voice rang in front of the head, and a green leaf-like halo rose by more than a hundred feet. "Cai Rong Xianzi said it is good. Since the Yuanling Mountain has changed, Tianzunfu Wubei Temple Xianbing has closed Yuanling Mountain. I will no longer be able to find the available spirits. These five elements of the spirit have begun to crystallize. It is precious, and the two citrines are not expensive..."

"But..." The previous voice argued, "Under the Lingyun pool, I want to collect some cheap spirits. If it is so expensive, it is better to go to Lingshan!"

"Xianyou’s words are also bad..." The subsequent voice was not pleasant. "Can the spirit of Juling Mountain compare with the spirit of Yuanling Mountain? Besides, Xianyou’s spending on a gathering of Lingshan is not Where will it be less? Also, since Yuanling Mountain has changed, Julingshan itself will have a warning of the soldiers. Do you think you still have the opportunity to find such a pure spirit? Oh, but then again, What happened to Cairong Fairy and Yuanling Mountain?"

The words of this immortal are obviously not the meaning of the drunkard, and how can the Cairong fairy be fooled? She replied; "What happened to Yuanling Mountain? I don't know what it is. If the fairy friend is interested, I can bid, maybe I can get the message I want in this concealment?"

"Cough, thank the fairy reminder, I will ask in the next time!" The voice coughed aloud, "The five elements of the spirit are in the next two hundred and seventy-five."

"Two hundred and eighty Xuanjing..."

It is true that things are rare, but for a while, the five thousand five spirits have been called three hundred and fifty.

Xiao Hua can see clearly that every time a fairy is asking for a price, the flower shadow of the immortal will rise by a hundred feet, and it will also approach the place where the color fairy is located.

Seeing the three hundred and seventy Xuanjing, Xiao Hua spoke up: "Three hundred and seventy-one Xuanjing..."

With the voice of Xiao Hua, his flower shadow "brush" screams directly to the people of the immortals, closest to Cai Rong fairy.

“Xianyou is awkward!” Cai Rongxian said with a grin. “The fairy friends next to them are the price increase of five Xuanjing. You are better, add one more at a time!”

"Sorry, fairy, shy in the sac, don't dare to add more!" Xiao Hua said.

It is impossible for a fairy who is interested in the Five Elements to give up for a mysterious crystal. Several immortals are each raising their prices. Xiao Hua looks at other flowers and you chase after me. The corner of the mouth does not feel sneer, and the spirit is in the side of the immortal. The refiner and the alchemy are indeed life in his opinion, and he has to buy the 50,000 spirits even if he does everything.

It was added several times, or because the first bidding thing was concealed, everyone had reservations. The 50,000 spirits finally allowed Xiao Hua to buy it with 392 Xuan Jing.

“Good!” Cai Rongxian saw it and smiled. “Thank you for the celestial friend’s support. These 50,000 spirits are fairy friends, and please send them to the fairy!”

Said, Cairong fairy right arm of the rainbow, holding a crystal roll fell to the eyes of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua slightly thought, took out a crystal roll, also raised his hand and rushed out of the flower on the film roll, see the crystal roll On the digital change, the hoist "呜" suspended in the air is softly slammed, and the five displayed spirits are inhaled and flew down to Xiao Hua!

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