Revival of the Gods

Chapter 187: Conceal

The guardian needle and the **** lock are rare, and the materials for these two pieces are rare. [No-window novel network] When Xiao Hua refining the guardian needle, if there is no material provided by Yunfeng, he does not know when he can get it, and the most important ice heart silver and Nirvana gold are also obtained from Xianying Cave. . Even a Nirvana gold involves the lives of two immortals. Now, Xiao Hua wants to buy more than 100 refining materials for the protection of the needle. It is easy to say, let alone the ice heart silver and Nirvana gold. On other materials, Xiao Hua has not been able to make enough copies in Lingyunchi for several days.

As for the sacrifice of the gods, the most important thing is to condense the earth, the soul stone and the lock water. Xiao Hua found a circle, and there is no news.

"It seems that this Lingyun pool is the same as Helan, a remote county. If Xiao wants to find a suitable material, he has to go to the capital of Xuanguo!" Xiaohua thought for a moment and found a direction at random. Keep looking.

It is also a coincidence, but it is flying over several buildings. On the head, I saw a fairy flying with enthusiasm. I don’t wait for the immortal to look up. Xiao Hua is happy. It’s not that the family is not gathering, the one who is here is in Dan. Daomeng and Xiaohua are the right people.

"" Xiao Hua saw the name of the immortal at the same time, and the name of the immortal was also found in Xiao Hua. He did not open Xiao Hua. He first changed his face, his body shape retreated, and he even looked around. Whispered in the mouth, "You dare to do it, this... here is Lingyunchi!"

Seeing the name of the immortal, Xiaohua is really crying and laughing. He licks his face and almost wants to take out his own eyes and see where he looks like a fierce bully!

However, looking at the panic of the immortal, Xiao Hua also sneered, he knows that this kind of bullying is afraid of the hard-hearted mind, so he did not hesitate to sway, approaching the seal of the immortal cold and cold: "How? Do not dare to see small Grandpa?"

"No, not..." The surnamed immortal was shocked. He waved his hand and replied, taking out his own crystal card and saying, "You... don't come over..."

"Hey..." Xiao Hua also took out his own crystal card and said with a smile. "Exactly, let's not believe together, and the words of a Dandao Mengdan are not as good as a common dust fairy..."

"" After the sealant immortal saw Xiaohua, his tone had been stuttering, and now he is so angry that he does not know how to say it.

"Do you know what a wicked person has to grind himself?" Xiao Hua asked with a squint, and the right hand swayed in front of his chest. The crystal card was like a butterfly swimming between fingers, cheerful like Xiao Hua's mood.

"Ren Xianyou..." Feng Xian Xianren bites his teeth, looks at the dust dusters flying from the side, gives up the idea of ​​asking for help, puts the crystal card on the back, hits his back on his face and says, "all small mouths Owe, your boss doesn't remember the villain, seeing that we have been practicing alchemy for many years, let go of it..."

"Oh..." Looking at the act of the immortal singer, Xiao Hua sighed in his heart. The sacred place in the eyes of the monks in the mortal world is the goal of their lifelong pursuit. It is true that they have reached the fairy world and discovered the fairy world. Not the beauty of imagination, the ugliness of human nature still exists, and may even be magnified by the magical power of immortals! No reason, Xiao Hua once again thought of Bai Fei, perhaps the fairyland is the paradise for these people!

"Go ahead..." Xiao Hua Yi Xing slams his hand, "Little Master is just flying freely from here, who is all right to block you here!"

"Thank you Ren Xianyou, thank you Ren Xianyou..." Feng Xianxian's heart was loose, happy to say, but when Xiao Hua turned and wanted to fly, he hurriedly cried, "Hey, yes, Ren Xianyou, you are already Dan Da Meng's Dan teacher?"

"Not counting it!" Xiao Hua looked back and said casually, "I have not completed the mission of Dan Dao League."

In the eyes of the immortals, the face of a singer’s face showed a smile, and said: “Ren Xianyou, according to the next knowledge, Dan Dao’s mission is mostly to find some rare fairy grass, Xianmu, these are to test Dan Shi The strength, do not know what the mission of Xianyou is?"

Xiao Hua went up and down to see if the immortal man did not know what he had chosen, so he said faintly: "I just came out from Dan Dao League, I haven't had time to see it yet, what happened?"

"Oh, this..." Feng Xianxian hurriedly explained, "In the next place, I want to go to Lingyunchi for a concealment, but I can’t participate because of temporary things. If Renyou is interested, I can go and see it. There will be a lot of rare fairy objects. If there is a mission for the funeral friends, isn’t it a provincial friend to take risks?”

"Hidden?" Xiao Hua frowned. He naturally didn't know what was concealed, but he didn't want to ask, the name of the immortal was fun, and after that, he respectfully handed a ice-like token to Xiao. Hua Dao, "Under the next day, I have had trouble with Ren Xianyou. This is a gift, please accept it!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded and took the token and said, "That's the case, you and I don't owe you, go!"

"Thank you for being a fairy friend!" Feng Qing was overjoyed and went to Xiaohua's hand and went to rest assured.

“Concealed?” Xiao Hua took the token, and explored it to see, secretly, “hidden fairy 圩? Is it similar to Xiao Yu’s bidding secret?”

There is no invisible introduction in the token, only hidden in the direction of Lingyunchi, Xiaohua looked happy, this way is most suitable for his immortal who has no sense of direction, although he did not intend to conceal, this kind Intimate instructions, how can he have to join.

Lingyun pool is extremely large, and there are many immortals flying in the middle. With Xiaohua flying to Lingyunchi, there are fewer immortals. A very cold is revealed from the ice crystals, piercing Xiao through the blue layer of water. Hua's baby body, and, more powerful force, pushed Xiao Hua from the top down to stop his whereabouts.

Waiting for the hidden left, there are no immortals, some light and faint buildings are distributed under the body of Xiao Hua, there is some ice debris inside the ice crystal, this ice is flying like snow, it looks beautiful Extremely. However, some of the ice debris fell to Xiaohua's side, and Xiao Hua could obviously feel the cold as a needle, forcing him to release the silver guard.

"It’s strange..." Xiao Hua has some nahans, and the dark side, "There is still a certain distance from the concealment here, but the cold is so compelling. With the strength of the seal, it may not be possible to get here?"

Just thinking, "Hey..." Xiao Hua’s hand suddenly burst into three colors of light and shadow, and the light and shadow were divided into two. One fell on Xiao Hua’s body, and the silver light flashed, and the three colors of light and shadow became a robes. The whole body was covered, and even the appearance of Xiao Hua’s face was changed. Another light shadow path was shot to hide.

Concealed is a walnut-like building, standing alone at the bottom of Lingyun Pool, a faint halo was born from different folds, Xiao Hua got three colors of light and shadow fell on a fold, the sound of "呜", that fold There is a little light and shadow on the surface, and the light and shadow will become a rainbow bridge and will rush to Xiaohua. But at this time, "呜" concealed the opposite side, and it was a five-color light and shadow, which looked like a flower, and the shadow of the five-color light and shadow was just next to the fold of Xiaohua. "嗡嗡" concealed a light and shadow. The vibration was more than the Hongqiao, which was several times larger than the Hongqiao that was previously driven by Xiao Hua. Xiaohua’s Hongqiao was also swept by the Hongqiao to fly to it!

"I am going!" Looking over the Hongqiao, a fairy wearing a five-color robes flew down. The fairy's five-color robes seemed to have just been put on, and the face and other parts were not completely obscured. Xiao Hua’s eyes were not exactly the previous ones. What kind of female fairy did you see at the door? Xiao Hua didn't feel low and said, "Is this a dog's eye to see people low?"

Fortunately, the female fairy fell into concealment, another thin and a lot, a lot of weak Hongqiao was born again, fell at the foot of Xiao Hua, rolled up Xiao Hua's body into concealment.

Xiao Hua stood on the Hongqiao. The previous thrust and cold disappeared. Even, the body shape entered the concealment. Through several layers of bright and colorful light curtains, there was a warm breeze and there was a "spring breeze and noodles." "a feeling of.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua's figure was settled and he looked around. He didn't feel a smile on his lips. "Is this concealed? How does it look like all the scenes in the fairy world are so fancy?"

But seeing this is a place where flowers and flowers are beautiful. The surrounding space is like a huge garden. There are countless flowers and flowers floating around in the air. A round of sun is not the same as the six days of the fairy world. The warm sun shines on it. Underneath, there are a lot of things like the butterfly bee flying in the air, the most rare, there is a phoenix flower and green water between the exotic flowers and Some silver fish swim from time to time, the water surface Some spurs of sparks are born, like a bait that attracts silverfish to leaping and pick up water flowers!

Xiao Hua stands in an unknown flower. The color is three-fold, far from the water surface. In front of his head, four-color flowers, five-color flowers... or bloom, or contain sputum to be placed, really beautiful. Not time, there are still different colors of the Hongqiao from the flowers to be released, and rushing to the sky will participate in the concealed immortals.

Xiao Hua looked at the moment, felt boring, and sat down with his knees. His cultivation was a so-called bottleneck. Before he had no chance, he did not intend to forcibly enter Yan Xian’s cultivation. Yuan Lao gave Xiao Hua the teachings of a lot of fairyland alchemy, and gave the refining tools to be embarrassed. This is really what Xiao Hua needs to understand now. However, before he realized it, Xiao Hua took a look at the Dandao League's tokens. The task inside was similar to that of Feng Qing. He went to find three kinds of fairy grasses, namely Zhu Xiancao, Lingguo Xiancao and Fiji, the age of these three kinds of grasses needs to be around a century. There is a way to distinguish the age of the drug in the token, as well as the illusion of the fairy grass...

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