Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1765: Another face of the Palace of Desires

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Xiao Hua made an immediate decision, and after putting down the ban, he took out Moxian Tong to investigate!

"Hmm ..." Xiao Hua sighed for a long while, and said, "The ancient fairy, really did it !!!"

Wen Zhong's mystery is in the same vein as Ta Xian Xun. It is not a sword that moves away from the front. Although it is not as good as stepping on God. It has unlimited potential, but it is also another direction of cultivation. Fairy Gongfa has a future!

"No wonder Lu Shu and others say that ancient people from the ancient immortal world have a lot of people, and their skills are brilliant. Just look at Wen Zhong, you can see it!"

"Bai Ze is worse than Wen Zhong compared to Wen Zhong!"

Xiao Hua didn't feel contempt for Bai Ze.

"A snee ..." Bai Ze couldn't help sneezing in the fairyland space. He looked around and smiled bitterly, "Human body is not good!"

Later, Xiao Hua's mind entered the space, and passed the secret technique to the pass-through avatar, and then passed the pass-on avatar to other disciples.

Just as Yuhua Xiaohua was about to step out of space, Yuya Thunder came in with high toes.

Looking at the thunderous appearance of Yuxi, Yuhua Xiaohua couldn't help laughing, and said, "But Daoyou broke that Moon Shadow Butterfly Dance?"

"Of course it is broken!" Yuxi Thunder threw a lip and said, "but not in the way that Daoyou said!"

"Oh?" Yuhua Xiaohua said. "How did Daoyou break the battle?"

After the jade thunder had finished, Yuhuan Xiao Hua gave a thumbs up and said, "The Taoist really was born from devouring the fairy array.

"That's it!" Yuxi thundered triumphantly, "I said the same thing to the head of Xuanshan!"

"Yohu, it's not easy!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "Daoyou actually contacted the abdicated head!"

"What is the head of the abdication?" Jade Thunder thundered again, and said, "The Supreme One, the Supreme, the Supreme One! I am the head of Xuanshan Mountain in Sejietian. The door is too high! "

"Oh, oh, that's it!" Yuhua Xiaohua understood, and said, "The poor world where the world is too high is the head of abdication, the poor world is ignorant!"

Having said that, Yuhua Xiaohua laughed: "It looks like Daoyou has arrived in the world of color?"

"Yeah ..." Jade Thunder thundered somewhat, "Poor Tao hit Huang Zengtian with a punch to kill the kite fairy beast, which drew the attention of the imperial palace fairy officials. Poor Tao had to rise to the color world! However, Tao You You do n’t know, there are quite a lot of qualified geniuses in the immortal world, and when you were poor, you met a disciple named Lilihai named Zhao Juan. For hundreds of years, from the cultivation of Fanxian to the first stage of Tianxian, nnd, he He was still showing off in front of a poor road, a middle-level Jinxian poor road, and frightened him! "

"Taoyou ..." Yuhua Xiaohua grinned bitterly, "It's not wrong to show the sharp edge, but it's too arrogant and not good, and sometimes it has to converge! And in all fairness, we have really spent more than three thousand Jicai's cultivation to Jinxian is actually impossible to compare with those geniuses! "

"Cut ..." Jade Thunder seemed to be habitually pouting, saying, "Left and right poverty is the advanced Jinxian for more than a century, and the officials of the imperial palace of the world have recorded the name of the poverty, and they will ask for advice in the future!"

"What?" Yuhua Xiaohua frowned. "The fairy officials in the palace of the realm have noticed you?"

"Yeah!" Jade Thunder thundered proudly, "A genius like me will be noticeable everywhere!"

"Hehe ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua knew that everything she said to Yuhua Thunder was nothing, and chuckled, "Because of this, Taoists in Chongxuan Mountain are naturally going to be windy and windy, and rainy." Friends do n’t practice well. Why do they have space? ”

"Hee hee ..." Yuxi Thunder laughed with companionship, "Tai Shang's boss pays great attention to the poor way. Not only does Xianfu give the poor way, but it also gives a lot of benefits. In recent days, Tai Shang has been in charge. Then asked about the business alliance, Poor Tao remembered what Taoist friends said, pretending to be accidentally exposed, and the top manager wanted to contact Poor Dao with the business owners of Social Trade Union to see if there was anything to trade ... "

"Are you afraid that Daoyou is really exposed?" Yu Hua Xiao Hua sneered.

"Inadvertently, inadvertently ..." Jade Thunder said indifferently.

"It's okay to talk about the business alliance, and originally planned to let the black bear come forward!" Yuhua Xiaohua thought for a moment and said, "However, you must say something to death, only you can contact, other people can't. ... to keep you safe! "

"I know, I know ..." Yuxi thundered loudly and nodded. "This poor man still understands!"

"Hmm ..." Yuhuan Xiao Hua nodded and handed Yuhuai Thunder a rhinoceros, "You can directly contact the Black Bear with this thing. If he is not in the immortal world, you can enter the space and use Chenyu directly!"

"Haha, thank you, Daoyou!" Jade Thunder took over the rhinoceros, and arched his hands to get out of the space.

"Don't worry ..." Yu Huan Xiao Hua held him, said, "And tell the poor where the palace of desires is."

"What's wrong?" Jade Thunder was surprised. "You've also been discovered by the fairy officials of the Palace of Desire?"

"Poverty Road is not as careless as you!" Yuhua Xiaohua replied, "Poverty Road has a business to go to the palace of desire!"

"Huh, huh ..." Yuxi Thunder laughed with companionship, "Dao You wait a moment, I went to ask my nephew to ask for Xiantu, that Yuanyi was returned by his nephew to welcome the poor, so the poor did not know how. walk!"

"Okay, okay ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua waved.

Not long after, Jade Thunder returned, gave Jade Xiao Xiao Hua a fairy charm, and laughed: "Dao friends, we are all wrong. Going to the Palace of Desires, there is no fairy picture. As long as the fairy charm is stimulated, it can be reached directly. ! "

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua from the jade picked up, and a golden light appeared in his eyes. It turned out to be a common magic symbol, not a teleportation symbol.

When the thunder of Jade Puppet leaves, Jade Puppet Xiao Hua thinks for a moment, summons a black bear, and tells him something. Jade Puppet Xiao Hua is mainly afraid that the Thunder real person leaks the space concealment, but the others do not care.

Even if Thunder was in real trouble, he still suffered by himself. Xiao Hua couldn't teach it, so let the fairy world learn it!

Now that I know that I can reach the Palace of Desire with the use of fairy charms, Jade Owl Xiao Hua has no intention of using the fairy charms given by the Jade Thunder. Who knows if there is a mark on the Xuan Mountain?

Destroyed the Xianfu with a wave of his hand, Yu Huan Xiao Hua got out of space. What Yu Huan Xiao Hua didn't know was that he had just left, and Yu Huan Thunder actually came back. He looked around and turned into the heavenly space.

Xiao Hua flew out of the flaming space. The surrounding scenery was slightly different from the previous one. The sun was shining and the peaks of the immortal world had a silhouette.

Xiao Hua released Yan Nian, and a moment later she found a true immortal flying from a distance. The real immortal felt Xiao Hua Yan Nian, and she was so frightened that she flew over carefully, waiting to hear Xiao Hua asking for an immortal palace Fu, immediately respectfully served.

Xiao Hua was also rude, waving his hand to let the true immortal go, and he himself urged.

Immortal charms urged, a wave of waves rushed into the void in the light and shadow inclusions and disappeared. "Om ..." was just a few breaths. A traction force like a large hand was born. Xiao Hua's figure flew up, where the light and shadow disappeared. , The space roars, and a space-like shadow of a palace-like space floats out like leaves!

Xiao Hua hesitated, just like entering other space contours, urging the figure to fly in!

Xiao Hua's figure fell into the virtual shadow of the palace. "Brush ..." sounded loudly. Instantly, thousands of refolded human shadows emerged, and Xiao Hua's figure condensed with these virtual shadows again. Xiao Hua I was surprised to see that it was really a hall in front of me!

"Strange ..." Xiao Hua stood in front of the main hall and let out explorations, convinced that this was not an illusion. He unknowingly pinched his chin and secretly said, "Xiao knows that the immortal is not a transmission of immortals. Forbid, send the location of the poor road, and let the palace gods of the world want to lead Xiao to come over. But ... but what about the ghost image of this temple? It doesn't seem to be teleportation ... "

Just in the middle of Xiao Huasi, there were some flying flower-like Xia Cai "Papa" blooms, and there were fairy people stepping out of them. These fairy people didn't stop and flew directly into the temple door!

As for the gate, when the immortal flew in, it was slightly twisted and looked like a ghost.

"Is there something else in it?" Xiao Hua secretly said, his body was about to fly in, but at this time, Xiao Hua suddenly had a strange feeling, and he suddenly turned to look into the distance.

However, just counting the interest, Xiao Hua whispered to himself: "Strange, what's there? Actually, it makes Xiaomou feel the whim?"

After waiting for a while, the induction had disappeared, Xiao Hua turned and entered the hall.

The door of the palace was not distorted in Xiao Hua's eyes. It was just like what was seen in the ordinary, but there was no one inside the hall. Only one fairy stood with a smile. The immortal who just came in did not see the trace.

"Senior ..." Immortal saw Xiao Hua immediately and respectfully said, "I don't know what happened to the seniors coming to the Palace of Yujie?"

Xiao Hua was willing to test and laughed, "What can the palace of desires do?"

"If the senior is in the lower bounds, the younger will send the senior to register in the past ..." Xianzhen still respectfully replied, "If the senior has other priorities, please also explain whether the younger can help the senior!"

"It seems that the immortals ~ ~ to the palace of the realm are mostly from the lower realm!" Xiao Hua said.

"I don't know about this junior!"

"Huh ..." Xiao Hua no longer asked, and took out Ling Jian. "I am Nai Chong, the deputy Yuexiao of the clan, and came to see the Celestial Officer of Tianzun Mansion."

"Yanchong team, Tianzun Mansion ..." Xian Xun said for a moment, "Master, wait a minute, this junior can't handle it!"

Immortal finished speaking, and there was a flash of glow around him, but for a moment, "Boom ..." On the side of the main hall, a portal opened, and a fairy dressed in a Jinyi flew out quickly. He never flew up, looked at Xiao Hua up and down, wonder "You are the deputy Yuexiao of the team?"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua looked at the immortal official of the real fairy, wondering, "Isn't it like?"

"Of course ..." The fairy official stretched out his hand and said, "Let me see your arrow ..."

The immortal official's words have not been finished yet. "Well ..." There was a sudden sound of Jin Ming outside the hall, and a sturdy voice sounded: "Anyone? My adult came here to obliterate the demon soldiers by military order. ? "

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