Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1764: Send Wenzhong

大 "Adult" Zhang Zhouxian will stand far away from Xiao Hua respectfully, "I have already received the inspection place, and please ask the adult to show the order arrow"

"When did I check?" Xiao Hua stood up and asked, looking at the ripples of water, a little strangely.

"I don't know the end generals," Zhang Zhouxian said anxiously, "I haven't seen them in the past."

The battle war has already flown. The two men kept coming to the side of Xianzhou, and the other war warriors stayed behind to alert. The two bowed and saluted: "Last general Li Yichen, Qi Yuan has seen the adults."

"Um," Xiao Hua responded, lifted the two up, and asked, "How often did I check if the husband checked?"

"I know it is good for adults," a fairy named Li Yichen told the laughter, "It's always been there, but sometimes for the convenience of adults, there is no special inspection."

"Why then check now?" Xiao Hua laughed.

"This is not something the General will know" Li Yichen still respectfully said, "The General has waited for a strict order, but all war fighters passing here must be strictly inspected, including the fairy boat and the martial arts fairy."

萧 "All the martial arts fairy" Xiao Hua frowned, saying, "The old man is willing to obey the military order, but his martial arts fairy is not easy to check."

Qi Qiyuan wondered: "What do you mean by adults?"

有 There is already a long-handed Zhouxian smiling next to "Qi Xianyou", "There are 2 billion immortal soldiers in the martial arts fairy ware of my adult. How to check here"

"Ah" Qi Yuan was shocked, and hurriedly respected again, "I don't know any military position of the adult"

"My grown-up is deputy Yuexiao"

"It turned out to be Master Yue Xiao" Li Yichen looked up and down with Xiao Hua and laughed. "Surely the eyes will be awkward. If the adult is a business or private business, I will register it at the end. I ’m going to be superior. Adult shows order arrow to check "

"Hmm" Xiao Hua nodded, and took out the slayer demon commander arrow from Si Nankong. Seeing that there was a Bifang totem on the arrow, Li Yichen looked more respectful and hurriedly took it with his hands.

Qi Yuan took a fairy-like seal from the waist and touched it with a light touch on the arrow after being excited. "Boom" caused the bird on the arrow to turn into a fire and crash into the fairy. As the text rolled out, these rune cultures made Hongqiao into the two immortals and the immortals were banned behind them.

"Boom" water light upside down, a portal revealed

"Adult please" Li Yichen carefully returned Ling Jian to Xiao Hua and accompanied the laughter, "The responsibility of the filial blame lies in the hope of my understanding."

"Understand" Xiao Hua received the arrow and nodded.

I waited until Xianzhou flew by, the water curtain fell again, Qi Yuan shrugged and said, "My God, this master Yuexiao is really approachable, much stronger than that just now."

"This is the same as Heguang, hiding but not revealing," Li Yichen said, "This is really a master."

"This master Yue Xiao is called Zhen Zhenren" Qi Yuan looked at Yin Xi, and wondered, "It seems that the star record that was sent before did not have his name."

"No," Li Yichen's expression changed drastically, "Why don't you say it earlier"

"Do I dare to say it?" Qi Yuan smiled bitterly, "This is the Yue Xiao handsome, but not a general, a high-ranking golden fairy"

"Fast, fast" Li Yichen urged, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up to find the star record"

仙 There is an immortal who has seen a Moxian pupil next to "adult", anxiously, "There is no Yue Xiao named Xiao Zhenren, let's be fooled"

"Coco is his order arrow"

"Master, master" shouted another fairy, "I found it, I found it, there is a Tun Teng Jiang named Xiao Zhenren"

"Impossible," Qi Yuan snatched Moxian Tong Road, "How can Tun Teng compare with Yue Xiao Shuai?

When I heard this, Li Yichen was relieved and laughed: "Don't have to look, this Tun Teng named Xiao Zhenren will also be His Majesty Sinan, and just now the Master Yuexiao is also His Majesty, it is his old man."

"My God" Qi Yuan exclaimed, "It's only been a few years, and a war will let a Tun Teng be directly promoted to Yue Xiao Shuai"

Li Yichen looked at Qi Yuan angrily and said, "It's a fuss. If you don't see the end of the war, he will bring two billion immortal soldiers away. It must be a secret order. It ’s me who is such a handsome confidant. Equal energy ratio "

"People are more deadly than popularity" Qi Yuan is weak and weak, "Have a quick inspection and don't do anything wrong"

“It ’s strange to say” Li Yichen frowned, “The realm check of Yujietian was a bit loose, and the check of Cocoa Realm did n’t relax. How could a large number of demons mix in?”

"Where do I know this?" Li Yichen smiled bitterly. "If I knew, I could be promoted to the third level like the Lord Xiao"

When Li Yichen was puzzled, Xiao Hua was also sitting on the fairy boat, watching the fairy light become stronger, and secretly said, "Yeah, how did the demons mix in and the Lord Sinan said, Tianzunfu suspected that there was Billions of billions "

当然 "Of course, the demon soldier can be included in the space demon weapon, but the guardian immortal ban should also be able to detect, the question is, why do these demon tribe come to the immortal world, and why do they invade the realm?"

Xiao Hua had a lot of doubts. When he had to fly over the realm and enter the world of desire, Xiao Hua took a look at the palm general and ordered him to stop and go. He watched the generals and said, "You have waited for the private of Wei Bing, Lord Wei died for the immortal world, there is no good arrangement for you to wait, if you are willing, like other immortal soldiers, still under the old husband's account. If you are not willing, you can now exchange military cards and seals , The old man released you back to the fairyland "

Palm boat war will be scared and said, "Sir, haven't you already said that you have to accept the personal and personal soldiers of the Wei, how can you change it?"

Xiao Huawen whispered: "It's not a change of hexagrams, it's an opportunity for you to choose from."

He Zhangzhou will look around, without any hesitation, and replied: "Master, I have been used to rushing in the realm. There is no nostalgia in the immortal world. If the adult does not give up, I will be willing to follow the adult."

Scrutinizing the crowd, Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Since you are willing to wait, the old man will not reluctantly, but the old man will not wait for you in the fairy boat. The old man will arrange you into the team."

"My Majesty is your Majesty, how to deploy naturally is the master of the Lord" The battle will be relieved, respectfully.

"Well, very good" Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun Mirror and instructed, "The old man sent some disciples out. You will return to Xianqi to practice after you have delivered all the boats of Xianzhou."

He did not mention that the disciples of Huamen and Zhangzhou would wait to deliver the fairy boat. He only said that Xiao Hua looked at the familiar law of fairyland, and his mind entered the space.

In Wuxianjie space, Wen Zhong did not continue to practice, but sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain, seeming to meditate, but Yuhua Xiao Hua saw Wen Zhong's uneasiness at first glance.

"Predecessor" Yu Huan Xiao Hua appeared with a smile, Wen Zhong obviously jumped in his heart, then slowly opened his eyes, watching Yu Huan Xiao Hua said, "A real person must fulfill his contract."

"Nice" Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded. "Now that you have reached the immortal realm, you should fulfill your appointment and send your seniors out."

"You rest assured of my husband" Wen Zhong felt regret after asking.

Qiu Yuxi Xiao Hua nodded: "Senior can rest assured Xiao, Xiao can naturally rest assured, but Xiao hopes that the senior will keep everything to Xiao"

"Well, you can rest assured," Wen Zhong replied, "You also made it clear before, that you may have a small mustard with your house, or even have a prejudice against my house, but the old man can tell you that the house of the future Smell different "

Seeing Wen Zhong's chest look like a bamboo plant, Yu Huan Xiao Hua originally wanted to say something, and he wouldn't say much about it. Wen Zhong used it as his fairy baby, and what he said was his own puppet. What he did, he only needed With intention, everything can't be concealed.

After waiting for Wen Zhong, Yu Huan Xiao Huawen said, "Do you still need anything?"

I heard Zhong Sisi for a moment, and carefully said, "If you heard the news of your disciples, that would be the best"

"The predecessor is about to be disappointed," Yuhua Xiao Hua shrugged, "Xiao hasn't heard anything from the family here."

"Well, that old man knows" Wen Zhong laughed. "You can just put the old man in a fairyland."

"Hehe, the predecessor is really confident" Yuhua Xiao Hua smiled and took out a Moxian pupil and handed it to Wen Zhongdao, "This is some common sense of the immortal world, the predecessor has a look first, Xiao Mo will take you out"

"Huh, huh, okay." Wen Zhong was overjoyed, and he looked at Moxian Tongtan.

Xiao Hua returned to his heart ~ ~ Xianzhou has completed the delivery, and the disciples of Fortune Gate are familiar with the functions of Xianzhou. Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun mirror and collected the palm boat battle, so Qian Yuhan will edit them. Join the team, and then make the disciples of good fortune continue to fly to Qimo Motian.

After entering Qimo Motian, Xiao Hua released his mind and collected all the disciples of Xianzhou Kehua, and then urged the technique of light to directly rush into the emptiness of the heaven of color.

Xiao Hua then found a space like a snow flake and sent Wen Zhong out.

I watched Wen Zhong's body burn with bronze flames, the spirits of the surrounding spirits rolled like boiling, the infinite light of the immortal spirits fell down, and spattered like fireworks, Xiao Hua's thoughts of the lively thoughts disappeared.

"Predecessor" Xiao Hua sincerely asked, "The fairyland today is different from the predecessor's fairyland. Every fairy is engraved with immortals when he reaches the true immortal. Why do you not need it?"

"Hey" Wen Zhong smiled and looked at Xiao Hua said, "This is naturally the old man's mystery, there is nothing in the exercises for you. However, seeing that you keep your promise, this mystery teaches you anyway."

"Haha, thank you so much" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. The true immortal disciples in his space have already begun to count in billions. If they are all sent out, wouldn't it have caught the attention of others all of a sudden with Wen Zhong's secret technique.

"Xiao Xiaoyou" Wen Zhong handed Mo Xiantong to Xiao Hua and hugged his fist, "See you in the future"

恭 "Gracefully Send Seniors" Xiao Hua returned his gift with his fist, sending Wen Zhongtaguang away

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