Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1752: Break

More than twenty purple star monsters will fall into the galaxy, and bursts of blue light will overflow like overflow!

Looking at the huge array of Zhou Tianxing in front of him, the green ape sneered: "Generals, life and death are here in this battle. The blue lion has been brewing for a long time in this battle. Even if a few golden immortals come out, it will definitely not change the battle situation. ! "

Speaking, the green ape raised his eyes to look at the approaching Wuxianyi Xuanyuan Xianzhen, and paused for a moment and said, "As for 100 million true gods, they are only here to bury the funeral. They will be the sharp swords that killed the Chong Chong team Yao Yao I will win in this battle, kill ... "

The words of the green ape are far from what Xiao Hua can say, but they are also absolutely inspiring, and a lot of demons shouted: "Kill!"

The entire galaxy formation is urged again!

It's just that this time Green Bear waited to learn how to behave, and did not release Xinghe, but walked slowly with the big array of green light, waiting for the opportunity.

Although Jiechong is still calm at this time, the tension is even more intense than before. The two big arrays are like two strong men, staring at each other deadly, waiting for flaws, a fatal blow!

The green ape naturally has expectations, but it is close to the eyes, and the blood of the lion is not moving. The green ape can only bite the bullet and tell: "Zhu Jiang, listen to my orders ..."

"Om ..." As the sound of the green ape sounded, the place of the twenty-four swirls roared, and Jiechong shook again.

After waiting for the order of the Blue Ape to exit, there was a thunderous sound in Zhou Tianxing Dome's eyes, "Kill ..."

"Buzz ..." Three loud roars, three brightest stars burst out of the array!


Qian Hanhan was surprised, "Isn't it one before?"

The three stars are naturally three fairy babies, and after the three stars fly out, there are 108 light golden star halos rotating rapidly!

"Kill!" Green Ape didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly ordered, so, "Buzz ..." Twenty-four Xinghe re-energized, and struck the three fairy babies with the stars!

"Boom ... boom ... boom ..."

The three stars collided with the three galaxies, respectively. The three stars shattered the three galaxies, rolled them down, and then directly hit three huge vortices!

In the roar, the three vortexes were penetrated, but as the stars tore the blue light, a large burst of trembling, a heavy black gas rolled over the sky, crashing into the blue lion's blood, and at the same time the blue light fell , Did not wait for the immortal baby to rush in, and her head was closed!

However, the huge impact also drew the blood shadow and the large array of blue light!

"Just now ..."

Qin Xin, who had long been told by Xiao Hua, has been gaining momentum, and seeing that the blue light is thin, Qin Xin whispered with a seal in his hand and said, "Kill !!!"

"Brush brush brush ..." Forty-nine swordsman blades finally stopped, and the hidden swordsman blade protruded at different peaks!

This sword seems to be only one of the fifty swords, but this sword represents fifty swords, which contains the meaning of the sword, more than Da Yan!

"嗖 ..." Jian Feng broke into the sky and pierced directly into the blue light. There was a lot of black light on the blue light that wanted to rush into the sky. Unfortunately, the black light has not yet rushed out. The blade has pierced the blue light and the black light. !!

"Boom ..." After the sword sharply pierced the blue light, the shadow of the blue lion protected by the galaxy ...

At this time, in the Xinghe Formation, although the three Xinghe formations rolled backwards, the other nineteen Xinghe formations hit the star dome formation, and among the star dome formations, the immortal soldiers burst apart.

Of course, at the place where Xinghe rolled up, more monster soldiers mourned and fell.

"Damn ..." Qing Ape was delighted, but he didn't expect Wu Xuanyi's Xuanyuan Xianzhen to shoot at this time, and the sword's edge was more powerful than the Zhou Tianxing Qin array. A sword pierced the Xinghe array, Qing The ape couldn't help but curse.

What the green ape does not know is, at the moment when Wuxian Xuan's Xuanyuanxian Jian Jian pierced the blue light, Xiaohuang and Xiaoyin, and even Wuxiangtian Demon Shadow rushed in!

"What should I do?" The Green Ape can resist the Zhou Tianxing Dome, but is helpless with Wu Shangyi Xuanyuan Xian Zhen. When the Green Ape ordered the demon soldier to urge the Xinghe Big Array to block the sword's edge, he was not successful. A little anxious.

Just at the moment Wuxianyixianyuanxian array was about to pierce the blood of the lion, "Booming ..." The sound of a huge thunder rang again from the sky, and the sound of thunder was several times louder than before, and At the same time, the blue lion's blood shadow quickly emerged, and hundreds of millions of ring-shaped weird totems beating like fierce beasts, and as these totems trembled, countless thick and extremely dark pillars of light than the thunder all rushed directly into the galaxy. Big bursts of blue light.

And with these beams of light falling in, the blue light of the Xinghe array is like a volcano erupting, and "Boom and Boom" soars into the sky. There is no need to urge the billions of demon soldiers. Twenty-four Xinghe are like twenty-four starry giants. The sound of rage, madly rushed to Zhou Tianxing Qin array!

The moment Xinghe touched the star dome array, the star dome array was overwhelmed, and thousands of immortal soldiers screamed and flew down!

"Dear friends ..." Within the eyes, the three fairy babies couldn't think more, and shouted in their hearts, "Come and help me wait!"

"Good to say!" The other more than forty fairy babies agreed in unison, all falling in together. With more than forty urging Zhenqi at the same time, "Brush ..." The almost black starlight was born, and then rushed into Zhou Tianxing Dome array!

"Papapa ..." The starlight is too powerful, the stars everywhere are bursting, but the fairy babies don't care too much, they want to protect as many fairy soldiers as possible.

Although the fairy power of more than forty fairy babies is vast, it can be divided into 36 stars, and then protect each battle array, each fairy soldier is much thinner, "Kachan ... Kachan ..." Xianlihe Where the Star Forces confronted, the space collapsed, and the immortal soldiers' torso burst, and even the Zhou Tianxing Dome began to collapse!

Wei Chong absolutely did not expect that this large array will be urged by more than forty Jinxian high-order fairy babies at the same time! This kind of fairy power, I am afraid that only the Zhou Tianxing Dome under the billions of true fairy cloths can resist?

"This won't work ..." Seeing this, there will be Xianying said, "This will make more fairy soldiers fall, Xiao Daoyou said, let me wait to protect them ..."

"Then ... then guide these stars to attack me and wait!"

"Yes, I would rather wait for the baby to die, rather than let a fairy soldier fall ..."

The celestial infants thought that they would shrink the celestial force at the same time, and when the celestial force was retracted, there were still some celestial soldiers protecting the shock of the large array collapse.

In the end, Zhou Tianxing's large array completely collapsed, and thirty-six fast and powerful star powers simultaneously broke into the eye!

At this point, the celestial babies were ecstatic, and they finally knew what it means to be good and good, and what it means to inadvertently insert willows and willows!

The celestial babies almost didn't think about it, and a group of three immediately sat down with their knees crossed, allowing the thirty-six stars to sculpt the evolution of Zhenwen like a knife!

Seeing that Zhou Tianxing's massive array collapsed, the stars were extinguished, and the green ape was overjoyed. He shouted, "Zhu Jiang, kill the soldiers ..."

However, after waiting for the green ape to finish, "铿铿 铿 ..." Above the galaxy, where Qingguang was submerged, the Supreme Master Xuanyuan Xianzhen once again gave birth to the sound of the sword!

The green ape was frightened, looked up and looked anxiously, this can't be bothered, the green ape's soul is flying away!

Wu Xuan Yuan Xuan Yuan Xian Zhen Although the sword blade that had previously cut into the blue light did not penetrate the blood of the lion, but the surging spot of the blue light did not break the blade, so the Qing light edge was slightly reduced. Xuan Yixuan Yuan Xian Zhen urged Jian Feng again, and that Jian Feng split along the head where the Jian Feng was torn!

"Brush ..." with tears already tearing!

Not only that, seeing the tearing of the blue light, there was already another sword sharp rise, straightly slicing to the sky, the green lion blood shadow that has not yet converged into the sky!

"Roar ..." The blood lion of the green lion screamed suddenly at this moment, the blood shadow of the size of 100,000 feet condensed, and opened his mouth to the sword front. There was black and white light in the big mouth.

"Fortunately ..." Green Ape finally breathed a sigh of relief!

However, it was only a few breaths, and a cold voice sounded out of thin air: "But a ghost of the blood of a demon, dare to use magic magic?"

Said, Xiao Huang flew out on the black light!

"Ah?" Seeing Xiao Huangxi listening to her figure, the green ape demon's body couldn't help shaking, a kind of worship from the heart sprang up!

"This ... what kind of demon is this ?? Why is it so unspeakable?"

"Huh ..." But listening to Xiao Huang's growl, silver light spewed from his mouth and nose and nailed to the blood of the lion!

"Oh ..." The blue lion's blood shadow was struggling madly, how could it not escape, watching Xiao Huang **** into his belly!

The blood of the blue lion disappeared, the weird totems scattered in the sky suddenly collapsed, and the black and white arcs fell like raindrops!

The galaxy of sky and sky bursts with visible naked eyes!

"Hehe ..." The green ape was about to order, and suddenly a voice sounded in his ear. The green ape raised his head in horror, but saw a fairy wearing a pale gold robe smiling at him with a smile.

"You ..." shouted Green Ape.

"Aren't you going to give birth to Xiao Daoyou's flesh?" The fairy said with a slight smile, "You eat him, what should I do?"

"I ... I ..." Green Ape didn't know what to say, and the guard room hurriedly urged Qingguang's body!

Unfortunately, as soon as the fairy raised her hand, "Zhi La" was torn by Qing Guang, and it was the green ape that covered it. The means: "If so, you will die!"

Talking ~ ~ Sanmei real fire in the palm of the fairy, killing the green ape for a while!

"Damn ..." Hu Qi was not far from the green ape. He saw the fairy babies killing the green apes. He knew in his heart that these fairy babies didn't need to protect the fairy soldiers, so they had a chance to come and kill themselves! So he yelled, turned around, and wanted to take advantage of Xianying to escape.

"Want to leave?"

But before it flew for miles, a sound sounded.

"Ah?" Hu Qi suddenly remembered that there were three golden immortals flying out of the Zhou Tianxing Qin array. The green ape sprayed one, and the second one he encountered!

"Hmm ..." At this moment, a scream, wasn't it the bear?

Hu Qi laughed with a sorrow, then immediately turned black, this avatar was also killed by Xiao Hua's fairy baby!

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