Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1751: 1 item down 1 item

"Kill!" Ji Zhongxianying's eyes glowed, and he yelled, separated from Jizhong, and flew directly to the begging. As the golden light swayed, Xianying's eyebrows began to spread like water, and instantly melted with the golden light on the previous surface. Together, Jin Guangning made a halberd and stabbed at the pot!

"Boom" is nothing but a flash of light. The halberd pierced into the rotating star halo of Huqi, and the tens of thousands of miles around suddenly trembled, and then heard the sound of "Sisi ... Sisi ...", and Huqi was penetrated. Around the demon's body, the star halo cuts off the infant's body piece by piece like a blade!

"Ah!" Ji Zhongxian infant screamed, this kind of pain like Ling Chi hitting the immortal infant is not a solid soul!

"Ga!" At this moment, Fengming shook her ears, and the phoenix body transformed by Xiao Hua flew out of the starlight scattered by the pot begging!

"You?" Hu Qi felt Xiao Hua's strong smell of demon tribe, and he didn't think it was too frightened.

"Hey ..." Xiao Hua's figure was revealed in Feng's body, smiling slightly.

"Xiao Zhenren?" Hu Qi was startled, but he didn't wait for Hu Qi to say the second sentence. Xiao Hua raised his claws, and the blood on the claws still killed the hawk-like demon clan ...

The starlight of the "Bai" Hu Qi's body was just a paper claw in front of Xiao Huafeng's claws. The hard monster body was torn and torn by the Feng Claws. Hu Qi had no chance to escape, and Xiao Hua grabbed the crystal core!

Hu Qi fell from mid-air, and the starlight extinguished on his body reflected the weight of the distant still embracing himself in the mid-air. He didn't know how he lived for the rest of his life until then. He only heard a phoenix, and then he wanted to The eagle claws that had torn his fairy body disappeared, and then the **** rain ...

"Zhen Zhenren ????" Ji Zhong's fairy baby escaped from the dead, turned around to see Xiao Hua's head, her eyes widened and couldn't believe it!

"Ga" Xiao Hua ignored the weight, and he saw the distance rushing again, a step Yao's immortal body was torn by the demons, he growled, his wings spread into a streamer and flew to the rescue!

"Qian Buyao, Qian Buyao ..." At this time, Ji Zhong returned to Shener, hurriedly called back the fairy baby, and Yumu looked around in a hurry.

Qian Yuhan didn't answer, and around the white air in the distance, the sound of "long roar" and the sound of the dragon howl caught the attention of Ji Zhong!

"This ... what's going on here? Where did the dragons come from?" Ji Zhong was surprised, but after a while, Ji Zhong came to his senses. "Where do the dragons come from, these dragons are attacking the demons, that is I wait for help! Although I am seriously injured at this time, it is still possible to kill the demons who are not the strength of the fairy ... "

Thinking of this, Ji Zhong urged her figure to pounce on the monsters around the forbidden space!

If Ji Zhong flies off, and the monsters facing Qixian's strength are like wolves entering the flock, then Xiao Hua's killing of dozens of Zi Xingheng's monsters is chopping melon and vegetables!

It was only that the twenty-nine survivors of the surviving Buyao scattered around the world in order to escape, which made Xiao Hua a little bit embarrassed and had to manifest the demon body flying.

After killing the last demon general, Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at Jie Chong Gao Tian. He didn't know where it was, "Roar roar ..." Wei Chong's roar, the lion roar of the green lion, came from time to time, occasionally There is also a huge blood-colored arc that runs through the realm, straight into the realm!

Xiao Hua is not in a hurry to rescue Wei Chong. Wei Chong is also a high-level Jinxian. Even if he is imprisoned by the law-banning space, he has the ability to drag the lion. What Xiao Hua has to do now is to break this law-banning space!

Just as the Blue Lion said, this law-forbidden space is based on countless fairy stone monsters and controlled by the blue lion's blood. The Xinghe Xinghe Array is originally one with the law-forbidden space.

Jie Chong's 494 attacks on the Xinghe Array will spread into the forbidden space, and the destruction of Jie Chong 1494 on the forbidden space will also spread to the Xinghe Array, which makes Xiao Hua very difficult!

From time to time, a large **** arc penetrated into the sky from time to time. Naturally, Wei Chong attacked the Blue Lion and was sent by the Blue Lion to the Xinghe Array, which turned into a force that attacked the Zhou Tianxing Dome Array!

Xiao Hua flew off. He felt that Xianli was being imprisoned more and more. He was about to open his eyes and suddenly heard Jiang Hong's roar: "Get off, hurry up and kill the demons ..."

Xiao Hua looked up and saw Jiang Hong swaying the tail of the dragon to drive some third-level Taiming Dragons into the white gas! What's in the mouth of the expelled Dragons!

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua flew down, looking at Jiang Hong and asking.

"Master Ye ..." Jiang Hong hurriedly replied, "The disciples have not trained these dragon soldiers for a short time. These dragon soldiers are seduced by the contents of Baiqi, and do not listen to orders ..."

"What are they tempted by?" Xiao Hua asked in a hurry.

Jiang Hong struck his hand, grabbed some white rings in the forbidden space, and said, "These ..."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said anxiously, "Can these dragons swallow?"

"Yes!" Jiang Hong took a few stutters and laughed. "Not only does it taste good, it's also good for the dragon body!"

"Haha, that's great!" Xiao Hua smiled with his palm, "This is just one thing!"

"What's wrong, lord?" Liu Yifei was coming over and asked with a smile.

"This is the law-enforcement space ..." Xiao Hua explained to Jiang Hong and Liu Yi, and explained, "The imprisoned human race Xianli, you can't perceive a dragon race or a Buddhist practice!"

"Oh ..." Xiao Hua said as soon as Jiang Hong understood, exclaimed, "Master, just let these dragon soldiers swallow?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua laughed. "Separate some dragon soldiers and let them kill the monsters. Other dragon soldiers will devour them. After a period of time, just exchange them!"

"Master, rest assured!" Liu Yi and Jiang Hong knew that the matter was urgent, looked at each other, and said, "Swallowing as a reward, these hundreds of millions of demons will soon be killed!"

"Hmm ..." Xiao Huagang was about to say something. The light and shadow splattered, and the air flow rolled into the sky. Suddenly a sound of Wei Chong screamed. Before Xiao Hua looked up, "Boom ..." The loud noise, the whole world rushed to the mountain and shook, the violent air waves were mixed with golden light, like a mountain flood pouring his head and covering his face!

The air wave shattered the space, rolled up some demons, fairy soldiers, and dragon races, and then more thick and amazing arcs emerged from the inside of Bai Qi, but this arc has not yet penetrated into the sky, "Papa Pap ... "There was light golden silk leaking out of the inside, and the whole arc was broken and annihilated!

"Wei Chong blew himself?" Xiao Hua's face changed slightly. He looked down at Jie Tian. I didn't know that the power of Jinxian's high-level self-detonation fell into Jie Chong 494, and it was so powerful!

"Damn!" It's a pity that Xiao Hua can't care about Qin Xin and other battles at this time. After all, there are 49 fairy babies out there. After all, Xiao Hua swears and dares not neglect. !!

Xiao Hua complained about Wei Chong's recklessness. After all, the Green Lion made it clear that Jie Chong 1494 all the Xian Li attacks on the forbidden space, and even the green lion ’s Xian Li attacks would be introduced into the lower heavens Jie Chong 49. Fourth, it turned into an attack on the Zhou Tianxing Dome; and Xiao Hua knew from the memory of Xianying that this attack would be multiplied several times. Previously, Wei Chong's full blow would hurt Xianying. This self-destructed blow How many immortal soldiers will fall!

Xiao Hua's complaint is not unreasonable. Just after Xiao Hua's body disappeared, the Zhou Tianxing Dome burst into a tens of billions of immortal soldiers and the morale shook. After the three Jin Xian Xian infants guarded the array, they even urged the Star Dome to approach Galaxy galaxy!

As for Wuxianyi Xuanyuan Xianzhen, they did not attack directly as everyone thought, but cooperated with the Zhou Tianxing Qin array and slowly forced the Xinghe array.

If we say that the Zhou Tianxing Dome array is strong and stable, like a giant star dome, then the Supreme Master Xuan Yuan Xian Zhen is agile and sharp, like a murderous sword! Especially the forty-nine sword fronts, flashing the unspeakable sword light, slowly walking, the force of the sword will tear the world into darkness!

"Zhu Jiang ..." The Blue Ape cannot wait for the order of the Green Lion, seeing the two big teams approaching, and did not dare to neglect too much, hurriedly preached, "Ready to fight!"

"How else to fight?" Blight almost cried. It was neither light nor heavy, but now there are three more golden immortals. He may not be afraid of 100 million true immortals, but these three golden immortals are real killers. !!

"Are you afraid ..." Qingyou said calmly, "Did you wait to find out? But in the Xinghe array, the monster soldiers shrouded by Qingguang, regardless of their strength, have not fallen?"

"Really?" Qingyu was a little surprised.

"And when you were just attacking in Xinghe ..." Hu Qi also showed his figure, and then said, "Most of the offensive of the Terran Star Dome was led away by the blue light? Only you got out of the blue light and penetrated the people. The star dome may be injured! "

"Is there such a thing?"

The blue bear was overjoyed.

"Look at you ..." Green Ape smiled again. "I'm just a clone. Why dare to stay with you here? And I haven't left Qingguang from the beginning ..."

"Qing Ape!" Qingyu was angry and roared. "Why didn't you say such things early?"

"Did the green ape say?" Hu Qi laughed ~ ~ Green ape said at the beginning, please everyone fall into the Xinghe formation, and also use the power of the formation when attacking, right? "

"This ..." Qingyu hesitated for a moment. The monster warrior's mind was far away from the human race's immortal. They really didn't remember whether the green ape had said it.

"You guys aren't rushing into the battle yet?" Qing Ape urged, "Must wait for the human race Jinxian to come?"

Qingyu first looked at Yu Yan, his eyes were full of hesitation, but when the blue bear whispered low, rushed into the blue vortex where the previous avatar was, Qingyu looked up again to see the shadow of the blue lion, except for sigh, it did Any choice!

If Qingyu flees at this time, unless the blue lion is killed, there is only one way to go. You can see how the blue lion is laid out so that even if the blue lion is defeated, he cannot lose his life!

So Qingyu sighed, her figure fell into the blue swirl!

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