Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1659: Search Thunder Real People

And said that Xiao Hua will release the Xuan Ying, and the exhibition will fly over the wind and I will not know how far away. Then he will stop and take a deep breath, look around, and there is no special stop, and then find another direction. It is still a big trace. So many times, Xiao Hua will stop and let go of the rumors and explore the surroundings. I am sure that there are no immortals around, and then I will perform the technique of Guangxu, far away.

About a few days, Xiao Hua’s figure finally stopped in front of a mountain that floated like a dead branch.

"The old man should not be chased here again..." Xiao Hua turned to look at it, and said in his heart, "As for the magical powers that he has to trace, it is not Xiaomou who can avoid it, just here!"

The mountains look like dead branches, but Xiao Hua’s figure really falls into it, and it shows the momentum of millions of miles.

Xiao Huayan read it, knowing that there are no other immortals, this is sitting down on the knees, will be under the stars.

The old man of the floating life gave Xiaohua a shock, and Xiao Hua had to be cautious.

Although sitting cross-legged, Xiao Hua was difficult to hide. He pinched his chin and looked at the mountains. The stars on the sky were like star marks. The man said: "Who is this floating old man? He is actually Is the black and white chess sacred with the ancestors of Fusheng? Is it a fairy king? Or is it a god??"

"Before Xiaomou thought that the red dragonfly pillow, the Taikoo fairy kingdom fragments are all black and white chess, it seems that Xiaomou wants more, these are the fairy of the old man..."

"Hey, Xiaomou took a lot of things in the Taikoo Xianjie shards. If they were discovered by others, then it is still?"

After all, Xiao Hua is still guilty.

"And this floating old man looks ordinary, but... Xiaomou feels that he can see Xiaomou at a glance. Such a person, Xiaomou seems to have not met, even if he encountered Xu Zhi in the past. Xu seniors!"

"Unfortunately, Xiaomou has too many secrets, otherwise he can ask him if the old man Xiaomou is a normal figure on the fairy baby!"

"No, it doesn't work! The crepe of Xiaomian Xianying now seems to have gone the way of 'Daoshengyi, Yisheng2, Ersheng3, Sansheng Wanwu', which is quite different from the road of the fairyland Jiugongxian, Xiao How can I ask a stranger?"

"And, if it is a long time to go, his old man may find that Xiaomou has concealed the means of strength. It is even worse. The secret technique of Qingqiu Mountain is not to say that..."

Xiao Hua’s thoughts and thoughts, the desire of the Tiantai Emperor Huang Zengtian, the place where the waters of the mainland are located, the three fascinating footsteps of the light-colored clouds glow over a vortex of the shape of a lotus, they seem to be looking for something, one of them It is a hand-held diamond-shaped fairy, and the fairy emits a reddish halo that falls to the surrounding area. However, when the halo falls, whether it is water or mountain rock, it is transparent and reveals the space below.

At this point, the blush of the fairy fell into the vortex, the vortex became transparent, and a heavy weight resembled the outline of the nine-ring.

"The whole division..." When the first one is slightly higher, the immortal of the square face will stop and look at the outline of the vortex revealing the whistle layer by layer: "Be careful, if it is hiding, this hidden water space is the most Good place!"

"Liu brothers..." The whole teacher holding the fairyware smiled bitterly. "The younger brother has already searched it several times earlier. The younger brother dared to use his head to pack the tickets. Thunder will never be here!"

"That's weird!" Another immortal was slightly thinner. He looked at Liu Shixiong and said, "Zhao Shishu said, after the Thunder flew away, he immediately chased him, but he couldn't find it in a blink of an eye. Zhao Shishu is a five elements. With the power of the Thunder but the high level of Yan Xian, it is impossible to escape the exploration of Zhao Shishu..."

"Li Shidi, you have to know, the Thunder is a flying sacred, he should have some secrets that I don't know..." The whole teacher spurred the fairy, and the figure slowly fell into the whirlpool. Liu’s brother and another immortal are not tight. After he did not follow slowly, Master Liu smiled. "Otherwise, he will not be able to cultivate to the high level of Yanxian in more than a hundred years!"

“Mr. Liu’s brother said it well...” Master Li said with a little bit, “These flying ups are some of the origins, and their cultivation and experience in the lower bounds are incomparable to me.”

"The problem is..." The younger brother carefully explored the light and shadow while saying, "Zhao Shishu did not find the Thunder, but he has estimated the time, knowing that the Thunder has gone from being to disappearing, it is absolutely impossible to fly three million miles, and these In the year of the world, I have been inspected within four million miles, and I have not found the trace of the Thunder?"

"What is it..." Liu Shixiong sneered. "In order to find the Thunder, Zhao Shishu has already clarified his ancestors. He has placed a ban on the ban within five million miles. He also sent his disciples to watch. As long as he did not leave, he could not escape. ......"

"Ah?" Li Shidi yelled, and said, "It’s just a disciple of Yan Xian. Even if it is a cultivator, can you... It’s been gone for nearly a hundred years? Isn’t it necessary to be so fanciful?”

Liu Shixiong and the whole teacher looked at each other and exchanged a look. Liu’s brother smiled and said: “Is Li Shidi not saying that the Thunder is a genius of cultivation? How can these geniuses not pay attention to Xuanshan? Year is a thousand years, I will wait to find him..."

"Hey..." Li Shidi looked at Liu’s brother and smiled a little. He said, "The brothers will be the younger brother. The younger brother remembers that the Thunder had been in conflict with the brothers before they disappeared. The masters of their own families gave up the search, Zhao Shishu. ...not concerned about the life and death of the Thunder?"

"Ha ha..." Liu brother said, he said, "I have been thinking about everything before the age of 100. I don’t think that Master Li remembers it so clearly. Actually, it is not a conflict, but it is for the brother to order the seven sounds for cultivation. In the Lek Cave, the Thunder Master is trying to break through the bottleneck and preemptively occupy it! People are practicing the Wizards, and there are Yuan Shizu’s handcuffs, which account for it! As for why Zhao Shishu is looking for Thunder, how can he know for his brother?”

"Liu brothers..." Li Shidi looked at Liu’s brother meaningfully and smiled. "You always have nothing to do with the younger brother, but the younger brother heard that the Thunder brother has a Dan Fang who sacrificed the little lotus seed... ..."

Liu’s face changed slightly, and he glanced at the whole teacher. After waiting for Li’s teacher to finish, he interrupted his words: “Li Shidi, where did you hear this?”

"Nature is heard from the place I heard!" Li Shidi smiled and replied.

Liu Shixiong still shook his head and said: "This is a brother who still doesn't know!"

"Impossible! Xu Shishu has a very good relationship with Zhao Shishu. Xu Shishu is also a master of Master Li, how can Master Li not know?"

Listening to Liu’s brother playing dumb mystery, the whole division is somewhat intolerant. He has a little fairy, and the fairy is blushing. He said: “Thunder’s ambiguity is related to the mysterious network of merchants, and the passage of the little spirit. The token has been confirmed, that is, the enlightenment of the mainland, Zihuan Island, the sea, the business alliance, the competition..."

"Coughing cough..." or Liu Shixiong is cautious. He coughs two channels. "All the younger brothers, these are the things that the uncle and the ancestors have to worry about. I am still less talkative!"

"Okay!" The whole division shrugged and looked around and said, "The younger brother has already visited this place. Are the two brothers still checking?"

“Don’t check it out!” Liu’s brother smiled. “For the brothers, they have always let go of their thoughts, and they haven’t seen anything. Let’s continue to explore!”

"Oh, yes..." The whole division temporarily took the fairy, and the three flew, and Li Shidi suddenly thought of something, saying, "The Thunder has been missing for nearly a hundred years. If he is still alive, this century should have already Five elements, right?"

"Well..." Liu’s brother said with a sigh of relief. "Zhao Shishu said that if there is no accident, it should be the first step of the Five Elements."

"Silk..." The whole brother took a cold breath. "Zhao Shishu is not kidding? I have already advanced to the high level before the Five Ages. I have been squatting in these years, and there have been no signs of advanced five elements. How can this be a five-year journey in the past 100 years?"

"People are geniuses!" Liu’s voice is not innocent, cold and cold. "You don't want to think about how many years you spent from the dust fairy to the Yanxian high-order. People thundered from the ascendant to the high-ranking How long has it been!"

"Oh..." The whole teacher sighed and said, "If you count it, then you can get the first five steps of the sacred sacred... it is nothing!"

Li Shidi added to the side: "It is the beginning of the five elements of Xianxing! Is it not possible to go to the middle of the five elements?"

"Do you think that cultivation is to drink cold water?" Liu Shixiong grinned. "My master said, his old man spent 25 years from the first stage of the five elements to the middle of the five elements. In the 80,000 years, the Thunder is genius, nor Maybe in the 100th year, I will practice in the middle of the five elements!"

At this time three people have already flown out of the whirlpool, Liu brothers look around, one finger in one direction: "I will continue to explore in this direction..."

However, it just flew a thousand miles, "brush..." There are two rays of light in the distance, and it is standing on two five-line mid-level immortals.

These two five elements are generally the same as the three Yanxian disciples. They are not covered with silver light, so the appearance is revealed. When a lion's nose was wide and the eyebrows were thick, then a square face and slender eyes were not exactly what they were in Xu Di Xu Shishu and Zhao Yangqi Zhao Shishu.

The three Yanxian disciples saw the people, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly stopped their bodies. Li Shidi and the whole division were all praying: "The disciple saw Zhao Shishu, Xu Shishu..."

Liu Shixiong smiled and said: "The disciple has seen Master and has seen Zhao Shishu."

"Liu Zhe..." Xu Di, a wide-mouthed lion, asked, "Can you find the trace of the Thunder?"

“禀赵师叔......” Liu Zhe replied quickly, “I haven’t found it yet!”

"How come there is no trace??" Xu Di is not happy, he yelled, "What are you doing?"

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