Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1658: The doubts of the old man

Xiao Hua released his thoughts, and he could not find any clues. Then he took a closer look at the left and remembered the position.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua urged the fairy, "嗖..." The fairy rushed toward the thick cloud below, Xiao Hua hurriedly followed, waiting for a moment, Xiao Hua patted his head, collected the fairy, and displayed the trace Move away in the distance!

What Xiao Hua doesn't know is that in front of the hut of the old man, Fu Sheng is standing respectfully behind the floating old man, watching the waterfall left from the mountain peak not far away, there is a picture on the waterfall, it is not Xiaohua clumsy. Show the shape of the big track?

"Ha ha..." Fusheng couldn't help but cover his mouth and smiled. "Master, you see, this Xiaozhen people's skills, how do they look like Jinxian does not match, he really is Jinxian??"

The old man did not speak, but looked at the back of Xiao Hua’s disappearance, and the brow was rarely wrinkled.

Fu Sheng saw, hurriedly smiled, carefully waiting, a look of mistakes.

The old man who lived in the life had a small half-day, and Fusheng also accompanied the small half-day, and did not dare to move.

Seeing that the autumn and the moon will fall to the west, the old man of the floating life raises his hand, and the red squat pillow appears in front of his eyes. As the old man of the floating life raises his hand, dozens of people's phantoms fly out from the inside and fall into the eyebrows of the floating old man.

"Oh?" The old man's brow wrinkled again. He was so surprised and shouted, and he was so scared that he was in a hurry. "What happened? Master..."

"The old man has three shadows falling in the Taikoo fairy world..."

"What...what?" Fusheng said in an incredible tone, "Is the shadow of the old man fallen?"

"Nothing strange!" The old man's brows loosened, and he returned to the previous light and faint look. He replied faintly. "There are so many secrets in the ancient fairy shards. The old man's shadow is just a shadow, fallen. It is also normal."

"That..." Fu Sheng tried to say, "Xiao Zhenren..."

"Do you think Xiaozhenren's words are true or false?" The old man did not receive the red pillow, but looked at the red light on the red pillow, and the star fragments of the inner starlight that had converged, asked.

"Small people think that Xiaozhenren's words are not fake. He is not the kind of person who lie. The left and right are very impressed with Xiaozhen people." Fusheng honestly replied, "But he... his chances are also inevitable." It’s too ridiculous! The small battles that entered the red 蕤 pillow cultivation will not know how much, but there are thousands of them. How can they not really go from true immortals to Jinxian?”

"Yes!" The old man nodded and nodded. "This is where the old man is confused. And, Fusheng, have you not experienced it in the inside? What do you think?"

"Of course it is impossible!" Fu Sheng hurriedly replied, "It is the small self who has experienced in it and knows everything inside, so he is dubious about Xiao Zhenren's words. Then... what did the lord find in it?"

"What do you say?" The old man is still asking questions.

Fusheng smiled and seemed to be a question of adapting to the old man of the life. He replied: "According to the small, the red pillow is the foundation of the illusion of the ancient fairy tales. But when someone dreams, it is a The fantasy of the field, it is impossible to have any influence on the Taikoo fairy shards, so everything will disappear after leaving! The lord is afraid..."

Speaking of this, Fusheng suddenly realized what he was waking up and whispered: "No, if Xiaozhen is the same as other soldiers, how can he step by step? Jin Xiao understands, the master must have discovered something!"

The old man who replied replied: "If you don't find anything, there are some traces of ignorance, but if you find something, these traces can't explain anything! Especially... there is no way to explain why Xiaozheng can practice in the Taikoo fairy shards. !"

"Yeah, yes!" Fusheng thought of something again, and hurriedly said, "This is too old fairy shards and there is no fairy spirit, and there is no fairy spirit, how can he cultivate?"

"This is nothing..." The old man of the floating life shook his head. "There are many exercises for the immortal cultivation. Some may not need the magical light. The ancient celestial fragments have the power of the stars, and they can't be cultivated with the power of the stars! The most important The question is... How can he use the red dragonfly pillow to enter the Taikoo fairy kingdom? This is what the old man can't do!"

"What?" Fusheng was shocked. "The old man said that Xiaozhen is not dreaming of Taikoo, is... is it true that the fairy has entered Taikoo?? This...this is unlikely! How did he get in? Again...again How did you get back??"

"This old man is not clear!" The old man still shook his head and said, "But there are some traces in the ancient fairy shards that are not the soul, or the shadows can be left!"

"Why didn't the lord..." Fu Sheng said that he would not say more.

The old man smiled and said: "It’s just a golden fairy. Is it worth the old man to search for the soul? Even if you ask more, it’s just that the old man is curious at the moment! And, don’t you say it yourself? You are very impressed with him, and the old man impressed him. Not bad, the old man is not a curious person. Why do you want to be self-confident?"

"Hey..." Fusheng raised his thumb and smiled. "The heart of the old man, the first in the fairy world!"

"It’s not that the old man has a chest..." The old man looked up at the empty image in the waterfall. He said, "The old man doesn't have to worry about a little doll! If he is an ant, he is self-destructive; if he is an eagle, Since the old man spread his wings here, the old man did not come to block him. And this fairyland is innumerable. It is said that the three thousand years from the immortal cultivation to the Jinxian, is also a genius of the thousand years. Only this Xiaozhen people seem to be somewhat angry. Yun, if he really smashed the dangers that could destroy the old man’s shadow, he wouldn’t let the old man come back from the Four Brahma...”

“Ah?” Fusheng exclaimed, asking, “Is the lord specifically coming back?”

"Well..." The old man nodded. "The old man traveled to the Four Brahma, and he entered the Four Vatican Palace. He heard that there was some change in the fairy world. Suddenly, he thought of this Xiaozhen, and this turned, and the little doll really followed. The old man has a big surprise!"

"No..." Fusheng laughed. "Small is also shocked. A true fairy who goes in, come out Jinxian, if the red pillow is so magical, I will become a fairy!"

"You!" said the old man of the floating life. "You will open the topic and rest assured. The old man tells Xiaozhen people the name, and you are close to him. The old man will not be embarrassed by him!"

"Yes, yes, when the lord is rumored to be small, you can put in and out the voucher with him. When you are small, you know that the lord has a love heart!" Fu Sheng said with a smile. "There is nothing small to open the topic, little know." The lord is strange to the origin of this real person. You see, he can really be in the lower bounds, and there is no trace of the seal of the Dessert Palace. Also... he was caught by the chess students from the suffocating day. Now, he is stepping into the Jinxian , my God, such a mystery, such a chance, even small will be smashed!"

"This is not a big deal!" The old man of the floating life gave a smile and said, "Do you know what the deeds of his immortal engraving are?"

Fusheng thought for a moment and shook his head: "The little is not paying attention, and the small one remembers that the crepe of the fairy body is a three-in-one, and there is nothing in the deed."

"Then you are very wrong!" The old man of the floating smiled. "His fairy tales are the most complete of what the old man has seen so far... a congenital **** banned!!!"


Fusheng was shocked, and for a time he didn't know what to say.

Congenital **** ban? And is it still a complete congenital ban? ?

Although the old man of the floating life only said that he saw the most complete one, but the old man of the floating life said that it is complete, it should be the most complete of the whole fairyland.

"Well...but..." After a while, Fusheng wakes up and realizes, "The crepe on his fairy baby..."

"Yes!" The old man nodded and nodded. "Cheng is also forbidden, and the defeat is also forbidden!"

"Yes!" Fu Sheng also understood and sighed, "It is the most complete congenital **** ban in the entire fairy world, which makes Xiao Zhenren's body 臻 镌 镌 镌 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 , , , , , , , , , , , , ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Fortunately, he is still just Jinxian, there is time..." said the old man, "I hope he can be more organic!"

"Why doesn't the Lord help him?"

"Does he need an old man to help?" The old man asked.

"Also...also!" Fusheng’s face also gave birth to bitterness and replied, "How can he believe in others from the immortal cultivation to Jinxian? If it is said by the master, there are still three points in his words." False, even if the master gave the secret technique, he may not use it!"

"I waited for the guest to live here, the old man's supernatural powers are also different from today's Sanqian Avenue..." The old man nodded and nodded. "If he asks the old man, the old man can't give it to him. It is ruining him!"

"Fortunately, Xiaozhen people are overjoyed and have forgotten this thing..."

"Haha..." The old man smiled and said, "You have been deceived by him! Since most of his words are true, how could he not think about the possibility of Jinxian? His performance is still a bit exaggerated! ”

Fusheng just wants to explain The old man of floating life is waving: "You don't have to say anything! Can you cultivate to Jinxian, which one is not exquisite? If he is honest, the old man will not dare to enter him. Voucher! There is a chance to see you again and again, and see him show it!"

"What does the old man mean??"

Fusheng was shocked, and some of them were awkward. The floating old man deliberately returned from the Four Vatican Palace. Is he coming back to see Xiaozhen’s customs clearance? There must be another secret, saying that it must not be related to some of the secrets of the sages.

Sure enough, the old man who looked at Fusheng looked at Fusheng: "The other you don't have to know, remember, let it go, do what you want!"

"Yes, the little understands!" Fu Sheng was all over, and he understood that this was the meaning of the old man who allowed himself to make a deep relationship with Xiao Hua.

"The old man has to go and see this red pillow, is it difficult to have a secret that the old man has not found?"

The old man turned and turned back to Dongfu with a red pillow.

"Gong my lord!" Fu Sheng said quickly...

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