Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1552: Free war card

Xiao Hua did not pay attention to this. His mind entered the space. Yuxi Fengyan came over and said: "Daoyou, since the heaven and earth friends can't return to space, don't you risk the poor road to try the **** knife?"

"No!" Yu Hua Xiaohua did not hesitate to shake his head, said, "You have all flesh and blood, absolutely can not touch the blood knife!"

"Then can only be tested without flesh and blood?"

"Small nights, small roads, they should be able to..." Yuxi Xiaohua nodded. "It is also possible to use Mu Ling in the spiritual space, etc.! But... they have limited strength, and it is impossible to attract Yu surname to fight for blood. God knife. If I wait for it, do you think that I can avoid the lightning-fast blow?"

"No!" Yuxi Fengqi shook his head.

Yuhua Xiaohua didn't talk anymore, and his body shape fell into the space of the wild gods.

Within the space of the sacred gods, the figure of the heavenly man became weaker and thinner, and it was almost invisible. Yuhua Xiaohua looked at him for a long time and did not see anything unusual.

"It seems that I can only pin my hopes on Xu Big Brother!"

Yuhua Xiaohua thought about getting out of the space. If he knew that he had just returned to his heart, he could hear a bad voice outside.

Xiao Hua frowned and swept away, but it was a bitter smile.

Yu surnamed the war will be leading the troops to fight before the camp!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua snorted and looked at the disciples before the military case. "Can you wait until you have a plan?"

"Hey lord..." Li Yi was out, and he said, "The disciple has already discovered that this is a desperate situation. After I have waited for the military camp, there are mountains, but there is no entrance. It seems that the mountain is an innate ban. And I wait. On both sides of the military camp, there are space faults, which are filled with interface rules. With the strength of disciples and others, there is no way to go deep. And before I wait for the head, it is naturally the Shushui Pass. This prohibition of the Shushuiguan seems to be more prohibitive than the foothills. More sturdy. Disciples and others have estimated that even the Thunder battle boat... can not be broken."

Having said that, Li Yi looked at Qin Xin and Qin Xin came out and said: "The disciples sent people to see the Shushui Pass. Before the Shushui Pass, there was no savage guardian, but when it came to the front, there was a fairy above the tower. The law was banned and the disciples were the five elements. They were all injured by the ban. Therefore, it is estimated by the disciples that the ban of the sacred waters of the sacred waters is likely to be close to the sacred celestial beings..."

After Qin Xin finished, look at Li Yi, the two said Qi Qi: "The time is short, I have not sent my disciples to sneak into the waters, but the shui shui sages are fierce, I am afraid that the Terran is not good to mix, so, Nowadays, it can only be killed first with the surname Yu, and it is estimated that he will be destroyed, and the water can pass!"

"Who is the surname of the surname and the enemy?" Xiao Hua said that the two sentences were true and asked faintly.

Jiang Meihua knew that he had opened his mouth. He stepped forward and said, "I am afraid that only the lords are the opponents!"

"I don't have a winning strategy now!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "Who is going out now... Who is going to die!"

"That's the case, let's hang up the battle card first!" Xu Zhi suddenly came out with a sentence.

"Free war card?" Qin Xin stunned, and said, "What is that?"

Xu Zhiyang’s hand, a light-and-free card appeared in the air, explained: “It means no war, rest for a while!”

"Can this be the same?" Li Bo smiled bitterly. "As long as one party plays in the boundary, the other party can only fight!"

"This is the rule of the Taikoo war!" Xu Zhi then closed his eyes and said, "You wait for the war card to be cast, hurry and hang it outside the camp!"

Xu Minghao was in a hurry, and when it was not long, he smiled and said: "Hey, Master, the enemy will retreat!"

"Haha, can you still do this?" Li Bo smiled and said, "If so, I have been waiting for a war card?"

Qin Xin did not take a good look at Li Bo and said: "Do you still have to be cheeky?"

"Send a disciple to see if you can mix in the waters..." Xiao Hua told him, "Let's explore the origins of this surname warfare!"

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua still wants more. At this time, the Shushui Pass is not the Shushui Pass of the Taikoo World War. It is said that the immortal can't enter, and later Xiao Hua sent some ghost repairs. Some of the souls of the past can't enter.

After a few hours, the surname war will come again.

For a dozen or so Yuan Days, Yu’s surname war will be fought, Xiao Huagao will be suspended from the battle card, and Yu’s surname will not know the fatigue. Xiao Hua feels that the morale of the team has begun to fall.

Li Boyi also understands that this free war card is not a good thing.

The problem is, no one dares to play!

"Daoyou..." Looking at Xu Zhi still did not speak, the Wenqu suddenly spoke. "Xiaosheng just thought of a way, I don't know if it works."

"Do you have a friend!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"The speed of this blood knife is too fast, there is no way to avoid it, but I can look for the immortal device to resist!" Wenqu laughed. "As long as you block the blood knife, you can kill this!" ”

"Daoyou said, the poor road has also thought about it..." Xiao Hua said, "But the poor road does not have a good defense genius. Oh, there is a diamond scorpion in the poor road, but the thing is a ring, if it is not Be careful not to stop, you can be in trouble!"

"Hey..." Wenqu laughed. "The Taoist friend forgot a magic weapon!"

"Oh? What magic weapon?" Xiao Hua has some Nahan.

The essay is mysterious and said: "When the Taoist friend rescued Zixia Princess in Liaojiang..."

“Xuanyuan controls the water flag?” Xiao Hua’s eyes lit up and shouted.

"Yes, it is this thing!" Wenqudao, "Xuanyuan control water flag is one of the congenital five-party flag, waving between the small students can not be hurt by the blood knife!"

“Where is Xuanyuan’s water control flag?” Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked, “What about Princess Zixia? She is the key now, but it is not disturbing.”

"Daoyou rest assured!" Wenqu laughed, "Xuanyuan control water flag in the heavens to suppress air transport, Xiaosheng to get it!"

"Good, good, good!" Xiao Hua even praised three.

Xiao Hua’s voice landed, and after the military account, Xu Zhi’s slightly exhausted voice came: “Xiao I finally remembered my brother...”

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly got up and went to the account and smiled. "Xu brother is working hard!"

"Let's take a look..." Xu Zhi handed an ink fairy to Xiao Hua and said, "The inside record is a method of sacred sacredness. It is not sacrificed for the brother, but it is because of Dan. Written the poison that can dissolve the blood **** knife, pay attention to remember for the brother..."

Speaking, Xu Zhi looked at the left, and there was a strange color in his eyes: "This is too strange in the ancient fairyland. If it is not here, it is impossible for the brother to remember it!"

I wish our motherland will prosper forever, and wish our friends and friends forever happy, and the flowers and you can not be separated for a moment.

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): Alan, lolitin, Thunder, idiot, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite to sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfwz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month, see God and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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