Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1551: Add disciples (Happy National Day)

After that, Xiao Hua sacrificed Kunlun mirror, so that the seven disciples, such as Joe's reincarnation and Xu Minghao, had their own disciples with dozens of space, still falling within the military account!

"Master..." Joe waited for the ceremony.

Xiao Hua helped: "You wait and stand by, wait until the military situation is negotiated, and then send you and wait for the disciples to come out and not be late."

Joe reciprocated and agreed, standing on the left hand side of the Xiaohua military case, Qin Xin and others stood on the right side of the military case.

Qin Xin and other team disciples, eyes swept over Joe's reincarnation and other people, their eyes were straight, they certainly could not see the cultivation of the disciples such as Joe's reincarnation, but what about the gods? At least it is a high-level spirit!

In the Third Age, these disciples directly converted the high-level from the second gas, Jiang Meihua compared... really not as good!

"Joe's reincarnation, Xu Minghao, Li Yi..." Xiao Hua looked at the disciples on the left, and the names were called out. The disciples rushed to the body. Xiao Hua said, "You wait for the cultivation, and set foot on the true fairy. The old man is very It’s happy...”

"Silk..." Li Bo first waited for all the wars and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The voice of the entire military account was heard clearly. Xiao Hua glanced at them and then said, "The true fairy is just the first step. Then there are Tianxian, Jinxian, and even Tianzun, the king of the fairy king, you wait for your own efforts, let the old man disappointed!"

"Yes, the disciples are waiting to understand!" When Joe and his disciples were born, they were in the space of the fairy world. Naturally, they did not understand the cultivation outside the space. They only felt that everything was natural. They replied hurriedly.

Xiao Hua’s words turned: “In addition to the inner disciples, there are also Qin disciples, Li Boyi, and leisure disciples. They may not be as qualified as you, but they are also brothers, you wait. If you have any insights, you may wish to communicate with them. Of course, if the old man is jealous, he will open the altar in the future. No matter the inner door or the outer door, the disciples will make progress together, and I will be able to prosper."

When Xiao Hua’s words came out, no matter whether the seven disciples such as Joe’s reincarnation or the five major warriors such as Qin Xin, they replied: “Yes, the disciples and so on!”

"Okay..." Xiao Hua slightly appeased the disciples and said, "You will wait for the income from the previous experience..."

Later, Qin Xin and Qiao Huanhui and others each said that the experience of the former Taikoo fairy shards was killed.

Xiao Hua nodded frequently, and when the disciples retreated, Xiao Hua said: "You waited for the third age, and the old man found a place for you to experience. This experience is more ferocious than before, and the chances are more. As long as you wait and do your best, you will be able to go further after you experience it!"

Said, Xiao Hua looked at Qin Xin and so on, said: "Qin Xin, Li Boyi, Xianqing, Luo Yimeng, Chuan Bo, are you not envious of Joe's reincarnation, etc.? The old man can tell you, you only have to pass Experience, the old man will protect you a true fairy!"

"Master!" Qin Xin and other big joys, hurriedly once again listed on one knee and bowed down. "The disciple thanked the old man for lifting, and the disciple will not live up to the expectations of the master!"

Xiao Hua still said slowly: "In addition to repairing, the old man can also give you a military position. This is what Joe will not have when he returns. What is the hunting base, and it is all at your fingertips!"

Qin Xin and so on could not help but swallowed and thanked again.

"Get up!" Xiao Hua helped the generals, and looked at the disciples. "But you wait for Mo Guang to see the opportunity. This adventure is more dangerous than the previous two. The old man feels that there will be many disciples falling. So you have to wait and protect yourself."

The disciples have experienced the experience of two pieces of Taikoo fairy tales. Nowadays, the strength is greatly advanced. Everyone feels that Xiao Hua is somewhat alarmist. It is not particularly heart-warming. They all replied: "Yes, disciples and others understand!"

Xiao Hua’s heart is clear, and he doesn’t know it. Then he gets up and raises his hand behind him. After the military account, the light golden light flashes, and the body shape of Thunder is revealed!

"Ah??" Mo said Qin Xin, that is, Joe's reincarnation and so on is also overjoyed, everyone screamed, hurriedly kneeling down, said that I have seen all the masters!

"You wait!" Thunder really looked at these disciples, and the big stone in my heart was finally falling. He said, "I can see you with my own eyes. The old man is very gratified. After all, I am in various circles because of this experience. In particular, we can appear in a special way, but in any case, the old man can fight with you and make progress together, the old man... very happy!"

Listening to Thunder's real people, here, the literary songs are a bit pouting, and the chance to meet with the disciples is that the Thunder really strives to win over, but I did not expect that he said that some words are not satisfactory.

However, there is no opening in the literary music, and there is no chance to sneak a conversation with the real person of the Thunder, because he knows that Thunder really has more important things.

But listening to Thunder's real person said: "The old man also has some disciples. These disciples may not have your qualifications, but after all, I am a disciple, so the old man took this opportunity to send the disciples to Xiao Daoyou and let them recognize the ancestors... ..."

After that, Thunder’s real person raised a hand and handed it to Xiao Hua, and smiled: “The disciple of the side of the building will be handed over to the Taoist friend. I hope the Taoist friend will see it!”

Xiao Hua listened, and immediately had a layer of goose bumps on his body. He took the fairy weapon and said with a smile: "The Taoist friends are assured that the poor road will let them get close to the disciples, and then let them come out no later!"

"Everything is handed over to the Taoist friend..." Thunder shrugged his shoulders and still closed his eyes and did not mention it. He really has a sense of crisis. He must not let Joe reincarnate and wait for his disciples to catch up with himself.

"And... there are other disciples coming over?" Qin Xin and other people were shocked and happy. They looked at Xiao Hua and didn't dare to speak. After all, the means of Thunder's real people were too powerful, and they could send the fairy across the border.

"Joe's reincarnation..." Xiao Hua collected the fairy, and replied to the Qiao round. "The matter is handed over to you, arrange them, and teach the two masters to have seven tribes. You must wait and see each other!"

"Master is assured!" Joe replied in a hurry.

"You wait and see the eight masters..." Xiao Hua glanced at the disciples, raised his hand, and gradually became transparent in front of the military account, showing the wall of the Lishuiguan, saying: "This is the water gate, I have been teaching the Eight Masters to fight against a member of the war, and I will be hurt by the war..."

Xiao Hua roughly said the situation, and finally said: "There are still no cures for the injuries of the eight masters, and this is the water that I have to break! Well, the old man finished, you wait Disciples went out to explore and negotiate countermeasures..."

"Yes, Master!" The disciples saw that even the eight masters were injured. Why don't you know that Xiao Hua said nothing? I was alert at once.

Afterwards, it is not necessary for Xiao Hua to pay attention. Qin Xin and Joe reincarted a little to discuss, sent disciples to investigate, and whispered countermeasures.

And Xiao Hua got up and went to the account.

Xu Zhi still casts the law, Xiao Hua does not dare to disturb, Thunder really squinted and asked: "Dao friends, poor road wit?"

"Of course!" Xiao Hua did not lick his own high hat and said, "Dao You is the master of my creation and teaching the second master, and repairing is not the poor, and the wit is the first!"

"Yangshi, they are the pro-disciples of the poor road!" Thunder is very proud of the real person, reminding, "Do not confuse them!"

“How come?” Xiao Hua knows that Thunder’s real people are talking about his seven branch disciples. “Although they are a little shallower, they are also disciples who are taught by the poor roads. How can the poor road be so thin? ”

"That's good, then it's good!" Thunder is really a peace of mind. After all, he can't do it himself. His own jade is also a bit difficult, and Xiaohua's martial arts are taught by himself, but limited by qualification. These disciples are now the highest in the world.

As for the reincarnation of Joe, they are reorganized after the order of the immortal world. The law has long cleaned them with the order of the fairy space, or the baby's fairy, which is more powerful than what is washed! Moreover, the practice of Qixian is in the body of the law. The method of stepping on the gods may be different, but there are certain differences. Therefore, the disciples such as the reincarnation are very immortal, and there is no surprise from Xiao Hua.

These opportunities are beyond the envy of others.

The Thunder is a real person, and there aren't many other avatars. After all, the people are hurting at this time, except for the Thunder, who will be more troublesome?

"Daoyou..." Xiao Hua asked in his heart, "How do you feel?"

"Cold..." The voice of the heavenly man still trembled and replied, "Feeling... feeling is... hair... from the heart... cold, before... no understanding..."

"Does the friend of Dao feel that he did not inspire the death?" Xiao Hua sighed and asked.


"This feeling is death!" Xiao Hua said faintly. "I thought that my friends had never realized it before. It is good to have access to opportunities now."

"I... I am a family of people..." The heavenly man still wants to say something. In the heart of Xiao Hua’s heart, the voice of the real person came. "Do not say what the heavens and the people are, what kind of races may decay, and what can exist. Fallen!"

With the sound of 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 九 九 龘 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九Seriously, "I have a blessing, but also the power of salvation, but the heavens are impermanent, and everything is an ant. I am now in the trap of the Great Seal of God, as Xu Da Ge said, here is the place where Taikoo's powerful fighting method is degraded. It is no exaggeration to call it Taikoo Tomb, so be careful! ”

"Brushing brush..." All the avatars will be excited!

Not to mention the heavy points of mind and body, still understand each other's exercises, and said that Qin Xin and other disciples sent out to investigate, waiting for the disciples to turn around, Qin Xin and other slightly negotiated, his face is also somewhat ugly.

I wish our motherland will prosper forever, and wish our friends and friends forever happy, and the flowers and you can not be separated for a moment.

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): watches Allen, lortn, Thunder, second, stupid, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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