Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1277: Sacrifice nail head 7 arrow book, strong consciousness

Nail head seven arrows book! ! !

When Yuan Xi shocked Chongyuan in the Yuan Dynasty, he took out the seven arrows of the nail head. At that time, there was a vision in the whole big array. And here is the inheritance of Lujia, and the seven-arrow book of the nail head is also Lujia. Presumably, this seven-arrow book can deal with the Ziwei Eighteenth Palace?

Of course, if you want to sacrifice the seven arrows of the nail head, Xiao Hua must sacrifice the seven arrows of the nail head, and the seven arrows of the nail head have been activated by Lu Shu with the blood, and Xiao Hua is sent to the smashing method, and never again. Come out!

Heaven! Xiao Hua is speechless. Is this forcing himself to retreat?

The bronze fairy used by the ancient fairy tales!

"But it, nothing..." Xiao Hua took a look at the eighteenth house around him. He thought for a moment and shook his head. "That's the case, or retreat!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua still flew to Dongzun Mountain. Fortunately, the imperial sect was not banned. Xiao Hua re-energized, and then shot a broken eye, and the seven arrows broke out.

The seven arrows of the nail head are not the ancient murderers. This thing appears again. The bronze flame is like a volcano bursting, and it is rushing around. The void is smashed by the faint arrow in the flame!

"Great!" Xiao Hua grabbed a big hand, "Booming and banging..." Thunder and light and shadow, the bronze flame annihilated!

Seeing that the bronze flame was slightly reduced, Xiao Hua took out the essence of Lu Shu, and after several cents of the fairy smashed into a slight sacred rehearsal, the **** flicked, and the "brush" in the blood had a literary shadow on the bronze flame. .

"Booming and banging..." Out of Xiaohua's surprise, the flame touched the human form of Lushan, and it suddenly became fierce again, but this time it did not break out of the space, but the human form illusion that rushed into Lushu. .

And the blood of the Lu Shu fell into the bronze book!

"Boom..." The entire bronze book is burning up!

In the flame, the bronze scroll slowly unfolds, revealing the flame of the arrow in the middle of the seven clusters!

The seven groups of flames are distributed in different sizes and sizes. The whole book looks like a boundless look at a glance.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly took out the colorful heart!

"Brush..." There was a colorful light column on the bronze book, and then I saw a roll of colorful books flying from it!

Xiao Hua’s big joy is to release the thoughts, and the thoughts touched the scrolls. Many strange writings appeared in Xiao Hua’s mind. These characters Xiao Hua did not know, but what each handwriting means, Xiao Hua is clear at a glance.

When the colorless book was never born, Xiao Hua carefully collected the colorful light, and then shot a broken eye, and there was a silver-white beam in the middle to receive the seven arrows.

Immediately, Xiao Hua closed his eyes again!

When Xiao Hua was practicing, Yan Yu was sitting cross-legged in the rain of the mainland. He was quite uneasy at this time. Since the news of Xu Zhi was given to the adult, the adult ignored it. jade. The adult gave Yan Yu a mask of disguise and breath, but he was unable to return to the palace of the law for the time being, lest he should pay attention to Yucheng. As a result, Yan Yu had a feeling that he could not return home.

At this time, suddenly Yan Yu waisted the news that the fairy had a movement, Yan Yu saw it, hurriedly got up, after the respectful excitement, there was a voice of some time and length: "Yu, you go and see Enlightenment of the mainland, the enlightenment of the mainland, looking for Tianzunfu Tianji Pavilion, a fairy, he has something to follow you. However, you remember, this thing is in your hand, can not be explored, and return immediately after getting it, not a trace Missing."

Seeing that the adult's tone was severe, Yan Yu hurriedly screamed and laughed: "The younger generation knows that the younger generation is guaranteed by their lives!"

"Well..." The voice was very satisfying and laughed. "If this can be done, you can return to the palace of the palace soon!"

"Adult, you... are you going to do it?"

Yan Yu is ecstatic.

Yan Yu and others' actions Xiao Hua naturally did not know that he spent a small half of the time on Dong Zunshan. When he finally opened his eyes, Xiao Hua’s eyes were both confused and ecstatic. He incredulously said to himself: "I didn't realize the mistake? This... How does the sacred book of the seven-arrow book have many similarities with the craftsmanship of the Yaozu? Or, this nail head The sacrifice of the Seven Arrows is the use of the technique of casting souls?"

Xiaohua’s demon sorcerer’s sorcerer’s martial arts is far from the success of the metaphysical gods, not only because Xiaohua’s mysterious yin is the third soul, but the key lies in Xiao Hua’s nine souls There is no particularly direct impression.

Now that I saw the seven-arrow book of the nail head, he suddenly realized it. The seven-group flame in the seven-arrow book is not the same as the mysterious cloud of the Yaozu?

Immediately, Xiao Hua realized that this was a great opportunity for himself, so he did not dare to have a slight scorn, once again check the immortal ban, the nail head seven arrows book to sacrifice ~ ~ waiting for the nail head seven arrows book Slowly unfolding,

Xiao Hua’s broken eyes didn’t close, but instead “brushed”, the broken eyes shot silver, and they fell on the seven arrows of the nail head, seeing a group of flames with silver light, revealing Inside the mysterious, Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the Jiuyi Gongfa!

About a half-day, the nine-pronged martial arts gradually entered the lane, and Xiao Hua’s body began to flash lightly, and his hands were smashed according to the previous understanding.

After seven or forty-nine yuan, on the top of Xiaohua’s top door, a faint glory flame has a vague outline. In the seven arrows of the nail head, the same flame slowly rotates under the fairy tales of Xiaohua. When the flame rotates for a lap, the inner fuse will dissipate!

This rotation can not be tightened, and it will gradually stop after the third year. At this time, the flame has disappeared, leaving only a bronze crystal wire that is invisible to the naked eye. This bronze crystal wire seems to have nothing to do with the flame. Rotating, the fierceness of the seven-arrow book of the nail head is emitted from this bronze crystal wire.

Xiao Hua squinted at the eyes and did not disturb the rotation of the bronze crystal wire. He only released the thoughts on his top door. The flame of the singularity has burned vigorously, and it looks exactly the same as the flame in the previous book!

"Good!" Xiao Hua knows that he is doing his best, gently taking a flame, "brushing" the flame into the mysterious cloud!

Subsequently, Xiao Hua stepped on the work and spent eighteen years to sacrifice the other six flames one by one. When seven bronze crystals appeared at the same time, seven **** ghosts flew out from inside!

A powerful sense of making Xiao Hua tremble suddenly emerged when the seven **** ghosts cooperated together!


Xiaohua doesn't know what happened!

The Taiko Sanctuary passed by Lu Jiajia, sweeping the seven arrows of the nail head of the ancient fairyland, where is it easy for others to sacrifice?

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