Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1276: Transcend time and space, induction

Thinking, Xiao Hua sent the prisoner from the space, Chen Xiaoyun was practicing, and saw Xiao Hua appear, extremely happy, and he said, "Master..."

"The old man wants you to do something, but you do what you can. If you can't, immediately explain to the old man..."

Chen Xiaoyun nodded unhurriedly, and then according to Xiao Hua’s words, he floated out of the soul prison and prepared to fly to the depths of the space. However, he had never flew more than a hundred feet, and Chen Xiaoyun exclaimed and returned to the soul prisoner. Cried, "Master, not a disciple, don't go, it is... there is a knife blade around, cutting the body of the disciple, the disciple does not dare to fly again..."

"Well..." Xiao Hua patted her forehead and smiled. "The old man understands that the soul is protected by the dead, so you can cross the space, you don't... afraid it won't work."

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun suddenly looked up and looked at the direction of the Bliss Palace. He said, "The disciple thinks that there is some kindness..."

"Of course!" Xiao Hua explained, "There is a fairy body there, and you are naturally friendly..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua looks at Chen Xiaoyun's soul prisoner, thinks of something, and says, "Yes, you wait a little, there is a coffin, it must be extraordinary, the old man got it for you!"

Xiao Hua returned to the Palace of Bliss, wrapped the coffin used by the corpse in the heart, and sent it directly into the space. Chen Xiaoyun saw the big joy, and the coffin was stronger than the soul prisoner.

After setting up Chen Xiaoyun, Xiao Hua seems to be somewhat poor. He looks up at the high-altitude Purple MSI Palace. The location of the place should correspond to the stone bridge on the ground. Who can think of it as a cage?

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and the mind went into the space to take the colorful light, and prepared to try out the space.

But after taking the colorful light heart, Yu Xiao Xiao Hua saw the replacement of the space into the space!

"For the time being, it is not appropriate to take risks. After all, there are still many immortals in the Purple MSI Palace!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua said, "If you don't understand this for the dead, you may have a seal on the seal. First, Lu Shu, etc. Save it, no longer risk it!"

Make up your mind, Yuhua Xiaohua Shuangyu gave birth to clear light, and fell on the death!

Seeing more than 35,000 characters, the characters flew out of the dead, and Yuhua Xiaohua didn’t know how to caress, “I don’t think it’s too ancient fairy, it’s really...”

It’s a pity, but it’s just a moment to look at it. Yuhua Xiaohua frowned. He said to himself, “It’s no wonder that Hwan Ji can only use this to replace the soul of the dead. It turns out that this symbol has long been broken, and the inner and the Chinese characters are also damaged, but... ...the poor road only studies the law of ban, but it doesn't have to be too much..."

Just as Yuhua Xiaohua said to himself, there are not only the symbols of the dead, but also the array. If Yuhua does not look at Fu, the light probes actually spend several hours!

Waiting for the gaze, Yuhua Xiaohua closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, he still smiled bitterly. It turns out that this symbol is a unity with Fuxi. If the array is a shape, this symbol is God, and there is no symbol of the symbol. Just an empty shell, no meaning!

"But it..." Yu Xiao Xiao Hua saw Fu Xi one by one, and then turned the sentiment into a light and shadow to the Tiandao Xiaohua. After a while, Yu Xiao took out the space and still returned to the heart!

"There are cracks in the Ziwei 18th Palace here. It is not suitable for cultivation. After Xiaomou has realized the realization outside, it is not too late to come here again!"

Xiao Hua looked around and flew out from the Bliss Palace and went straight to the East Mountain!

At this time, the autumn months are high, the moonlight is scattered, and the entire Dongzun Mountain is quiet!

An extremely subtle feeling came from Xiao Hua’s heart. He felt that he had returned to the night when the hunter was killed by the six-eared macaque. He couldn’t help but look at the death in his hand. Symbol, the heart of the road "This thing should be extremely important, but ... how can I give birth to this feeling?"

Xiao Hua naturally does not know, in the night sky, beyond the time and space, a huge space like a symbol, a secluded Mingpei is emitting a faint radiance! (For details, see "Six-year Compulsory Education").

“Just here!” Xiao Hua took a distraction and looked around. He sat down on the mountain of Dongzun Mountain, first waved the ban, and then began to realize the previous light and shadow.

About a day later, Xiao Hua’s mind gradually came to Tiandao Xiaohua’s understanding of the dead.

Xiao Hua began to shake his hands and ignited the fairy spirit to test the fairy.

Every new day will have a fascinating experience. Nearly half a year, Xiao Hua will not be scornful and absorb these things one by one.

Seeing that more than 35,000 Fufu will be realized, Xiao Hua has a slight gain. This has a total of 36,500 symbols for the dead, the number and the different animals of Shiqiao, Longxiang and Fengge of Longchi Palace. The phoenix of the palace is the same.

Therefore, he realized this, and he did not hesitate to take the previous understanding of "诅" and quoted it to complete a thousand symbols.

If you simply fill in the symbols, it is not easy, and the symbol can be matched with the symbol of the dead, so in the next three years, Xiao Hua will put together the symbols, the characters, and the spells. Mutual confirmation, complement each other, gradually, with Xiao Hua deep into the mysterious, the subtlety of the array, he almost forgot to understand the original intention of the dead.

Seeing this Yuan Day, whether it is a symbol or a symbol, it is a thorough understanding. Even the technique of the curse has a long way to enter the country. Xiao Hua can’t help but scream in the sky, and he’s screaming, “Taiwan’s forbidden fruit is really good, to three Thousands of six thousand five hundred symbols, condensed into eighteen characters, eighteen characters and nine souls and nine hexagrams, can be engraved in the symbol of the immortal soul, but the attack of the destruction of the soul, born The array of symbols can be used to resist the soul mark!"

After that, Xiao Hua couldn't help but smack his hands and wanted to refine the shackles. But when Xian Yu played, Xiao Hua himself was dumbfounded, and did not say that he only knew how to sacrifice for the dead, and did not know how to refine. The material of the dead character. I just said that I realized the purpose of replacing the dead letter... It is to understand the immortals of the seal!

Xiao Hua received the joy let go of the thoughts, the stone bridge is still the same, the sculpture of the beast remains the same, even Xiao Hua entered the Palace of the Lele and the Longchi Palace, there is no change in the inside.

However, Xiao Hua sees the Ziwei Eighteenth Palace at this time, and he has a well-rounded mind. The whole big squad is actually a symbol of the dead character. What Xiao Hua has to do is to break the already broken flaws!

"It's still not easy..." Xiao Hua looked at the Purple MSI Palace, and some of the feelings of smashing the mouse, the brow wrinkled, the dark road, "If the Purple MSI Palace is still under the Eighteenth House, I may have a thousand ways to The battle is broken, but the Purple MSI Palace is outside. As long as I break a character array, the other 17 symbols will be out of balance. There may be unpredictable attacks falling into it, and most likely it is 17 attacks! The book is not clear, Xiao is really afraid to do it at will!"

"From the symbol of the dead symbol, the balance between the two ninth and the yin and yang, if you want to break, fear that it is necessary to break through the array, Xiaomou made a lot of disciples, but can be deployed in this space. There are not many, even if Xiaomou is now, with the understanding of the array, it is estimated that it is impossible to fly freely..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly shines!


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