Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1219: Serial meter

The collapse of the stars is not the same, two huge black holes are formed immediately, and the suction that sweeps everything is like a big hand sweeping the space!

"It's damn!"

Hey, I can’t think of this situation. He’s trembled and he doesn’t want to turn into a meteor to escape!

It’s a pity that he didn’t wait for him to leave. The sound of the whistling whistle came out of nowhere. The two fierce stars and the previous fierce attacks on him attacked Xiao Hua. If he wanted to escape, he would be like the two stars. Beating it!

"Damn, how did Laozi provoke this comet!!!"

I am extremely remorseful and can’t help but look at the people in the distance!

"I go!!"

At this time, the space storm re-emerged, and the mystery of the paper paste, the Xuanyuan Xianzhen, could not resist it, and it had already revealed flaws!

Looking at the broken gossip, those silver smudges with obvious bruises on the body, almost vomiting blood!

I don’t know what it’s called an empty city plan. He tried to push his body to fly forward and grab it before the two stars combined. The green mans showed his eyes cracked and shouted: “ actually Put a... a fake array?"

"Ignorance of the demon!" Xiaohua's eyes are full of compassion, replied, "This is called the empty city plan! However, this is nothing, Xiaomou has a serial meter..."

In the words, Xiao Hua’s purple gold bell once again shook, “Boom...” Another star that was a lot bigger than the previous two superimposed!

Above the stars, the blood, the Buddha's light and the starlight are combined, and when the first appeared, the two scorpions will be covered!

The two souls are scattered, and he dare not hesitate any more, and the whole body is flashing, and desperately wants to fly into the void!

Naturally, there is only space turbulence within the void, but there will always be some roads to life, and Xiao Hua, who is unfathomable in terms of means... He has no way to live!

However, just after the two skeletons are about to disappear, the inexplicable tingling is born from the sorrowful spirit!

"Ah!" Two screaming in the head, the green star turned wildly on the edge of the void!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed. "The technique of avatar is so bad, the spirit is thin! It is very easy to be defeated..."

"Boom..." The three-color stars fell with Xiao Hua’s sigh, and the two smashed away!

"It's a pity, you died early, Xiaomou can't tell you well, kill you... can't count what the ring counts..." Xiao Hua once again urged Zijinling, "呜呜呜" three stars whistling Some messy five demon squadrons, faintly said, "Destroy your demon soldiers, with you to the end, is Xiaomou's serial meter!"

Three stars passed, the annihilation of the boundary space accelerated, and a lot of interface storms rushed to the five demon squadrons, and the five elements of the phantom were broken. Xiao Hua saw clearly, and the rate of demon soldiers was more than two thousand. Wan!

Xiao Hua looked back and saw that the space around the team could not be spared. Countless interface storms were rolled up like waves. The 16 million senile soldiers were mostly injured and could not escape the birth!

“The disciples...” Xiao Hua said faintly, “Tell them the way to escape the birth of the day, and tell them that they only have half a cup of tea to consider, this space will be annihilated after half a cup of tea, the old man will take you Leave! Of course, you also understand that even if the old man falls, the old man’s fairy space will not be annihilated, and you will never be in danger!”

"Thank you, Master!" The disciples of Chenghua were overjoyed, and immediately urged the flag, the Indians and other things to pass the meaning of Xiao Hua to the team's Xianbing.

As for Xiao Hua, his body shape slowly shrinks and falls to the eyes of Qin Xin and others!

"Congratulations to Xiao Daren, He Xi Xiao Daren..." Qin Xin and so on are really shocked and happy, they can't think of Xiao Huasheng's fierce dreams!

"This time is not a flattering moment!" Xiao Hua waved. "The distance between the space and the annihilation of space here is half a sip of tea. Similarly, you only have half a cup of tea to choose, it is to die!"

"Adults..." Qin Xin was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Can an adult take me out and rush out?"

"If Xiaomou can't rush out, you can't even rush out!" Xiaohua said faintly. "But it's not easy to let Xiaomou take you out. You have to wait for a swearing oath." !"

"I will wait!" Luo Yimeng did not hesitate to answer.

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua smiled. "If it's simple, why should Xiao Mou give you half a cup of tea?"

Sure enough, after Xiaohua finished, the fairy faces are opposite!

This is a poison oath, clearly handing over my life to Xiao Hua!

Watching them hesitate, Xiao Hua simply ignored it and raised his hand to Kunlun mirror!

"Oh..." Kunlun mirror screamed, and the clear light fell like water!

Xiao Hua released his mind, but he did not expect that the mind could not completely cover the 16 million phoenix soldiers, but he could perceive that some Xianbing had already given a poisonous oath!

Xiao Hua smiled slightly and tried to put away a fairy soldier outside the mind.

"Hey..." The faint golden light flashed Xianbing has already fallen into the fairy space!

"Good..." Xiao Hua said good in the mouth, long sigh of relief, watching the three stars flying, and two black holes completely tearing the entire boundary space to break, a faint self-speaking, "Hey, This... is Xiao’s real calculation!”

Immediately, Xiao Hua sat on his knees, seemingly urging the Kunlun mirror. In fact, he used the power of the crystal godhead, and he will send the poisonous oath to the festival space!

Xiao Hua still stunned the desires of the squadrons. The first singer who gave the swearing oath was a fairy body that would be broken. He couldn’t escape the interface storm. He listened to the swearing oath of the disciples. Do not hesitate to read.

Who knows, he just finished, immediately felt the invisible mysterious force coming in, his body shape could not help but fly away, disappeared!

The squadrons around were found to be whispering, and they were either suspicious, excited, and thoughtful. Then, there was another scorpion sent a poisonous oath, and the strange disappearance disappeared. The celestial soldiers noticed the distant Kunlun mirror as the moon, and sprinkled Xiaguang!

These Xianbing no longer dared to hesitate, one by one to swear a poisonous oath, have been Xiaohua income space!

At the end of the day, the number of celestial soldiers is crowded together, and Xiao Hua is a bit mad, this is a fairy soldier! Do not say that Xiao Hua is a true immortal, that is, Jiugong Xian, it is impossible to imagine that 100,000 soldiers will be in the space at the same time!

These miracles are also only crystallized!

In the space, the huge crystal shape of the gods flashed wildly, revealing the shape, the golden light and shadow flashed once, each light wire will fall into the space with a fairy soldier!

Qin Xin and so on are of course different from ordinary fairy soldiers, they are still hesitating!

During the hesitation, the large space began to annihilate, and the two black holes could not be stopped. Even the blue light of the Kunlun mirror was torn by the space law!

Xiao Zhenren's harvest... too big!

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