Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1218: Separated and divided, stars hit the stars

Xiao Hua is not only a speed, but also a three-pointer!

"Oh..." screaming, the broken demon body blooms with a glamorous green light!

"Brush..." The light flashed seven times, and one scorpion flew out of the light, but there was no iron rod in the hand and it was a hammer!

"The technique of avatar??" Xiao Hua was born with fiery heat. He also practiced the technique of the demon avatar. He has never used it for a long time. Now he is goodbye in the fairy world, and can't help but give birth to a long and short heart!

"Brushing brush..." Not waiting for Xiao Hua to think more, there are three avatars flying out of the light!

"Ah??" Li Bo was so surprised that they glanced at each other, and they all gave birth to each other. They were in a hurry. "The demon family is very powerful. It’s not that my celestial body can resist, and the strength of the four avatars is There is not much difference, I can't wait for Xiao Hunting to be one and five..."

However, wait for Li Bo and others to fly out!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's backhand is shot at his own door, and Jinguang squirts from his top door!

That golden light turned into a lotus lotus in the middle of the air, and the lotus lotus fell into the Xiaohua fairy!

"Hey..." On the side of Xiaohua’s head, two identical heads were born. As the skull appeared, the other two bodies and four arms also grew out!

"Xiao hunting base, good means!!!"

Mo said that Li Bo first waited for the dragon ride, that is, the Zhu can also clearly understand that there is no difference between Xiao Hua’s other two avatars!

Everyone can't help but ecstasy!

"But it’s the singularity of the Terran who painted the tiger and dare to swear in front of Laozi?"

Although I was surprised, I still scorned my heart, and the five gongs screamed and danced with swords and swords.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua’s three heads laughed together, and the six arms were all white bones. They stretched out or danced like a stick, or danced to the sky, and they flew up and shouted, "That Xiao Something lets you taste the mystery of my humanity!"

A good fight!

Although Xiao Hua first applied three-headed and six-armed techniques, he used the technique of avatars to make use of the magical powers of heaven and man, and did not fall into the wind.

I am getting scared!

Not only is Xiao Hua's three-headed and six-armed technique in no way inferior to his avatar, but Xiao Hua's other weapons are not inferior to the wishfulness!

The most fearful thing is that the shirtless fight is the demon's long term, and Xiao Hua is actually more powerful than him. Who is the real demon? ?

If you let Xiao Hua use the human race, then what is it?

唔骁 微 微 , , 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

Ruyi stick, Fang Tianhuai and other weapons on the same at the same time gave birth to the stars, three shuns are inevitable, "Boom and bang...", the green and blue stars are shattered, and the demon body collapses!

"Damn!" The remaining two cymbals, whispered in unison, and screamed at the same time!

Xiao Hua looked up and looked around, the interface space has been riddled with holes, and numerous fine-grained interface rules burst like bubbles under the void!

This interface space has reached the edge of the collapse!

"Kill!" Xiao Hua is proficient in the laws of space and can be perceived naturally. The others did not know, seeing Xiao Hua screaming and killing, Qin Xin and so on all shouted, "Xiao hunting base, Wansheng!"



Xiao Hua flies, and the brain is sharp, thinking how to save the 16 million soldiers!

There are certainly flags in the various regimes. When the interface is broken, the rules are messy, so that the flag can no longer be earned!

Xiao Hua smiled coldly and conveyed his voice to the disciples of the martial arts. "The disciples will be annihilated, but you don't have to worry about it. The old man has the full grasp to bring you into the fairy space. But... these celestial soldiers will be old men. I can't do anything, so you'll be prepared, waiting for the old man to make an order, and let you wait for more than 700 cents of the soldiers to control the poison oath! This is the only means to save them, and their only way to live..."

Since Xiao Hua’s Xuan Zang, he has already had a glimpse of the ability to control the crystal-shaped godhead, and it is easy to teach the disciples.

"Yes, Master!" All the disciples of the creations agreed.

Xiao Huagang finished, but seeing that the two crickets had fallen to the unicorns, they looked up at the same time and seemed to be aware of the annihilation of space.

But they also have fierce light in their eyes!

Xiao Hua is really letting you remember, not killing Xiao Hua, I feel that I can no longer practice it! Of course, there are other means, but he can only be desperate, kill Xiaohua first, and then urge the soldiers to leave with the soldiers!

So the two roars screamed and screamed together, and the whole body was green and light, and then they saw their hands lifted, and the two stars embedded in the Unicorn squad were taken out by them!

"Xiao Zhenren..." whispered, "This is to kill your brilliance. This will let you taste it first..."

After that, the demon body shape has become the shape of a green star, the green star rotates to drive two stars!

"Hey..." Two stars rotate around to Xiaohua!

The stars are blowing in the wind, and the angle of Xiao Hua’s escape is locked up!

Xiao Hua should fight if he should not fight! !

Not only that, when the stars fly over, the boundaries of the space are annihilated, and the radial cracks spread rapidly around the road!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed. He raised his hand and pointed at him. He said, "This is the way that my Terran used it badly. It also screamed in front of Xiao, and I really laughed at the big teeth!"

Xiao Hua’s big teeth can’t be lost, and others don’t know.

But Qin Xin and others know that their eyes have fallen!

Who is comparable to the true fairy!

Xiao Hua? Or maybe? ?

Xiao Hua seems to be more arrogant than 唔骁!

Under the eyes of all, Xiao Hua has a big hand and a wave, Zijin Bell is in his hand!

Surprisingly, Zijinling appeared, and Xiaohua’s three-headed and six-armed arms could not be adhered to, and they all retracted into the body!

"Haha..." The two sisters also laughed and said, "Technology stops! But so..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled, and the compassion in his eyes overflowed, and the left hand of the purple gold bell was restrained!

"South no big compassion, pessimism, world-famous Bodhisattva world..." Xiao Hua heart meditation, purple gold bell trembled slightly, but see the glaring purple gold light shadow like the sun, two stars proudly fly out!

"Ha ha..." Seeing the two stars' fierce flames soaring, they are more powerful than their own two stars, and they are frightened and frightened, but he pretends to laugh and say, "A fairyland people dare to sing with me..."

It’s a pity that after the end, Xiao Hua’s two fierce stars from the beginning suddenly accelerated, “Boom...” is the two stars that hit the cockroach.

The two stars of the cockroach instantly collapsed like a mud pill!

Xiao Zhenren is mighty! !

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