Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1210: Abandon

"The end will be like this..." Jin Yuhan said, "The Yaozu buried in the bounds of 1741 and led me to a hunting base. The soldiers wanted to be besieged, at least ten times their strength. 1741 will be annihilated, they will not be attacked, but they will be withdrawn before the space is annihilated. So, the end will also lead the soldiers to block their way and force them to fight..."

"Well, your thoughts are good, go, just strain..."

The sound inside the arrow disappeared, Chen Jin did not speak, and after Su Shi issued a few orders, he reminded him again: "The young daring dare to ambush in the bounds of 1741, there must be a backhand to prevent himself from falling into the siege, or Be careful as well!"

Su Shi did not speak, only looked at the darkness with his eyes open. After a scent of incense, he suddenly shot a middle finger, a Mars flew out, and fell in the air, and a pair of bright and dark figures appeared.

Chen Jin knows at a glance that this is the layout of the entire battlefield.

If the figure is shaped like a fairy, the shimmer is flashing in the middle, which is the position of the boundary 1741.

"Chen Xianxiong..." Su Shi’s silvery body converges, showing a face of arrogance. He said faintly. "What kind of decision will I make today, will surprise you?"

Chen Jinyi, touched the nose, frowned: "Abandon the boundary 1741!?"

"Well, yes!" Su Shi nodded and smiled. "Know me, Chen Jinxiong!"

After that, Su Shi picked up the seal again and re-issued orders!

"Su...Su brother..." Chen Jin stupidly raised his hand and grabbed Su Shi’s arm. He said, "You...what are you really going to give up the world?"

"Oh..." Su Shi turned his head and smiled. "Do you think I am joking?"

"You are not crazy?"

Chen Jin took over his hand and smiled bitterly. "In your layout, the boundary is the key to the 1741. It is not only that tens of millions of soldiers are degraded, but also the reversal of the entire battle. My team The singer was split into two, and the consequences were unimaginable..."

"The war is not necessarily reversed..." Su Shi said to the map, saying, "This place, this place... you and I all have ambush, and Qingyi will divide my team as a whole, and naturally I will think that I will regain the bounds." On July 1st, it will not be a heavy force in the surrounding area. So why not let the boundary rush to attract these forces, and I will concentrate on other places?"

"... If this is the case, I will not completely lose the calculations before, and the war situation is unlikely to be reversed. Even if the greens are arranged again, I can handle them well..."

"Su brother is so dangerous, but it is also a sword to go slant, but it is beyond Chen's expectation, that the green scorpion is three heads, and may not be able to guess." Chen Jin calculated for a moment, nodded "It’s a pity that you have fallen into the tens of millions of squadrons in 1741. They are afraid of being fierce and sorrowful!"

"By entering the storm, we have lost the hope of surviving three points. The green scorpion uses it as a bait, and it breaks their three-pointer. If I save, I have to catch another tens of thousands of soldiers. Even The life and death of the entire battlefield Xianbing, both, may be abandoned!"

"Remember that there is a hand in the black and white murder." Chen Jin has some helplessness. He said, "I usually give up one son and two sons. You are giving up... a big dragon!"

"Remember that his old man had such a sentence..." Chen Jin’s words seemed to have caused Su Shi’s memories. He looked up and looked at the dark abyss and said, “Win ​​is the true meaning of black and white. In order to win, you must Discard everything!"

"Oh..." Chen Jin sighed and said, "Although his old man’s words are sincere, it is normal to put them on the black and white road. However, in the war situation, on the cultivation, who dares to give up easily?"

"No matter what, the time really makes Su Mou..." Su Shi closed his eyes and smiled. "Without the guidance of his old man, I can't set foot on the fairy, and it is impossible to take a step! Come, come, I haven’t talked for a long time, are you coming to the last set?”

"Haha, as Er’s wish!" Chen Jin laughed, his fingers were in the air, "brushing..." A large vertical and horizontal cross-out like a mountain!

Su Shi’s thumb flicked a gossip and laughed and said: “Guess first, guess first, can’t let go of the thought...”

Xiao Hua, who is in the bounds of 1741, naturally does not know that he has become an abandoned son. He is holding a commanding arrow to say to a fairy: "You will lead a 10,000-year-old soldier to lure the enemy, and the demon must be besieged before the head." Split at least 20% of the troops..."

"Yes!" The Xianbing took the arrow and went to the sound. Ten thousand sages followed the fairy cloud!

"Adults..." Xiangqing saw the fairy soldiers go, could not help but whispered, " don't seem to send someone to answer..."

“Not bad!” Xiao Hua replied without hesitation. “The goal I am waiting for is to rescue the squadrons besieged by the squadrons and see the battle of smothering. There are at least 70,000 sensors in the area...”

Xiang Qing is even more shocked and said: "Since it is 70,000 senile soldiers ~ ~ there are 100,000 demon soldiers trapping them? The adults let Liu Qiong rate at least 20% of the soldiers, at least 20%, that is 20,000, you still don't send people to meet them, they..."

"What is important for 10,000 celestial soldiers and 80,000 celestial soldiers?"

"Nature is 80,000!" The clear distinction is made, "But our 10,000-year-old soldier... is also a life!"

"100,000 demon soldiers left 80,000, I waited for the Xianbing to besiege again, and definitely win the battle..." Xiao Hua looked at the distance and said, "Then it is not too late to separate the soldiers to save them! Now, along with the war, the demon soldiers have already discovered that they will definitely return to the army!"

"If you don't return to the army?"

"On the battlefield, it’s already impossible for them to..." Xiao Hua squinted and said, "The generals have already succeeded in killing the snakes."

"Hey..." The look of Qing Qing is somewhat complicated. Look at Xiao Hua, and sigh in the heart. Xiao Hua seems to be somewhat different from before.

Xiao Hua, who is strategizing and using soldiers as a god, is now suitable.

Since encountering the first Xian Bing, who was besieged by the demon soldiers, there are already more than 20 Yuan Days, and they have encountered several numbers of fights. Every time Xiao Hua is easy to arrange, he will The soldiers rescued, and more and more Xianhua were commanded by Xiao Hua.

Of course, if you are so clear, you will only be happy and will not sigh. The reason why Xiangqing sighs is because Xiangqing finds that Xiao Hua has increasingly regarded Xianbing as a stalwart, and only pursues the victory and defeat of the fight, and does not care too much about the life and death of Xianbing!

This is obviously different from Xiao Hua, who has been self-proclaimed "Heart is not a pawn"!

Xiangqing also said that it is not clear whether this change is good or bad, right and wrong. After all, one party is 80,000, one party is 10,000, and 80,000 is naturally 80,000!

But it really takes 10,000 people to change the lives of 80,000 people.

Who is the abandonment of who?

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