Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1209: Su Shi and Qing Yu fight again

"Big... adults!" There will be an early warning, "Where is the land of the demon league, there will be a large number of demon soldiers!"

Xiao Hua looked at the war coldly and said, "I am the master of the army, and you will obey it!"

"Yes, adults..." The war will not dare to say more, promised to rush away, Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua look at each other, and many surprises!

The team has several long-space leaders, and the Qing Dynasty can issue orders through the seal, so Xiangqing is next to Xiao Hua.

"The big brother..." Xiao Hua looked at the war and flew before the team, frowning. "The formation of the team is too simple. If there is a sneak attack, the squad will inevitably be slow..."

A "big brother" will blow away the doubts in the heart, but he still smiled bitterly: "The adults, the tigers and the squadrons have so many soldiers, each dragon rider chooses one according to their own arrangements, because it involves the whole The layout of the dragon riding team, so it can not be replaced easily!"

"Well, this is not to say for the time being!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Now Xiaomou feels that there is something wrong with the interface storm!"

“Not bad!” Jiang Meihua also replied, “I thought that this interface storm was naturally formed. Now it seems... It’s said that the demon league is deliberate!”

"The demon of the demon league has such a great magical power? Or is there such a precise magical power?" Xiao Hua asked

Jiang Meihua naturally does not know how to shake his head.

"Xiao Mou is more inclined to demon a certain demon has a magical power to explore the interface storm, in advance layout..." Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and said, "The boundary here is the key to influencing the battle! And, if not As I expected, the interface of the Xianbing Xian will not be a minority here. The demon league is laying a defense against the iron barrel in front, preventing me from leaving!"

"Adult is wise..."

Jiang Meihua’s flattering was immediately sent, saying: “There are some demon people who have a space magical power, and some of them can predict the interface storm completely!”

Xiangqing is worried: "Which is the case, the interface storm here is a different number, and it is inevitable to get out of the expectations of the adults. This battle is a crisis for our team!"

Jiang Meihua added oil and vinegar: "There is nothing wrong with the tigers and tigers. Since the layout of the demon leagues, the map will be big, Qin Longqi will be counted..."

Xiao Hua said faintly: "How is the whole situation, I don't have to take care of it, just rush out of this land of death!"

Xiao Hua naturally does not have to worry about the whole battle situation. It is Su Shi who cares about the whole battle situation!

At this time, the land of the boundary is still a military account, such as the star shining in the darkness, Su Shi stood in front of the military account, watching the tiny light in the distance, the whole body burned like a fire, his face was silver The light blocked and could not see the look, but the sound of gnashing his teeth showed the anger in his heart.

"Damn! How can there be a sudden interface storm in 1941?? Su is laid out for a long time, and the boundary is the key to the 1741. Once this place is annihilated, the two battlefields will immediately lose contact, and the entire battlefield will not be at a loss. Was cut off by the waist!"

"Su Buyao..." Chen Jin, who stood beside Su Shi, was not in the cold. He hesitated for a moment and persuaded him. "This matter is sudden, I don't care about you, that is, I can't expect it! If you say ... can only be Su Bu Yao Yun Road is not good!"

"No, no..." Su Shi shook her head slightly, and smiled bitterly. "When the storm hits the scene, Su Mou also thinks that it is a bad way for Su. It is a slap in the face, and Su has a layout of more than 50 years. At the crucial moment, the gods did not make beauty! However, after receiving the news that the entire team was swallowed up by the storm, Su was clear that it was not a bad luck, but Su was not as good as Chen!

Chen Jin looked at his head in front of his eyes and asked in his mouth: "So brother feels something wrong?"

Su Shi looked at Chen Jin, and his heart was mixed with five flavors. Su Shi’s heart was mixed with five flavors. Chen Jin’s Xiaoyun’s small heaven and earth was great, earning a lot of military merits. It’s his turn to take such a big trouble. Do not say that military merits, may even lose the entire battle.

"Call..." Su Shi said with a long breath, "The first one, there was a space storm before the 1721, although the storm range was not large, but after all, there was danger. When Su was considered as the Yuan Dynasty Only let the people under the simple exploration, and did not pay attention to, arrange the response, this will cause the passive of this day!"

"This is indeed..." Chen Jin nodded. "I don't think it is you, it is Chen. When Yuan Day is also a big deal, after all, the space storm of 1741 has passed more than 50 years, and after many times. Exploring, the cause of the space storm has not been found!"

"Changyue has been mentioned..." Su Shi once again smiled. "That should be the last warning, saying that Xiaozhen people seem to have found the root cause and are working to save his subordinates! But Su Shi still ignored..."

"The second one?"

"Green and deceitful, the previous time in the layout of Yunyuan Xiaotian, he wanted to double-edged, if there is a Xiaozheng Qinglong broken boundary monument ~ If there is no such adult, I really want to lose!" Su Shi’s side is thinking, and the side replied, “This time, Su Mou laid out the layout of the 1741, tempting it to come, it actually came over, Su Mou should be vigilant...”

"Oh, yeah!" Chen Jin also felt the sigh of the same sigh. "This Qing dynasty is no better than the green cow of the world. The green ox is very incomparable, but it is less calculated, and this scorpion calculation is extremely powerful. To be honest, I am waiting... I am afraid it is not its rival!"

"Oh, yes..." Hearing this, Chen Jin turned and asked: "Thousands of steps seem to have another military service?"

Su Mou nodded: "Thousands of feathers have another military mission, she left some troops and went to it!"

"The battle here is only for you and me. Su brother, now it is the stormy world." Chen Jin suggested, "Forcibly open the interface storm and rescue the rescuers." !"

"It seems that it can only be like this!" Su Shi ignited an order arrow and said, "The abacus is playing very well. It must at least harvest a hunting squad, so you must not let him do it!"

"Jin Yuhan..." Su Shi fired the seal, saying, "You rate the Teng Xianbing to attack the 1745 and rescue the Xianbing who fell into the interface storm."

"Yes, adults!" Jin Yuhan promised in the seal, and then there was no sound.

Su Shi hesitated a bit, eyelids slightly lifted to see Chen Jin, and immediately pointed to a bullet to make an arrow, whispered: "Jin Yan Teng, Jie Chong 1741 may be a trap, you are vigilant, if the situation changes immediately back withdraw……"

"Yes, adults, will understand at the end!" The voice of Jin Yuhan was grateful to the inside of the arrow. "The end will surely smash the 1741 with a full force, let the Yaozu steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice!"

"Do you want to push the boat along the water?" Su Shi's eyes lit up.

Xiao Hua’s second battle...

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