Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1050: Water and fire

Xiaohua’s words could not be fully trusted by the villagers in Leijia Village, but Xiao Hua went on to say: “If the old man does not take the fairy, the fairy will kill the black fairy and the patriarch, and then let you choose another A patriarch. Now, although I don’t know where the patriarch and the sunspot went, the fairy singer has been taken by the old man. The immortal who will let the priests guard the treasures will soon be aware of the coming. If you want to live, now you have to clean up. The old man sent you to leave..."

"Upper fairy!" The Xuanyi old man squatted. "Not that we don't want to leave, around the village of Leijia... there is a natural cliff, I can't pass it..."

"You wait for the old age!" cried Momo. "There are people who are sent to you, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes, right..." A group of old people wake up and hurriedly shouted, "That... there is a sinister..."

"It’s strange..." Xiao Hua released the thoughts again. I have never seen any cliffs. The dark road, "It should be the illusion of the fairy cloth!"

Taking advantage of the villagers in Leijia Village to clean up, Xiao Hua handed the glutinous rice to Jiang Meihua, and his body shape slammed into the earth.

Under the earth, it is not the soil that is seen, but it is filled with some messy interface rules. This law blocks Xiao Hua’s thoughts and is not very good for exploration.

Although it is not easy to explore, after a while, Xiao Hua found the corpse's corpse in a heavy space fault. The patriarch's corpse was caught on the edge of the fault, his eyes were round and his face was shocked.

The patriarch took a cane in his left hand and a bead in his right hand.

"It was originally dead here!" Xiao Hua's heart was a volume, and the patriarch's corpse was collected and continued to sneak down.

Fortunately, but after half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua has already felt the sound of thunder, looking for a few times in the broken space fault, I saw a pool of size, but I saw it with Xiao Hua before. Almost exactly the same.

But see the pool of this Zhang is divided into two parts, Bicolor Leishui and Red Thunder water each account for half, two kinds of thunder water form the shape of yin and yang fish in the pool, the center of both sides of yin and yang fish, respectively, Xuanwu and Suzaku The shadows condense, and in the center of the convergence of the two kinds of thunderwaters, a vortex of a few feet rushes straight into the void and condenses into a two-color thunderball in the void. Half of this thunderbolt did not enter the void, and there was a thunder to the ground.

As for the thunderballs around, the space forms a wrinkle like a ripple, and the unspeakable fluctuations circulate around the space. The waves shattered some of the spatial faults around them, and the weird ripples swayed in the light and shadow.

"Hey..." Looking at the water and thunder pool, Xiao Hua sneered, and ruthlessly wanted to open a sect in the space. Isn’t this water fire and thunder pool the best gift that Xiao Hua gave to the ruthless?

In the words, Xiao Hua both hands thundered the thunder, and a thunder was born to surround the Leiyan group, seeing the thunder spinning, the thunder water in the thunder pool was also swaying, and Xiao Hua waved the thunder marks of Sendai!

The old man of Qianjige does not dare to collect the thunder eye, because the thunder eye is born, and the inexhaustible law between the heavens and the earth raises the eye of Lei, and after the old man receives it, he has no ability to nourish the eye, and the thunder eye is only exhausted. The ending, and Xiao Hua is different, he sent Raytheon into the space, there are 10,000 ways to nourish the Raytheon!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua sacrificed a trace of thunder, and the vortex that fell into the void would be annihilated. Then it was a shot of the fairy mark. The law of Ray was condensed into a light column, and the hands were tied with thunder, "嗡嗡" In the sound of the sound, the Xuanwu and Suzaku virtual shadows start from the thunder!

"Brush" looked at the imaginary sky with hundreds of millions of Lei Si broken, the law was shattered, Xiao Hua heart and God, to Thunder into the space.

Unfortunately, the Thunder eye seems to be very heavy, Xiao Hua heart actually only took a few feet!

"Get up!" Xiao Hua whispered, in the mud pill palace, that month was full of madness, and there was a strange glory flashing in the mind, "Hey..." Thunderbolt flashed with light, and instantly gained space.

"Go!" Xiao Hua knows that this move must be alarmed by the old man, and his body is rushing to rush out of the ground!

“How?” Jiang Meihua felt the earth shake early and asked quickly.

“Come on!” Xiao Hua whispered and said to the villagers in Leijia Village. “If you want to live, don’t resist! The old man will send you to wait...”

After that, Xiao Huayang handed out the Kunlun mirror, "brushing..." Kunlun mirror light and shadow masterpiece, covering the villagers of Leijia Village.

"You also hurry in!" Xiao Huachong Jiang Meihua and Yan Mo said.

Waiting for the reception of the immortals, Xiao Hua hurriedly took the Kunlun mirror and flew up.

I know, but it is flying out of a thousand miles. "Hey..." is surrounded by strange fluctuations. Xiaohua’s eyes and shadows have changed dramatically. An abyss that looks at the end is in front of Xiaohua, and in the abyss, The strong interface of the stocks is like a wave of waves.

"Oh, I understand!" Xiao Hua suddenly awakened and exclaimed. "Although it is jade, it can be... The actual interface law is similar to Huang Zengtian, or it is a bit overlapping between the two worlds. Where, so there are two identical fire peaks."

"Xiaomou can rush through this interface, but the opposite is the real jade end, these villagers in Leijia Village can not survive in the end of the jade!"

"In the end, these villagers are actually the old people who took the opportunity from Huang Zengtian. They want to live back to Huang Zengtian!"

I thought clearly, Xiao Hua hurriedly turned, urging the light of the technique and then returning to Huang Zengtian from the space tunnel.

Even when Huang Zengtian, Xiao Hua didn't want to think about it, he took out the wishful stick, "Booming and banging..." After ten dozens of sticks, the space tunnel was annihilated!

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and watched the tunnel disappear. A strange and undulating wave rushed out of the tunnel like a falling flower, breaking the damage of the earth, and the peak of the fire was so high that it was so high that it was still motivated. The technique of Guangxuan returns to the peak of the peak where the door is made!

The mountain peak is unknown Since there is a building door, it is also normal to call it a leader.

Xiao Hua sat in the Dongfu, a little calculation, knowing that the peak of the peak is not too close to the peak of the fire, even if the old man of the heavens will not pay special attention, Xiao Hua really let go.

As for the villagers in Leijia Village, Xiao Hua did not think about releasing them. They must have the hands and feet of the old man. After they were released, the old man would start, and maybe find himself. Even if I wiped out the secret hand of the old man in the form of Yuhua Xiaohua, these villagers are just ordinary immortals. It will not last long. Why is it so troublesome? Let them be old in space!

Therefore, Xiao Hua took time to get a side of the world, set up a ban, and let the villagers in Leijia Village live in it.

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Lei Chi has, the Royal Lei Zongli faction has also...

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