Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1049: Another fire peak

After Xiao Hua finished, Jiang Meihua was also silent. Leiyan is a rare thing in the fairy world. It is not surprising that Zhenxian is trying to hide this thunder and make a move to kill the dust fairy.

"This... is the reason why Tianzunfu banned the true immortal to Huang Zengtian!"

After a long while, Jiang Meihua whispered.

Xiao Hua did not dare to take out the seal of the immortal, afraid of causing the attention of the true fairy, he looked at the still coma, and raised his hand again, trying to point to her eyebrows, but hesitated, he knows that the jasmine was stimulated At this time, forcing her to read her memory may trigger the soul.

"Mother-in-law..." Fortunately, after a while, Momo snorted and opened his eyes.

A "mother-in-law" almost came out of the tears that Xiao Hua called.

Who has no mother in her heart!

It's a pity that not everyone's mother is around, they all live in the world!

“萩茉...” Xiao Hua whispered, “I am sorry, your family, and... everyone in Xu Laocun has been killed by that fairy, I can’t save them!”

"I... I know..." Yan Mo was far stronger than Xiao Hua. She got up and said, "Can adults help me find their corpses? I... I want to bury them by myself."

"It’s all here!" Xiao Hua sent the corpse back in the wave.

"Adults..." Yan Moqiang flew up and said the body of his mother and brother, and said, "Can there be a big man who buried other people?"

"Nature can..." Xiao Hua said in a deep voice, his fingers were connected, and one grave was born out of thin air.

When Xiao Hua buried all the corpses, he also burst into tears and finished his loved ones.

"Adults..." In front of Xiao Hua, 萩 跪 蜷 蜷 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

Xiao Hua said faintly: "The murder has already pushed you to the cliff. Can your tears save yourself? Can your grief be revenge for your brother-in-law?"

"Can't!" Yan Mo raised his face and looked at the tall Xiao Hua. He clenched his teeth and stopped the tears. He said, "No, no! I... I am willing to worship..."

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "First talk about what happened, what happened here!"

"Big...大人!" When I mentioned Xu Laocun, Yanmo came out of tears and said, "I... I don't know, that... that the fairy suddenly came to the village and raised the whole village. It’s all smeared, I... I saw you, my mother and my brother were killed, and I didn’t want to live, just follow the fairy...”

Yanmo is just the strength of Yuan Ying, how can you know a lot?

Jiang Meihua whispered: "Your black brother..."

"Yes, there are no messages from the black brothers for several days..."

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua looked at each other and both of them had an ominous look.

"Adult, black son, brother..." Yanmo is also in a hurry.

"It’s time to take a look at the glutinous rice..." Jiang Meihua suggested.

Xiao Hua looked at the anxiousness of Yan Mo and nodded: "I am also doing this!"

When Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua took the glutinous rice to the peak of the fire, the big stone that covered the space-time node was long gone, and some broken cracks were revealed in the earth.

Obviously, that fairy scorpion came out from here.

So Xiaohua is also assured that Xian Yu can pass through him.

"Damn..." Jiang Meihua’s thoughts were released and looked low. "This space channel is not stable. It can't bear the passing of the immortals of the Five Elements. You and I are afraid that there is no way to pass."

Xiao Hua took a look at his eyebrows and broke his eyes. But when he saw a layer of bluestone, a twisted light hole like a rugged path was revealed in the light and shadow.

"I try..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said.

"Adults..." 萩 急 hurriedly grabbed the corner of Xiaohua’s robe, whispered, “You don’t have to pass.”

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua Wen said, "The old man has his own mind, you can wait here!"

After that, Xiao Hua urged the light to enter!

What surprised Xiao Hua was that there was a heavy interface pressure in the light and shadow, as if passing through the two-day interface. However, it is a bit of interest, and Xiao Hua flies out of the light and shadow.

"Oh..." Sure enough, Xiao Hua just revealed that the fairy body was pressed to shrink a few feet!

“Here is Jade End?” Xiao Hua was surprised. “But the interface pressure seems to be no real jade!”

However, when he looked around, a feeling of creepy hair was born from his heart.

But seeing him in front of him is still the peak of fire, the same earth, the same rock, and even the same fire fog in the distance!

Xiao Hua released his thoughts. There is also a village in Xu Laocun, but there are many immortals living in the village.

"What is going on here?" Xiao Hua went to investigate, but he thought about the opposite of the 萩 和 and Jiang Meihua, he still urged the return of the glory.

Seeing that Xiao Hua showed his body shape, Jiang Meihua hurriedly said, "How?"

"There is still a peak of fire!" Xiao Hua said, "but that place should be too bright and jade!"

“How is it possible?” Jiang Meihua was shocked. “Is this Huang Zengtian actually a jade finish?”

"The direction should be ignorant between the two worlds!" Xiao Hua frowned.

"Take me to see!" Jiang Meihua urged, "I am curious."

"You can also be together!" Xiao Hua waved his sleeves and took the glutinous rice into the space.

After waiting for another peak of fire, Xiao Hua released Jiang Meihua, and then put the glutinous rice in his palm, and used his body to protect the glutinous rice. At the same time, Jiang Meihua changed his appearance like himself.

"It really is too bright jade!" Jiang Meihua looked at the moment and nodded. "It’s just that this kind of scenery is too strange."

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua looked at the anxiousness of Yan Mo and urged him to look at the body. "Go to Xu Lao Cun!"

"Seeing the fairy!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua appeared next to the village. As early as the immortals found out, several white-flying old men flew over and smashed their heads.

"Get up!" Raising these are the immortals of Mahayana's strength. Xiao Hua asked, "Where is this?"

The old man hurriedly replied: "Good to teach the fairy to know, here is the Leijia village!"

“Can there be a sunspot in the village?”

The old man stunned and quickly nodded and said: "Yes, there are..."

"What about people?"

"禀上仙!" said the old man, "The sunspot has committed a family rule and has been brought into the ancestral hall by the patriarch. At this time, I must..."

"Ancestral hall?" Xiao Hua has some Nahan, look at the village that is not big.

An old man next to "Shang Xian please..." said in a hurry, "Small take the adults in the past. If you can, please ask the fairy to speak for the sunspot. The child of the sunspot is very qualified in our family. If it is because of some small mistakes, Oh, it’s a pity!”

The temple is in the middle of the village. Unfortunately, the village is too small. Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua cannot stand up. They can only fly in the air.

Even so, the compelling pressure has scared the villagers in Leijia Village.

Xiao Hua had already seen the ancestral hall, and there were no immortals inside.

Seeing the broken ropes inside the temple, the faces of several old men are different.

"What about the patriarch?"

"What about sunspots?"

The old people looked at each other.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and asked: "Would you wait for the patriarch to face his face and not laugh?"

"No!" The old men shook their heads. "The patriarch likes to laugh most, but he has been worried about these few days."

It seems that the patriarch is not a fake.

"The sunspot... What's wrong?" Yanmo still cares about the sunspot and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know!" said an old man in Xuanyi. "This morning, the patriarch called the black boy up. After asking some things alone, he tied the blacks into the ancestral hall and said He committed a taboo within the family and wanted to smash his rod!"

"What is the taboo in your family?" asked Momo again.

"This..." The old man hesitated, no one dared to answer.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "You don't have to wait for an answer!"

Said, Xiao Hua reached out, a few fingers point to the old man's eyebrows.

In a moment, Xiao Hua was amazed. According to the memories of these old people, this Leijia Village was relocated here during the war. Because there is a thunder shelter, it has been recuperating and reviving. All of them have vowed in front of Raytheon, never The immortal contact outside also reveals the secrets of the village.

As for the secrets of the village, these old people do not know, only the patriarch knows. The secret of the village, if there is no accident, is related to the roar of the thunder in the depths of the village below the village.

The patriarch is an old man who is not particularly harsh, not the fairy he thought of Xiao Hua.

However, when Xiao Hua saw the appearance of the sunspot, he stunned. Although Xiao Hua had never seen the sunspot, the eyes of the sunspot Xiao Hua looked familiar with the past, but who is this sunsick, Xiao Hua knows himself. People thought about it again and never found a similar one.

"Weird..." Xiao Hua scratched his head and said, "Is it other causes and consequences?"

At this time, Zhai Mo anxiously said: "Adult, black brother..."

"They really don't know!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "And there is no trace of him around!"

Said Xiaohua looked down at the underground of Leijia Village!

"Adults, adults..." A group of old people, and even the immortals in the village, hurriedly stumbled over the road. "Rain us, if you move the foundation of our Leijia village, the villagers in our village will die!"

"Short!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "If there is no accident, you will be deceived by others. Under the Leijia Village... there is a treasure. In order to hide this treasure, people will send you here and borrow your anger. The change of treasures is covered up."

Said, Xiao Hua refers to the glutinous rice, said: "As for the sunspot, it is because the celestial singer passed on the immortal singer, only to be watched by your immortal discovery, Xian Yu let your patriarch bundled the sunspot into the ancestral hall, He asked the reason to destroy the family of the female fairy, the village was destroyed! Fortunately, this matter was discovered by the old man, and the fairy was taken, and then the black fairy was found according to the female fairy..."

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