Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1019: Empty first cloth and Feisheng's Royal Leizong 3 small

Yuhua thought about it for a moment. He raised his hand and smashed the seal of the card. He took the ink fairy and took it out. He looked at it slightly, but he laughed: "It turned out that Liu Yunshu’s life was Shen Yangshu. It’s a disciple of Shen’s family! No wonder the vigilance in his heart is higher than that of Lei Ming and Lu Qing... What is the meaning of the coin in the ink-like cloth that he said in the ink fairy? Is that what the Shen family wants? ?"

If it is other ancient family, Yuhua Xiaohua is still not easy to deal with. Since it is the Taikoo Xianzu Shenjia, Yuxi Xiaohua has a little bit of thinking and will bring out the space.

"Ginger brother..." Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua, who had already received the Kirin Fa, and asked faintly, "Can you understand the Taikoo Xian family?"

Jiang Meihua blinked at Xiao Hua and smiled. "If it is other Taikoo fairy, I really can't answer it. I can understand this Shenjia. I know very well, what happened? Did they offend you?"

"Look at this..." Xiao Hua said the ink fairy to Jiang Meihua.

After seeing the immortality, Jiang Meihua did not have any surprises. He said faintly: "The Shen family has always been uneasy. They have reached out to the Tiantian team. It is too normal to send disciples to come in. Shenjia is so, Jiang is inevitable! What is the empty cloth?"

"Here..." Xiao Hua handed the empty first cloth to Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua looked at it for a long time, and he couldn't solve it. He still returned Xiao Huadao: "You have received it. If I think of it later, I will tell you!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua closed, Jiang Meihua said, "Is this from Liu Yunshu's card?"

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua nodded. "I broke some of the immortals!"

“Oh?” Jiang Meihua was overjoyed and asked, “Can there be military power in the middle?”

"Military power?" Xiao Hua said, "Where is military power not in India?"

"After the collection, it is in the seal, but it is natural to put the card in the delivery! You show it to me..."

Xiao Hua said that he would hand the card to Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua swept away and smiled bitterly: "There is nothing here!"

"The blood will be sacrificed!" Xiao Hua reminded, but the voice landed, Xiao Hua wakes up again, the card can only be used to sing once with the blood, although he is forbidden to seal the immortal, but Jiang Meihua still can not explore.

"It’s strange, I can’t see anything!” Jiang Meihua returned the card to Xiao Huadao. “How can you get the ink fairy inside? Is it because you broke the ban?”

Xiao Hua wanted to get into the space to explore. He heard Jiang Meihua say this. He felt a move in his heart and swept into the card. He did not surprise Xiaohua. Handwriting. But when Xiaohua produced a glimpse of a god, "Boom..." Xiao Hua only felt that his eyes were bright, and the gods fell within another small space.

This space is like a military account, a military case, a seal, and some other things! Except for the military case and the Indian seal, Yuhua Xiaohua did not see it. Other things were seen by Yuxi Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua has some enlightenment that Yuhua Xiaohua is his own mind, and Yuhua Xiaohua will ban the seal in the space, but outside the space, the immortal ban still exists, and other immortal gods may not enter. But my own **** is sure to enter. And this Dongfu, this military case, this seal should be the ban of the immortal ban, so Yuhua Xiaohua can not see.

Xiao Hua took up the seal, and the message in the middle and the middle was all in my mind!

One hundred and seven hundred thousand military merits? ! !

Xiao Hua is overjoyed!

When he was in the shadow of the seal, there was a mirror on the top of the seal, and the faint sound sounded: "There is no open fairy, and you have to bid for it. You can make a reward! Before you make a reward, you must confirm your identity..."

With the sound, there is clear light on the mirror surface of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua glanced at it, and did not feel the creeps, I saw the mirror is a faceless person without eyes!

Xiao Hua thought about it, and some understood that this card was banned from being erased by himself. The owner of the card was Liu Yunshu, and he had a strong sense of self-involvement. There is no identity!

Who knows, at this time, the sound is sounded: "When the verification is passed, what is the reward?"

"Haha..." Xiao Hua couldn't help but laugh. He waved. "There will be no thoughts at the end, I will say it next time!"

"Yes!" The sound disappeared, and the mirror and light on the seal disappeared.

Xiao Hua returned to the Yuanshen and opened his eyes. He looked at Jiang Zibo and said, "One hundred and seven hundred thousand!"

"Well, quite a lot!" Jiang Meihua said with some regrets. "It is a pity that this military power is dead. We don't have Liu Yunshu's blood, there is no way to use it!"

"I think about it again!" Xiao Hua mysteriously said, "What do you want to buy with this military merit?"

“I didn’t expect it for the time being!” Jiang Meihua said with excitement, “I will wait until later! If you can really use these military functions, let’s make a fortune in the future!”

Xiao Hua is a financial fan. He has long realized the meaning of the inside and nodded. "It is true. What is the military merit, it is useful to the living immortals, and the fallen fairy is only representative of the past glory!"

"The glory of the past is not as good as the value of reality, but also allows us to make faster progress!"

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua looked at each other with a shameless smile.

"The sky is a big man..." In the middle of the laughter, there is a voice coming out of the military uniform. "The tiger fights are about to begin, and the adults are invited to go to the city of Scorpio!"

"The City of Scorpio?" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua did not know where the place was. They hurriedly got up, and there was a squadron outside the military account, waiting for the arrow.

Xiao Hua asked, knowing that you can bring Jiang Meihua together, and then follow the Xianbing to fly outside the camp!

Outside the camp is a fairy boat, which is similar to the seven-pointed river.

Not to mention that Xiao Hua took Jiang Meihua to the fairy boat to the city of Tianzhu, and said that the purple peak of the xiandong continent is a mountain peak. This place is quite weird. The mountains are made of flames. Some of the mountains are thick and solid and inserted straight into the sky. Some of the peaks are surrounded by flames. The inner mountains are like crystals. Some of the peaks are purely mountainous. The flames are rolling in the middle, and occasionally there are some huge stones rolling in the middle!

"Oh..." A huge firepow flew out of a mountain with a flame. The Qingming slammed its wings and rushed to the sky. After the fire, a large flame ran out of its feathers and dripped in the air.

However, Huo Peng is just flying high, suddenly flashing red light in the eyes, a turn straight rushed to the distant mountains!

"Boom..." Huo Peng's sharp claws were caught, and the peak of the mountain was already crushed.

"Damn!" In the crack of the rock, an angry voice sounded, and then the thunder of the "bang" was heard. A young man dressed in a green robe flew out of the mountain. This young man was only fifty or sixty. The shape of the body is much smaller than that of Huopeng’s claws! !

The young man just flew out, "Hey..." Huo Peng screamed, his wings flapped in the hurricane, and Zhangkou rushed toward the young!

The whistling of Huo Peng’s screaming through the cloud cracked stone, the young man shook his body and shivered, his hands covered his ears, his face pale and pale, and the hurricane rolled up. The young man’s body was like a dead leaf, and he saw young people. It is necessary to be hurt in the mouth of Huipeng.

Suddenly, on another mountain peak, another young man in Xuanyi flew out like a flash, "snapping" a roar, the same as the fairy in the hand, "banging up" a thunder lightning like a clear water, hitting the tail of the fire Peng go with!

At the same time, the gradual roll of the easy youth gave birth to thunder, the body suddenly flew up, the same low-pitched, there is a mountain-like lightning flash inside the sleeves to hit the fire eyebrow!

Huo Peng was afraid of lightning. It was first stunned by the water-like thunder, and then there was a mountain-like thunder shot down. Although the thunder was weak, the Thunder was so violent that it scared Huipeng’s “嘎...” The figure flashed and slanted toward the sky.

The Tsing Yi teenager barely stabilized his body in the hurricane that Huo Peng set off. He saw the fire and flew away. He didn’t feel overjoyed. He shouted at the Xuanyi teenager: "Little teacher, go away..."

He said that he was flying towards the mountain.

However, just after he had just flew thousands of feet, the Xuanyi Xiaoshi uncle suddenly said: "Rite, flash!"

This Tsing Yi teenager turned out to be a gift!

Then, the little teacher and uncle in the salute of the mouth is naturally ruthless!

Ruthlessness and rituals are all there, is Cui Wei still far away?

Listening to the ceremony, the heart was shocked, not waiting for him to look up, a fierce pressure from the sky, it is the frightened Huo Peng back to God, with a blow!

"Oh..." Just when the body was slammed into a sigh of relief, another singer rang from the distance that flew to the ceremony, and then saw a thundercloud rising from the mountain peak and welcoming toward the fire. Go up.

"Hey escape!" Although the figure was not stable, he still cried, "You are not its rival!"

"Hey escape..." The ruthlessness in the black dress is also full of thunder, and the side is shouting, and the end is desperately rushing over!

Isn't it the thunder of Yu Leizong?

Seeing the ruthless flight, Cui Wei's mouth is slightly tilted, his face is shy, and the heart that is jumping straight is filled with war.

"Hit..." Cui Wei's low-key is similar to ruthlessness, only to see the Thunder in the Thundercloud rushing out of the Thunder Mountain Range, this thunder is still **** with water and **** blood color water Silk fell into the eyes of Huo Peng, suddenly some inexplicable light and shadow, these light and shadow are not lacking white bones and blood sea, "Hey..." Huo Peng once again screamed, panic and trembling, leaving a few burning fire feathers, fleeing.

I can’t say more to it, I waved at Cui Wei and pointed to the distance: “There are mountains and forests, let’s go!”

"Good!" Ruthless and Cui Wei nodded at the same time, followed by the rush to the place...

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