Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1018: Chaotic lightning

Back to the military account, Xiao Hua’s general account was banned, and Jiang Meihua asked: “I asked you, can there be a Jiang disciple in this team?”

Jiang Meihua hesitated for a moment and replied: "I thought that Jiang's disciples would not bend into the team, but these days, look at the weird Tian Tian Xian, I think Jiang Jia ... is likely to have a disciple in the team!"

"Do you know that this life will not be discovered by the Jiang family?"

"I'm not sure!" Jiang Meihua did not hesitate this time and shook his head directly.

"Since you are not sure, why do you want to reverse the Jiang family?"

"I... I found a shortcut to cultivation, and I can get it in a short time!" Jiang Meihua replied slightly, replied, "And after the true immortal, I am sure that I will protect myself, even if Jiang found me, What about me?"

"Do you think that you alone will make Jiang family jealous, or is it a team that makes Jiang family jealous?"

Jiang Meihua understood the meaning of Xiao Hua and nodded: "Nature is a team!"

"Yeah!" Xiaohua smiled and said, "Before I was like you, I wanted to continue with more people in the team. I was mixed in it and I was not discovered, sneaking cultivation. But you and me, no matter where you are, In the morning and evening, it will stand out sooner or later. It will be discovered sooner or later. It is better to take advantage of this great opportunity and have your own power sooner! The strength of a team is always stronger than one person! And a team that works together can hide better. You and I!"

"And you also watched, the team is not a happy land, even more eager to win better, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not! I don't even want to hide the strength, it is impossible, and instead of directly playing them Scared!"

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua stalked, "Sometimes, according to the adults of the sky!"

"Haha, it seems that you understand!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I am in the sky, you are the leader. If I don't lead the tiger, you and I will listen to people. You...may not always be with you." I am together, the brothers are happy and broken, you and I must work together!"

"Yes, tigers and adults!" Jiang Meihua arched.

In fact, Xiao Hua still has nothing to explain to Jiang Meihua. The Wudao and the heavenly people understand that there are many disciples who are soaring in the Wan Yao world. The fairy world is certainly big, but after all, there is still time to meet, and Xiao Hua His own strength is strong, his merits are outstanding, and he has no reason to let his disciples worship the fairy door of others.

If Xiao Hua is based on the team, he can let his disciples get together.

As for the disciples in the space, he was already designated as the army of the team by Xiao Hua!

Then Jiang Meihua did not return to his military account, and closed his eyes on the side of Xiaohua’s military account to see how his body’s unicorn law came out and began to move in an orderly manner. Xiao Hua knew that Jiang Meihua did not evade himself.

Xiao Hua did not deliberately practice the steps of the gods, but the practice of stepping on the gods is like a stream of water, slowly raising the realm, watching Xiao Hua slightly change his eyes, the light and shadow in the Baizhang space is twisted, the round is black as a human figure Jiang Feihua couldn't help but scream at the void. He couldn't think of any tricks in the fairy world.

Xiao Hua will thoroughly understand the last bit of the **** and non-toxic articles. He just prepared to cultivate others. Suddenly, his mind was moved, and his heart fell into the next dantian!

"呜呜..." If the wind whistle, the understanding of the fifty-two fairy infants condenses into a light and shadow and rushes into Xiaohua’s mind, or the technique of alchemy, or the technique of casting, or the way of refining , cited Xiao Hua's heart itch!

In fact, when it comes to enlightenment, Tiandao Xiaohua does not know how many times stronger than these fifty-two fairy babies. However, the understanding of Tiandao Xiaohua is quite different from the understanding of Xianying.

Tiandao Xiaohua’s understanding is extremely mysterious heaven and earth. After his understanding, Xiao Hua himself needs to realize again to cultivate, or the realization of Tiandao Xiaohua, whether it is Fengqi or Wudao, can accept it. But after accepting it, you still have to realize it again to be your own. The immortal infants are different. They realize that the human races are realized. After they realize it, as long as Xiao Hua has a slight understanding, they can turn into Xiao Hua’s own things.

Even the practice of casting, alchemy and tune, the more the fairy babies can do it, can be used as Xiao Hua's practice.

After receiving the understanding of Xianying, Xiao Hua had some dancing and dancing. I didn’t feel that I was thinking about the battle after the Yuanyuan Day. There were many ways for Xiaohua to kill, but there were not many means of fighting. He thought a little and looked up. Jing Meihua, who is retreating, enters the space with her heart.

There are so many things left by Zi Huanguo. Yuhua Xiaohua swept through many ink fairy scorpions, and then his eyes fell on a bronze shaft with lightning bolts.

Yuhua Xiaohua picked up the shaft and looked at it carefully. I didn’t feel ecstatic in my heart. It turned out to be a Chaos Leishu of Taikoo Lei Xiu!

Xiao Hua began to practice the Thunder since the beginning of Lei Zong, and then met Xu Zhi, who handed the part of the punishment to the rule of the palace, and it was said that there was a close relationship with Lei Xiu.

To the fairyland, Xiao Hua has realized the law of Lei, but the technique of Thunder and Wan Hao is no longer inadvertent. Now I have seen the ancient chaotic thunderbolt of Zi Huanguo, although it has less chill and punishment than the punishment of the palace, but it has more power. And honest, but it is quite coincident with Xiao Hua’s heart.

Immediately after Yuhua took the scroll, he took out the space. At this time, he inadvertently saw the card of Liu Yunshu in the void.

This card is Xiao Hua from the dragon riding adult Qin Xin to ask for it, as a kind of commemoration, Xiao Hua did not intend to use it to do anything, even did not even take a look. At this point, Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and held the card in his hand. His eyes swept away and he frowned.

In the eyes of Yuxi Xiaohua, the card is naturally different from Qin Xinyan. The seal that was closed because Liu Yunshu was led down is just a layer of diaphragm. Some of the marks that were erased by Qin Xin also fell into the eyes of Yu Xiao.

Yuxi Xiaohua gave birth to a heavy light and shadow, and the light and shadow fell into the card. The words erased by Qin Xin gradually became clear.

"Hey..." Yuxi Xiaohua looked at I didn't feel cold, "The poor road thought that I didn't mention the Frost Sword. Go to the Qin Xinjun case."

"At this time, Qin Xin did not mention it. Who knows if he will mention it in the future? It is better to guard her from the poor road!"

"Oh? Is there a banned seal of Immortal?"

Yuhua Xiaohua is more wary, and naturally he has two more eyes on the card. The card is similar to Naiqi in the hands of Liu Yunshu. Naturally, there are other things. In this room, Xiao Hua discovered some secrets...

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