Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1011: Liwei

Xiao Hua has the heart to sacrifice his birthday, but he knows better in his heart. Although he already has the method of sacrifice, his level of sacrifice is still far away. He can only practice the casting of the thousand machine. Then it is possible to make this Chenxi sacrifice successful.

“But it!” Xiao Hua turned to think, “First let the disciples in the space use and perfect this time, Xiaomou slowly realizes the method of casting!”

However, it is a time of tea, and there is a rush of jade in the space.

"This is asking for trouble!" Xiao Hua wants to cry without tears. In the past, there was a jade Buddha standing in front of the jade head. The jade dragon did not dare to urge it, and the jade Buddha was a face-faced person. Yuxi’s shame is not different, he will not be anxious to urge, but now it’s good, it’s the turn of the jade, and he’s not screaming in the mind of Xiao Hua every day with his flies.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua sighed and entered the space.

At this time, there was a slight but bad voice outside the military account.

Xiao Hua frowned, letting go of the thoughts, I don’t feel angry!

Immediately after Xiao Hua stood up and stepped out of the military account, there was nothing wrong with Xiao Hua’s military account. Next to Jiang Meihua’s military account, there were some immortals around him. The current one is facing the front of the account. Jiang Meihua roar.

But listening to the fairy will reach out and point to Jiang Meihua, who is more than a hundred feet shorter than himself. "Which green onion are you? Dare to put the military account here, don't you know that there is no one inside the old man's army? ?"

In the words of Xian, Yu Guang looked at Xiao Hua, and when he saw Xiao Hua coming out, he became more and more arrogant. It was the hand that pointed to Jiang Meihua’s hand and slaps his face, and fanned toward Jiang Meihua’s face!

Jiang Meihua was furious, he really couldn’t think that this fairy would suddenly start! He is not the enemy of this immortal, it is even more impossible to resist between rush!

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua immediately urged the secret technique, and the whole body revealed the unicorn shadow.

"Bold!" Xiao Hua screamed, his body shape had already flew up, and the "brush" flew to the back of the fairy, and grabbed the neck of the fairy!

"Oh..." Xian will sneer, as if I had expected it, the vest will give birth to a furry arm, and there will be a raging fire on the arm.

"Glyphs and small tricks!" Xiao Hua sneered, his left hand slammed his fist, and he did not avoid it, and he ran straight to the arm.

"Be careful..." There is a fairy who will not think that Xiao Hua is directly resistant, and hurriedly reminded.

Xiao Hua’s left fist and the singer’s arm slammed together, “Boom...” a loud noise, surrounded by compressed space fluctuations, and twisted fire, and even the air waves will blow some of the fairy’s body silver. It has to be broken.

"Ah!" Xian will scream, under the eyes of the public, but see his arm from the fist, an inch burst, flesh and blood shot down the arm, even under the flesh and blood, the white skeleton's skeleton is also inch inch The smashing, turned into dust and dissipated!

Look at the steady mountainous Xiao Hua, the left arm of the armor burst, revealing a crystal clear arm, the arm has a strange texture like a snake swimming.

"Go!" Xiao Hua looked at the immortal to see the sweat on his forehead, and did not hesitate to lift his right foot. "噗噗" kicked in the belly of the fairy, and the fairy will give birth to aqua light, but that halo just When I was born, I was trampled out. The sound of "咔嚓嚓", the sage was broken, and there was blood spewing.

The fairy will be broken by Xiao Hua’s foot!

Not waiting for the immortal will call for pain, "hey...", Xiao Hua backhand slap in the face of the fairy, although the fairy will have light and shadow flashing, countless small runes, but these runes They all smashed in the palm of Xiao Hua.

"Oh..." In the sound of the wind, the fairy rolled the fairy and rolled down in the distance!

"Ah..." Until then, the fairy will be screaming!

"Damn!" After the immortal, there will be five more than six hundred feet tall and the fairy will fly out. These five cents will each take a different fairy, and screaming loudly around Xiao Hua.

"Interesting!" Xiao Hua looked at the five immortals will be clothed into a fairy squad, with **** blue light from their armor is rushing out, together with each other to make a basalt, he pinched his chin and looked at the glaucoma There is a smile in the middle.

"Adults..." At this time, Xiao Hua’s ear suddenly heard Fan Qing’s voice. “Fast escape, these six immortals are called the Sixth General of the Five Clouds. Although they are not the strongest in our team, they are the most fierce. of……"

Fan Qing’s voice is getting smaller and smaller, obviously it is isolated by the battlefield, and Xiao Hua’s eyes are gradually giving birth to a dull space.

"Hey..." At the corner of the battlefield, a phantom imaginary shadow came from the water. His arms shook and shouted out loud, the space was broken, and countless waters condensed into water dragons roaring around Xiaohua.

"Hey man..." Xuanwu virtual shadow is solid, it is one of the five warriors, this battle will be sent to the basaltic armor, the war will spurt the eyes, screaming, "Dare to hurt my brother Don't hurry up and thank you for your sins?"

Xiao Hua was a bit uncomfortable. He had expected to be involved in a team and had some bumps and bumps. However, he did not expect that he had just tied the military account, and someone came to the door, and the tiger named Han Yu did not come out, not as good as Lu Yun. At least Lu Yun met himself in the military account.

Xiao Hua even had some doubts in his heart. These wars will not be tested by Han Yu.

Therefore, after listening to the war, he will sneer in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "As for you? What do you want to hide in the turtle shell, I want to let Grandpa Xiao’s head? You don’t even have the qualifications for Xiao’s grandfather!”

Xian will also have seen the world. Xiao Hua has not ridiculed him. He is actually most afraid of Xiao Hua’s softness. Xiao Hua is angry. Instead, he makes his heart happy. His hands are raised, and two are black. The sledgehammer came out of nowhere, and the sledgehammer flashed in black and white, and the surrounding voids were somewhat distorted!

"Kill!" The fairy will be in front of Xiao Hua, and the sledgehammer will rise up towards Xiaohua’s shoulder!

Seeing that the sledgehammer has avoided his own fairy marks, Xiaohua has understood what! He also reached out and slammed his wish, and his body rushed back and sneered: "Don't you all put Xiaomou around? Not all come out to meet..."

"Want to escape?" After Xiao Hua, there is a water column rising from the sky. A fairy with the same iron in hand will show his body shape, cold and cold. "How can I walk without a girl?"

"Haha, it’s so funny, I want to let me wait for five people to come out!" The other three warriors will each take out the fairy, and the water will flood the whole space, and one war will laugh. "This is waiting." Bluff, I see more!"

"A small one came to the old, and I sent one to send five!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is a shameless sorrow, Grandpa Xiao has seen more."

"Kill!" Five people arranged, waiting for this time, seeing the tongue out and no lotus roots, all waving the fairy to Xiaohua.

In addition to the fairy marks, Xiao Hua Zhou was covered by five celestial devices. The five immortals were the intention to damage Xiao Hua’s fairy body.

"A group of clowns! Also dare to jump in front of Grandpa Xiao??"

Xiao Hua sneered, his body was forcibly pulled up, and the water and light that had closed around it broke!

The wishful stick first hit a sledgehammer, "Boom...", and the sledgehammer flew like a paper, so that the fairy would not escape. The great tail of the wishful stick was extremely cleverly bypassing the water."噗 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

Nothing unexpected, **** spurts, the neck of the fairy will be beaten!

The screams of the singer have never sounded, and Xiao Hua’s wishful bar is out of thin air, and he screams: “Long...”

"呜" Ruyi has a long time.

"Boom..." Ruyi stick is playing next to the fairy, "Peng..." This fairy will be worse than the previous fairy, the wind is only born in his chest, and the whole body of his fairy is bursting, flesh and blood. In the splash, a fairy baby flies out.

Xiao Hua didn't even look at it, and the body shape swooped to the other one. The "bang" sounded loudly, and it was also an iron rod. The iron rod was bent by the wishful stick, and the great stick was from the iron rod. On the head, "噗" is on the head of Xianjiang, but Xiaohua can miss the fairy mark, otherwise this stick will have the life of Xian.

"" But in the air, Xiao Hua destroyed three fairy celestial bodies, just like three celestial beings will be the hands of the unarmed chicken, and the remaining two celestial beings will be stupid! At this time, how did they not know that Xiaohua’s strength far exceeded them?

"What is it?" Xiao Hua was so good, the flesh and blood fell from the inside, and the two were cold.

"Shit!" How could the two immortals be soft, and they all rushed over, and the two brought the power of the battle. Unfortunately, even if the five battles are added together, it is not the enemy of Xiao Hua. What is the result?

"Oh..." Ruyi sticks down and easily beats the two warriors into a meat sauce!

"Hey..." I watched the five warriors rushing in the water, and the fairy marks slowly repaired the fairy body. The remaining eyes were all in horror. Xiao Hua snorted, "Boom... "It’s a stick in the air.

The water was torn, the battle was broken, and Xiao Hua’s figure flew out.

"Come out, come out..." As soon as she was immortal, she would cry out. "I don't know if the fairy body of the newcomer will be beaten..."

Seeing Xiao Hua coming out, "Ah..." Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but exclaim.

"If you have time, don't go to practice..." Xiao Hua's eyes swept through the faintly said, "Otherwise, there will be no chance of bullying newcomers."

After that, Xiao Hua flew down the military account, behind him, the battle was annihilated, revealing the five cents of the broken fairy!

"Oh?" Within the central military account, the seal on the Han Yujun case flashed slightly, and there was a voice coming out. It was the conflict between Xiao Hua and the six immortals. Han Yu’s cold face was a little surprised. Is Xiao Zhenren really a bit of a skill? I thought it was the son of that family..."

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