Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1010: Chen Hao

"Okay!" Yuhua Xiaohua knew that Zhang Qingxiao had his own blood and had an unparalleled magical power in the space, so he smiled. "Let him stay in Moze for a while, wait for the magic to shape." It’s not too late!”

"The magic mold is still not aware of the monkey year of the moon!" Yu Yu said twice, "the younger brother is still waiting for Zhang Qingxiao to get the younger brother to the business alliance!"

"Don't worry..." Yuhua Xiaohua comforted. "I am thinking about casting a weapon for bidding. If it is ok, I don't have to take it for you in the future. Then things can connect with each other, and they can bid for themselves. Connected together..."

Speaking of this, the jade Xiaohua figured out for a while, and the space around him was born, he lost his voice: "Hey, the poor road understands!"

Said, Yuhua Xiaohua's figure flashed, and he came out of the emptiness.

Yuxi followed and flew out, calling: "Big brother..."

While talking about it, Yuxi still did not forget to ban Zhang Qingxiao. He was really afraid that Zhang Qingxiao would rush to devour him.

Yuhua Xiaohua fell in the void, and the big sleeves waved, and the tree of the law within the starry fairy marks was revealed. He said with enthusiasm to Yuxi: "Look, this is the tree of laws, and there are various kinds of The law, each rule is condensed into the shape of a star, and each rule, there are different filaments, these filaments are the so-called three thousand avenues! These three thousand avenues are not connected to each other, but they pass the law stars and China Unicom Each rule of the stars is not connected, but they can communicate through the law tree, that is to say, with the foundation of the law, the three thousand avenues can be connected!"

"What do you mean, big brother?" Yu Yu was confused.

Yuhua Xiaohua thought for a moment and rushed to the sky: "Can a friend give a avatar?"

"Good!" A screaming sound, a narrow starry sky, falling, the starry sky slowly condenses, forming a star shape.

"I also come to help..." Another voice is like Taoy, then a river light and shadow flew down, rushed into the hollow star, and the light and shadow then overflowed, holding the star in the shape of a big hand!

It turned out that the cause and effect Xiaohua is not lonely!

"Haha, thank you Daoyou!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed and slammed into the sky again, and then flew under the stars, he swung his sleeves and hit the stars, and said: "Go, go, go with……"

As the voice of Yuxi Xiaohua falls, several stars are separated from the stars and flew out of the space!

"What do you mean!" Yu Yu looked at his own magic and also had a big hand holding the stars, I do not know what Yu Xiaohua wants to do.

"Dao friends look at this thing!" Yuxi Xiaohua thumb to send the card to the central star.

Yuhua Xiaohua has already realized that after the central star swallows the card, the card will be sent back in a moment, the whole star begins to rotate, and the river of cause and effect flows in the middle, and everything begins to be orderly.

The central star turned for a moment, and other stars from all walks of life began to turn.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the central star and smiled and asked: "How?"

"Too ugly!!!" The central star only said two words, and then sent a few cards that made the stars into the stars!

Yuhua Xiaohua was sweating.

However, when he saw the fairy instrument of Can Ruo Xing Chen, the two characters of the "complex" flashed light and shadow, and it was a slap in the face.

"Not like Tatsumi!" The voice of the cause and effect Xiao Hua came.

This is the first reason for the cause and effect of Xiao Hua, how can Yu Xiaohua not answer?

He smiled and said: "Thank you for your friend, this thing is called Chen Hao!"

After receiving the star-shaped fairy ware, the jade 牒 华 略 略 略 略 略 略 略 略 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒!

Yuhua Xiaohua didn't have to come out. He and Yuxi Thunder took their respective ancestors in the Taoist world, and they sacrificed more dust to tell the disciples to distribute.

However, for half a hour, every disciple of the Taoist world has a hand.

Yuxi didn't understand it for a while. When I saw the disciples of the immortal world, I immediately realized that he couldn't help but erected the thumb: "The big brother is really a genius, the younger admire!"

"Where am I, what is the wonder of the day!" Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head. "I am just standing on the shoulders of the immortals of the heavens and the geniuses! And those generations of the geniuses are standing on the shoulders of other immortals. The inheritance of my human race is such a step by step!"

"Either way, Big Brother can hook up such a huge Tatsumi, and it is unique!"

"Haha, hahaha..." Yuhua Xiaohua smiled. "You are not bad. You will be the Lord of the Devil in the future!"

Just as the two men touted each other, one sounded.

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha, Tan Yue..." The Buddha Buddha stepped into the void and folded his hands together. "Congratulations on Tan Yue and merits!"

Seeing the Buddha of the Jade Buddha, where does Yuhua Xiaohua know what he is going to do!

“Where, where...” Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. “This is just the beginning. What about the poor roads?” Well, let’s go out and look at the poor road. Use in the world..."

"Cough cough..." The jade Buddha gently coughed two channels. "Tan Yue knows that he has used the golden thread to help Zhang Qingxiao to pour the body. Why don't you know that the faith can cross the border?"

"This..." Yuxi Xiaohua's whimsy is to lead the faith of gold, how can he not know? He can only hesitate to look at the Taoist world that has been reorganized by the law. He said, "The Taoist world does not need a law, but... Does the Buddha decide to make the space of the Buddha country form now?"

"Why not?" Yu Buddha asked.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the position of the future Buddha Lord and shook his head: "Nothing is wrong, the poor road feels that it is not yet!"

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha..." The jade Buddha's brow was a pick, as if he had thought of something, and he quickly clasped his hands together. "Small shackles are obsessed, thank you Tan Yue for waking up, and the lawyer can let Yuxi use it first!"

After that, the Buddha Buddha stood by and looked at the Buddha’s country.

Yuxi was really overjoyed. He hurriedly made a big fat to the Buddha, and he said: "Thank you Buddha!"

Later, Yuxi came to Yuhua Road, Xiaohua: "Big brother, the four brothers have let me, you hurry up!"

"What is the urgency?" Yuxi Xiaohua "evil" glanced at the jade road Didn't see me busy? ”

After that, Yuhua Xiaohua condensed a Chen Hao and turned to the space.

Xiao Hua urged Chen Hao, but unfortunately, Chen Hao did not react, and the fairy with the previous Yu Xi Xiao Hua was not used in the fairy world.

Xiao Hua couldn't help but whispered: "Damn!"

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