Revival of the Gods

Chapter 996: 1 try again

"Oh?" Thunder was a little surprised. Look at Xiao Hua and smile. "Do you know the rules?"

"That's right!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly. "Previously said, this land is not the real barrier of the interface, but the barrier is not stable or not formed. The law there is messy, that fire dance If the water demon is directly at the land of the boundary, it must lead to the law. This unstable law will form tide-like fluctuations, colliding with each other, making the interface barriers more and more unstable..."

"You are flying ascension?" Lei Ming suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua did not hide!

"Oh, a pity!" Thunder seemed a bit disappointed.

Xiao Hua knows that Lei Ming regrets that he is not a slap, but in fact he is not a slap!

However, Xiao Hua does not want to say more in this respect, and still induces: "Since the fire and dance water demon can safely pass through the boundary, it must have another stable passage..."

"Oh?" Thunder suddenly stunned and blurted out, "Impossible!"

“Why not?” Xiao Hua smiled, and the corner of his mouth was somewhat mysterious.

"The boundary of the boundary is blocked all over the place. Every place has a celestial celestial patrol. Every interface has a sneak peek, and there is no safe passage!"

"How come this fire dance water demon come in?" Xiao Hua asked, "and the fairy world has no absolute mute enchantment, where is the blockade of the solid soup?"

"This..." Thunder is a little hesitant.

"More, Lei seniors..."

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Lei Ming interrupted his words: "You still call me Lei Hu, listen to this predecessor, always feel awkward."

"Alright, Thunder Tiger..." Xiao Hua said in a minute-by-second manner. "Moreover, Tiger and other people come to Huang Zengtian can't have only three people? With the fairy soldiers? They will never turn themselves!"

Thunder's face became more and more gloomy, although Xiao Hua couldn't see the face of thunder!

"Hey..." is saying that there is a strange sound on the top of Lei Ming. He hesitated for a moment and reminded him, "When is the child, you... be careful, if there is any discomfort, immediately give me a voice!"

"Good..." Xiao Hua just promised that the thunderous fairy has been distorted!

Compared with the previous general appearance, the green light between Xiao Hua's eyebrows flashed slightly, and immediately broke through the discomfort of Jietian.

In addition to the two-day barrier, seeing Lei Ming standing in the air waiting for himself, Xiao Hua secretly said: "It seems that the next level of bounds, Xiaomou needs Tibetan mastiff..."

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua still miscalculated the situation, but he did not wait for him to stand firm. "Boom..." Jiang Meihua rushed out from behind him, but at this time, Jiang Meihua was scattered in the silver, and the golden dragon was distorted.

However, in the dragon's dragon's head, a diamond-shaped crystal card flashes the crystal, and the faint space fluctuations are like water pouring, which stabilizes the dragon phase and the silver light.

When Xiao Hua saw this card, he knew that it was not good. Sure enough, Lu Qing flew out and looked at Xiao Hua with some surprise: "Isn't the little friend actually affected by the changes in the space law?"

"Oh, huh..." Xiao Hua smiled. "How to say it is also a second scent. It is always more friendly than Mei Xian. However, it is estimated that the next day will not work."

Liu Yunshu flew out and saw that Xiao Hua said profoundly: "Small friends should not know the influence of continuous crossing of different heavens on the fairy body?"

"Is Liu Huzhen testing Xiaomou?"

"Liu Huwei, Lu Huyu..." Thunder is a little dejected. "Xiao Xiaoyou is a flying sage, he can't be a reincarnation of a long-haired adult!"

Xiao Hua cried and laughed, they did not give up!

"You are a big tiger..." Xiao Hua’s group said, “I really don’t have to tempted again. The reincarnation of the aunt’s adult has returned to the upper bound...”

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Lei Ming interrupted Xiao Hua’s words and asked: “Do you know where the grown-ups went?”

"Where do I know!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "I can't go to the upper limit!"

"How can't you?" Thunder some of the meaning of breaking the casserole to ask the end, "Five elements can apply for retrograde passages, you are all gathered together."

Xiao Hua can't say that he was only Yan Xian at that time. He can only smile with him: "The long-haired adult has the ability to break the sky, but he can't do it! So where did the old man go, I really don't know!"

Lei Ming listened and urged: "I will wait for it, just Xiao Xiaoyou reminded me that this fire dancing water demon sneaked into Senluo Road is indeed a bit weird, I am still careful!"

"Oh, huh..." Liu Yunshu chuckled. "I just talked to Lu Huyu. I think we have some big problems. If there are any traps, how can you bring out the fairy soldiers? This will cause I am alert! No one is so stupid."

Lu Qing also nodded: "It is estimated that the team's dragon riders have orders, they have already returned to the team, and I waited for the fire and dance water demon, fire dance will shield the glass space, I did not receive the communication!"

"Well..." Lu Qing did not refute, and he should have a sigh of relief.

However, after flying for more than a thousand miles, Xiao Hua’s ear suddenly gave birth to a thunderous message: “Xiao Xiaoyou, the long-haired adult, I hope you remember it first, don’t tell others, especially the adult’s whereabouts...”

Xiao Hua stunned, and said: "Why? Liu Hu and Lu Hu are not already known?"

"Oh..." Thunder sighed. "You have been in Huang Zengtian. Naturally, you don't know the dangers of high-order heavens. This is subtle. You know it later, and I don't know much about it! As for the two of them, they naturally know what they are. You should take care of yourself."

"Damn!" Although Lei Ming’s words are very concealed, how does Xiao Hua say that he has also experienced the disputes between the four major ministries of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism? How can he not understand the inner shackles? He couldn't help but whisper.

Nowadays, Xiao Hua has some regrets. If he enters the squadron through the smashing of the sacred elections, he will definitely not attract the attention of others. However, he used the most unsuitable way to enter 樰. The rushing team, this is completely rebellious with his idea of ​​Tibetan mastiff!

Now, Xiaohua already knows that the female corpse in her space must be the predecessor of the and the yak is also a slap in the face and falls from the boundary to Huang Zengtian. Since I got the Frost Sword from my aunt, it means that I know where the scorpion and the green corpse are. After I explain it, I will pay attention to the importance of Lei Ming’s attention to the squad. Go find it. If they can't find it?

Xiao Hua did not dare to think about it later!

Silently flew more than 100,000 miles, surrounded by a huge vortex has begun to shrink, and above the top of the head also began to have a sticky to block Xiao Hua's flight.

"Thunder Tiger..." Xiao Hua hurriedly said, "Is it time to go to peace?"

"Oh..." Thunder replied with a waking tone, "Yes, have you started to adapt to this interface rule?"

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Xiao Hua finally wants to participate in the team, powerful!

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