Revival of the Gods

Chapter 995: Sen Luodao weird

Just thinking, Yu Xiao Xiao Hua thought of a move, out of space.

"Xianyou..." The fairy holding the giant knife will have received the silver body of the guard at this time, revealing a thin face, and he snarled. "That... that..."

"Oh!" Xiao Hua woke up, hurriedly touched his right hand in the sleeves, took out some broken ice locks and handed them to Xian. "The younger generations forgot, this thing was collected."

"Thank you, thank you!" Xian will be overjoyed, and received the ice lock, saying, "Under Liu Yunshu, I don't know how Xianyou is called?"

"Below is a loose repair, since the number Xiaozhen!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Haha, my name is Meijiang!" Jiang Meihua also laughed and saw the ceremony next to him. "I have seen General Liu!"

Next to the surnamed Lei and the sniper holding the rifle will also be known as the surname, one is Lei Ming, one is Lu Qing, are the team's tiger!

Xiao Hua smiled and asked: "The three adults are tigers. The young people who have just said that they are long-haired, do not know the inside of the team... How are these different?"

"The squadron is very big. I am waiting for one of the squadrons. There are still..." Lei Ming said here, waving his hand. "There are a lot of specific teams, and Lei does not need to say more. Became a squad of the team, naturally know. But it is to replenish the ranks of the war, and Lei will explain it to you first..."

"What is the sky?" Xiao Hua is puzzled.

"Only... is the day of the color circle, where the boundaries of the heavens are playing against the demon, the demon or the dragon, and guarding the collective name of the celestial team..."

"What?" Xiao Hua exclaimed, said, "With ... against the Yaozu, the Mozu and the Dragons? Xiao... Xiaomou thought..."

"I thought that the fairyland is a peaceful and peaceful fairyland? Is it a peaceful and unwavering fairyland? Is it the door closed, the house, sitting and sitting, eating the fruit of the fairyland?" Liu Yunshu sneered.

Xiao Hua nodded and said: "Yes!"

After all, the interface war, with Xiao Hua’s experience, has never been seen before, which is beyond his knowledge.

"The fairyland in your eyes is the exchange of life for countless team sages!"

"The fairyland in your eyes is the exchange of countless team singers who will sacrifice their lives..."

This sentence is heard in Xiao Hua’s ear, and it really makes Xiao Hua vibrate! Yes, think about the infighting of the immortals in the fairy world, and then look at the immortals who have never met before they will die in the boundary. How Xiaohua feels that Huang Zengtian’s infighting is low and boring.

"Perhaps here, it is the place where Xiaomou should come!" Xiao Hua thought to himself, and the next thunder began to introduce.

"...The ranks of the six-day fairy will be divided according to the captain, the flag chief, the riding, the command, the sky, the tiger and the dragon. I will do the same for all the team, but the same grade, maybe In the team, you need to have more powerful singers to bear in the future. Generally speaking, the long-space needs the strength of the two-powered squad, and the tigers and dragons from the celestial beings can be called generals..."

"...The real fairy is divided into eight bases: hunting, smashing, stepping, screaming, long squatting, squatting, shooting and empty. Among them, hunting and squatting can be called generals, step by step, The more screaming, the long scorpion and the scorpion demon can be called handsome..."

"... As for the sound and the air, this is not specifically called, but we all become kings in private..."

"...The more you scream, the more you don't look at your strength, you don't look at your abilities, you're looking at the military. For example, the tycoon is an old man. Her old man was Jiugongxian. Because of his excellent military skills, he was blocked and handsome..."

Thunder did not say a lot of secrets, only a little explanation of the military order, the five immortals fly very fast, the speech is at the end of the glazed environment, here is a dark space barrier, there are more than a dozen vortexes such as Chen Xinggao Suspended, in addition to the influx of stars and moonlight, there is also a red-red water that previously condensed out of the fire and water demon.

There are still some fire dances in the water, but the strength of the fire dance is very low, and it is not in the eyes of Xiao Hua and others.

"Xiao Xiaoyou..." Thunder is very enthusiastic, just like Xiaohua is already his own gown, he hurriedly reminded, "This is already the entrance of Senluo Road. The situation inside is not the same as listening to Tianxue. Armor, it is better to release the silver body of the guard first!"

Xiao Hua said that silver light will be released, thunder and so on to see each other, Lei Ming first flew into one of the vortex, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua in the back, and finally Liu Yunshu and Lu Qing.

Flying out of the whirlpool, the front of the head is a huge funnel vortex that looks like a vortex. At the edge of the vortex, there is still a red water flowing down.

Thunder is not flying fast, but the track is somewhat distorted. Xiao Hua has already got his embarrassment and follows closely. However, it was more than a thousand miles away. Thunder suddenly stopped and looked around and wondered: "How come you don't see other fairy soldiers?"

Xiao Hua stunned, and he hurriedly let go of his thoughts, but the thoughts had just been released, and there was an unspeakable sorrow and sorrow from the inside, looming, and some inexplicable temperament, which made Xiao Hua feel a little anxious.

"Xiao Xiaoyou..." Thunder saw it and said in a hurry. "This is the channel that is directly penetrated into the color world by the world of desire. There is also a scent of the atmosphere in the middle of the world. It is best not to use the method of exploration. It is easy to hurt the god."

"Yes!" Xiao Hua hurriedly received the thoughts.

"It is after killing the fire dance, go back first!" Liu Yunshu also flew far away, look at the edge of the vortex, fly back and say.

Lu Qing took a look at his chin and said, "No matter, go back first!"

Lei Ming said nothing, and flew to the front again, leading Xiao Hua to fly high. There are tens of thousands of miles in this flight. This time, Xiao Hua also noticed that there was no such thing as a fairy.

Seeing the front of the head, the color of the vortex deepened, and there was a deep starlight between the textures. The thunder reminded: "Little friends, here is the interface barrier between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian. You should pay attention to some."

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua nodded, looking back at Jiang Meihua, Jiang Meihua has been hidden in the bronze armor, and now the dragon in the bronze color of the battle arm is vaguely roaring, presumably ready.

It is said that the shape of thunder has been distorted, and even stretched, it looks like smoke! Xiao Hua knew that this was a barrier in the two worlds. He did not dare to neglect and hurriedly urged Xianli to protect the body. I know, a heavy pressure like a tsunami, playing Xiaohua's silver body is extremely shaken, the watery suffocation will suddenly catch Xiaohua, Xiao Hua Deng feels the head "squeaky", but also At this time, Xiao Hua's eyebrows flashed green light. With the green light Xiaohua's body, 130,200 green dots were born at the same time. Although this green light flashed away, the heavy pressure on Xiaohua's fairy body And suffocation immediately swept away.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua could not help but praise.

However, for a moment, Xiao Hua felt that the whole body was light, and the surrounding light and shadow had returned to normal. Xiao Hua knew that he had reached the end of the day, and then looked at the thunder in front of him. The silver body was a little dim, and his body shape was shorter. Xiao Hua suddenly thought of himself encountering in the azine jet ladder, knowing that Qi Xian had reached a high level of heaven, and his body shape would be reduced. He burst into his heart and said: "Why didn't I get shorter?"

When Xiao Hua looked carefully, he did not feel dumbfounded. His own figure had already become only 500 feet.

"It must have been compressed just after passing the barrier!" Xiao Hua stunned.

"Call..." Jiang Meihua also fell behind Xiao Hua. He took a long breath and whispered. "I remember that the interface law of Yu Wantian is not much different from Huang Zengtian. How can I... I can’t adapt this time? ?"

"Mei Xiaoyou has some cares!" Lu Qing flew out and smiled. "Isn't the previous Thunder Tigers clearly said? This Sen Luodao is straight through the world, and the inner law changes naturally and the interface is different."

“Hey!” Jiang Meihua smiled at the forehead and said, “A certain family understands!”

"There are no other fairy soldiers!" Liu Yunshu has not opened his mouth. He is exploring the surroundings. At this time, he opens his mouth. "Somewhat weird!"

"What is this weird?" Thunder laughed, but also urged the figure to fly toward the heights, said, "Thunder that suddenly broke into the demon league, killing the lonely moon monster, that is called weird!"

"Can you compare?" Liu Yunshu also smiled and said, "That is the demon league, here is our own Taoist world!"

"That..." Xiao Hua slightly hesitated, and cautiously said, "In the next step, I took the crystal nucleus of the fire dancing water demon. Do the three seniors first search for the memory of the fire dance inside?"

"Oh..." Lu Qing laughed. "The little brother may not know, not to say that the fire dance is the Li Xingjing water demon. The natural soul of the crystal nucleus is not my strength and can be broken, even if I can break it. The internal memory has also been destroyed before the nucleus self-explosion."

Thunder then added: "Even if it is not completely destroyed, those memories will also cause fragmentation. It is unlikely that I will find usefulness when I wait for strength. Xiaoyou said that Lei Ming had tried it when he entered the team!"

Xiao Hua’s words are naturally the meaning of Seeing the three Juyuan Xiandu’s sayings, he already has a number of things in his heart, and he saw it through Yuhua’s Xiaohua... absolutely can’t be straightforward. come out.

So Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, and the fly flew up to thunder. The side was whispered: “Although I can’t detect the memory of the fire and water demon, this water demon can break through the barriers of the two borders and get Huang Zengtian. It should also be embarrassing.”

"Of course!" Thunder nodded. "And it's awkward! The interface barriers of this boundary are different from ordinary ones. The devils or immortals who are too high in order are unable to pass, and are easy to cause between the boundaries. The tide of law..."

"What is the tide of the law?" Xiao Hua was puzzled.

“Is the little friend ever seen the tide?”

"Have seen!"

“Does two different tides collide together?”

"Oh!" Xiao Hua said, "What the predecessors said is... the annihilation and violentness of the two different laws?"

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How did the Xianbing disappear? It’s weird...

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