
The navy officer who came in bowed deeply to Peng En to show his respect, then straightened his back and began to report:

"Captain Peng En, the pirates we are following are now stationed in a place called Mogu Town on this island!"

"However, there are many pirates gathered in the town. There are probably more than 20 groups of pirates, big and small. Among them, there are 18 with bounties of over 10 million. The target of our pursuit this time is the Black Fist Pirates. The captain of the Black Fist Dirk has a bounty of 51 million Baileys. At present, he should be the pirate with the highest bounty and the strongest strength in the town."

"I heard that some time ago there was a fight between the Black Fist Pirates and the second strongest Kongo Pirates. No one knows the details, but many people in the town saw with their own eyes that Kongo Artesan, who had a bounty of 45 million, was beaten out of the tavern and only stopped after knocking down several walls. Kongo Artesan died on the spot!"


Everyone took a deep breath when they heard this. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a big gap between the strength of 51 million and 45 million.

"Black Fist Dirk is a pirate who escaped from the second half of the Grand Line. If this is true, his true strength is probably far beyond his bounty. We have to be vigilant."

A navy officer said with a frown, and then another person stood up and continued to analyze:

"If they enforce justice on the Black Fist Pirates in the town, they will probably attract attacks from other pirates.

Everyone started discussing, analyzing various strategies and tactics, just like when they were studying in the Marine Corps boot camp.


As everyone was talking, someone noticed that Captain Peng, who was standing silently, had a drop of tears on his face falling to the ground. Then his tears fell to the ground one by one like beads that had broken off the string.

Peng's face was full of tears, and he said to everyone with a sad expression:

"With so many pirates gathered in this small town, I wonder how many innocent people will shed blood and tears!! They must be very desperate! They must be very disappointed with the navy, right? We are the navy that represents justice!"

"So even if I am in danger of losing my life, I will never give up! I must let them see that even in this unfair world, there is still justice! Our responsibility is to protect the future of innocent people!"

"Captain Penn!!"

"That's very well said! Is this the justice you carry? It's so dazzling! This is what our navy should look like!"

"Please let us follow you to kill all the pirates! Rescue the innocent civilians! Captain Peng En!"

Everyone on the ship was a young naval elite who had been carefully selected. The average age was only around 20 years old. They were a group of passionate young people who had dreams and ambitions and chose to join the navy for justice in their hearts.

At this time, they were all moved by Peng En's sincere words, and they wanted to rush into Mogu Town and kill all the pirates.

"Really, calm down first, are you guys too passionate?"

A sweet female voice came, and the group of screaming male sailors suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at the person who spoke.

I saw a tall woman sitting on the sofa beside her, quietly and carefully wiping her sword.

The woman was wearing a pink loose coat and a black baseball cap on her head. She had a white and smooth oval face, a pair of round-frame sunglasses on her nose, slender willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of slightly pink peach eyes, and delicate lips that were also bright pink. A beauty mole at the corner of her mouth was the finishing touch, adding a bit of charm to her face.

As described in the poem: The face of a woman is as red as the peach blossom.

The woman The upper body of the girl was wrapped tightly, but the lower body was wearing a pair of cool shorts, revealing a pair of slender, white, sexy long legs without any fat.

Facing such a beautiful woman, no one present dared to have any improper thoughts, because the person in front of them was a senior who was worthy of their admiration in terms of both rank and strength.

In this mission, the identities were hidden to the outside world, because they were now playing the role of pirate hunters, and internally, they naturally knew each other's true identities.

The long-legged beauty who was speaking at this time was none other than Gion, the vice admiral of the navy sent by the headquarters to secretly protect them, and what she was wiping in her hand was Kinpira, the 21-gong large sword.

"Senior Gion, shouldn't we go and destroy the pirates as soon as possible and save those innocent civilians?"

Peng En was a little anxious, but still asked very respectfully.

"Well, don't be so anxious. As a commander, it is the most basic requirement to stay calm at all times. The pirates must be eliminated. We are the navy, so there is no reason for us to compromise with pirates."

"As for whether the civilians are innocent and whether it is worth our risk to rescue them, I think it remains to be considered."

"But, seniors, we.."

Gion waved his hand, interrupting the navy soldier who was about to speak, and continued:

"Don't rush to refute. Let me tell you something you don't want to hear. Pirates have been occupying this town for a long time."

"This town has gathered so many pirate groups, it has already become the pirates' base camp. The truly innocent civilians have either been killed before or have fled long ago. Those who can still live in the town are either pirates or people with close interests with the pirates. Maybe they launched a demon-killing order to bomb the entire island, and it is not certain that one or two people were killed by mistake."

"Ah, this..."

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this.


With a crisp sound, Gion slowly sheathed the Kemperor. She was beautiful and had a sweet voice, but her words were too realistic and cold.

Peng En had to admit that Lieutenant General Gion's analysis was correct. There was a trace of struggle on his face, but he could only sigh and say:

"This is a shame for our navy. Justice cannot appear in time and we cannot save them from the vicious pirates earlier. Justice delayed is no longer justice."

"Well, Xiao Peng En, you are right, so you newcomers should work hard! You are the future of the navy, hurry up and work hard to become stronger, maybe next time you can make justice appear in time and avoid similar tragedies."

Perhaps influenced by the old men in the navy's top brass, Gion, who is just in her early 20s, speaks in an old-fashioned manner.

She did not deny the young people's ideas, and she admired these justice-minded navy juniors in front of her.

The pirate with a bounty of 50 million is not enough to make her feel difficult, if it weren't for her sister Ahe attaching great importance to this plan, and she has recently encountered a bottleneck in her swordsmanship training and is a little upset, so she thought of going to the paradise to take a mission to relax, otherwise she would not come to help play the role of"bodyguard".

With the strength of Lieutenant General Gion Headquarters, he should be hunting down those pirates with a bounty of over 100 million in the New World at this moment. The navy at this time does not have any spare combat power to waste....

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